Chapter 636

Linrich quickly took out a bowl of khaki stuff from the kitchen and put it on the counter outside the kitchen.

The guard just glanced at it, and then frowned with the word Sichuan.

"Why is it different from last time?" The guard raised his head and looked around, as if looking for someone.

"This time... this time the battalion commander did it himself, and it's more sophisticated than that recruit last time!"

The deputy head became more cautious in his speech, he dared not say it was delicious, he only dared to say it was old fashioned!If you get slapped in the face too much, you also know how to cherish your face!
The guard took a fork and stirred it, and the mud inside was more like mud than mud, and the color was almost grayish yellow. Fortunately, there was no unpleasant smell.The bread crumbs had solidified in the mud, and when they were stirred, a large piece would stick together.

If the guards were not for their duties, they would never put this thing in their mouths if they were beaten to death.

It was the first time he tried to eat something in such small bites. After biting a little bit and swallowing it with difficulty, he quickly threw the fork back on the counter, as if he just took a dynamite bag that was about to explode at any time.

"If you only talk about the taste, how about it?"

"Where was the gang leader last time? Ask him to make a new one." The guard said lightly.

After all, the person next to him is the deputy head, and his position is actually much higher than his own bodyguard. It's just that he is the head's personal bodyguard with a low position but great power, so he treats himself respectfully.

Just because others treat you respectfully doesn't mean you can be domineering.

So his tone and attitude are also very face-saving, the deputy head, if it were someone else, he might have already thrown the bowl!Is this something people can eat!

But the time he ate it before, it tasted really good, and even he couldn't forget it.He still remembers the guy who made the food before. Of course the guards would never forget his outstanding appearance. What impressed him the most was that the guy was so considerate in softening the bread and taking care of their gastrointestinal health, which made him very fond of it. .So if the battalion commander of the Huotou army can't do it well, he will change to the leader of the gang, he doesn't care whether he is a veteran or a novice.

"Can't this work?" The deputy head actually knew the result from the guard's expression, and he was just dying.

"I suggest that if it's something like this, it's better not to send it up." The guard can say that this is an exception for the deputy head. He is only responsible for testing whether the food is poisonous, not the taste. You shouldn’t say anything more, anyway, it’s none of his business if it tastes worse than his contribution, but if you say more, it will make the regiment leader unhappy, “Why, that recruit is taking a rest today?”

"No, it's just that he was transferred to another team the day before yesterday." The deputy head was very embarrassed.

Because the guard must know what happened that day, and he transferred that person away, and he knew that he had punished him out of nothing.

"Didn't Captain Belun tell you that the food tastes good the next day? I also told you that night, but you didn't listen?"

Sure enough, the guard knew what the deputy head had done as soon as he heard it.

The deputy leader did know that Leader Belun didn't blame this, but he couldn't believe that the things made by that seemingly unreliable guy had such great magic power!I thought I tuned it, so why don't I go to tune it back and slap myself in the face?
In the end, he really suffered retribution now, and now he hated that recruit to the core.

If he hadn't made his own claim that night, but had woken Lindrich up, how could he have made so many messes!

"Where did it go?" The guard's tone suddenly changed a lot.

The guards saw the deputy head's face turn blue and white, and immediately knew that the deputy head did something wrong because he didn't understand what was going on, and then he couldn't hold back and wronged the recruit.Such a temper is too petty for a high-ranking person like the deputy head, and he looks down upon it.

"Transportation team." The deputy head didn't dare to hide, these things can be easily found out.

"Deputy head, you really 'know people and make good use of them'." The guard was speechless.

At that time, the guards were watching the recruit cooking. The recruit's flowing posture and the use of any material were just right when he was cooking. It was like a smooth and elegant melody that fascinated people. Cooking master.The deputy head actually threw such a culinary expert into the transport team, the guards were really convinced.

"I suggest you get him back as soon as possible. I've seen him cook the food. The speed is very fast. The chat between Captain Belun and everyone didn't end so quickly, so there should be time."

If the guards didn't feel sorry for the new recruit and felt that those slender and white hands should not be used to carry supplies, they really didn't bother to give advice to the deputy head, let him scold the head of Bilun before talking.

"Okay! I'll go right away!" The deputy commander ran out quickly, not forgetting to drag Lin Rich up, "What are you still doing! Go and bring your soldiers back!"

Linrich had no choice but to run away, feeling more depressed than anyone else.Obviously the deputy head intends to fulfill his promise that night, let him carry the blame!He was the one who chased the people away, but in the end, he lowered his face to pick them up and asked him to do it!

Linrich forgot that it was he who wanted to drive people out of his team that day.

The camp of the transport team is in the outermost area of ​​the military area, and the deputy head is okay, he is a warrior in the first place, so traveling such a small distance is a piece of cake.Linrich couldn't do it anymore. When he was dragged by the deputy head and ran to the place, he felt that he was about to die.

The person on duty outside the tent of the transportation team had already notified the captain of the transportation team, and the captain quickly crawled and rolled out to greet him.

"Where's the person?" the deputy head asked as soon as he arrived.

"People? Who is it?" The captain of the transportation team was naturally at a loss.

"The recruit that was transferred that day! The one with the black hair!" The deputy commander gritted his teeth as soon as he mentioned him.

"Oh, that Yuan Feiwu, isn't it!" Unexpectedly, the deputy head came to look for this person again. The captain of the transportation team was glad that he could still remember his name. At the beginning, because the recruit was very beautiful, he took a second look at the soldier. For proof, calling out his name like this should have added points to his performance, "Report to the deputy head, Yuan Feiwu's soldiers are not in the barracks."

"Not here? Where did you go?" the deputy head asked in surprise.

"I was borrowed by Captain Coleridge of the Elk Legion when I was transporting supplies in Xiangmai City yesterday. He said that he needed a light-handled coolie to transport medical supplies." The captain of the transportation team replied truthfully.

The deputy head was so angry that his seven orifices were smoking, how could he not die, but borrowed this guy at such a time? !

But he couldn't take his anger out on the captain of the transportation team. If it was him, he would definitely borrow someone from the captain of the Elk Legion.Not to mention one, he wouldn't even blink a hundred!Now the Elk Legion in Xiangmai City can be said to be dedicated to serving their Tianlong Army. Helping them is actually helping themselves. Can you refuse to borrow someone to help move things!
"How long?" the deputy head asked after suppressing his anger.

"About three days."

"After he returns to the team, let him return to the Huotou Army and report to Battalion Commander Linrich!" The deputy head could only say depressingly.


The deputy head could only drag Lin Rich back to the kitchen, put aside the anger and so on, how to solve the problem tonight is the most urgent.

They can't make delicious food that looks like shit, but they can make things that look like shit and taste like shit.So what else can I do, I can only change to another kind of food to make it through the night!
(End of this chapter)

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