Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 637 Wasting a good deck of cards

Chapter 637 Wasting a Good Card

"Deputy Captain, what should we do now?" Lin Rich asked out of breath, with a pale face after rushing back and forth like this.

"Do what you do best and fast, go, it must taste good!"

The deputy head waved his hand to tell Linrich to do it quickly. On the way back, he thought about it. This is the only way to do it, otherwise what else can he do.

Seeing that Lin Rich didn't bring him back, the guards were also quite puzzled.

"The recruit was sent by the transport team to perform a mission in Xiangmai City, and he won't be able to return for a short time, so he can only make do with other things tonight." The deputy head said to the guards.

"The deputy leader doesn't need to explain to me, just explain it clearly to the leader." The guard said the truth, but the contempt in his eyes was completely undisguised.

Commander Belun spent his whole life on the battlefield, never paid attention to the quality of life, and did not enjoy anything on weekdays.This time I came here and fell in love with a rare delicacy, which was originally a good thing, but the deputy head made it into this disappointing situation.It's equivalent to having a pair of god-sent cards with four 2s in the air, but it turned out to be a pile of shit, and he didn't know how to say it.

But he is just a bodyguard, his goal is only the safety of the leader, he is inconvenient to ask about these trivial matters, it is none of his business that the deputy leader tore up the cards and gave up on himself, he is just a little bit embarrassed.

The food delivered by the kitchen that night turned into barbecued and boiled meat, and Bielun was very puzzled when he saw it.The deputy head quickly explained that the guy who was good at making the food that night was out on a mission, so there was no way to make it. He would ask the guy to cook the delicacy again for the generals to taste on the day the guy came back.

Apart from Belun, he has the highest position here, and the other generals, of course, gave face to the deputy head and said yes repeatedly.They don't really care if they eat it or not, the main thing is that the head and deputy head are happy.

Hearing this remark, the guard standing behind Bielun couldn't help but sneered.Now, that soldier has changed back to the "leader soldier"?Obviously, they haven't had time to transfer back from the transport team.

Of course, Bie Lun felt disappointed that he couldn't eat what he wanted, but after thinking about it, he realized that something was wrong, can the gang leader TM still go out to perform tasks?What task to perform!

He knew that there might be something wrong with the deputy head, but he didn't want to question the deputy head in front of so many generals. It would make the deputy head lose his prestige, so he had to say: "You don't need to do it for us, usually Preparing the three meals for the soldiers is enough for them to work hard. Wouldn’t it be too busy for them to prepare a small stove for each general? In a few days, the commander of the army will come, so let’s prepare a special food for that time. I have eaten this stuff I know, it is very suitable for picking up dust, and the fatigue of traveling after eating will be wiped away at once."

"Yes!" The deputy head replied repeatedly, he was very satisfied that he was not punished tonight.

There is plenty of time in the future, and there are still seven days, isn't that enough for him to get that recruit back!
But the deputy head thought about it again, how could the Elk Legion be so picky, but chose that recruit to help?Could it be that the recruit was criticized by himself that day and held a grudge, so he deliberately recommended himself to stay in the Elk Legion to help, expressing his dissatisfaction?Maybe what he made that night was his special skill, knowing that the head of the team would definitely like it, so he deliberately didn't let himself find it and let himself be embarrassed!Okay, you want to fuck me, right?At that time, I will transfer back to let Linrich learn how to make that shit, and then I will see how I will deal with you!
The deputy head was planning to follow up on this matter, but the next day, the deputy head received a notification from Belun that there was a work arrangement for him to take charge of, and he forgot about it all at once. .

"Hodge, the report sent by the Elk Legion, regarding the deployment of Xiangmai City, I am not familiar enough with the situation here when I first came here, so I will pretend to understand, you have full authority to arrange it."


It's the elk army again!They were the ones who borrowed people away to make him unlucky, and now they are the ones who are looking for something to do when they have nothing to do!With Yuema City standing in front of them, if it is unlucky, Yuema City should be unlucky first, and Xiangmai City Anxin can be behind, so what are you doing with so many things?

Deputy Head Hodge opened the report unhappily, and became irritated when he saw that the initiator's name on the first page was Silas.As early as the day when the Elk Army first arrived, the new head of the newly established army of the Elk Army came to bother him, saying that there was a problem with the defense of Xiangmai City.

A fledgling guy, actually came to say that there is a problem with his defense?Do you really think that being the team leader is great?That small army of tens of thousands of people can be regarded as nothing!
Hodge dismissed him at the time, but he didn't expect this kid to give up, and now he sent a detailed report to ask the various armies to hold a meeting tomorrow.It seems that this kid really wants military achievements and is crazy. I have time to participate in the defense and deployment meeting of Xiangmai City. Why not think more about how to do a good job in the defense of Yuema City!How could they have the time to attack Xiangmai city when the city of Yuema stood in front of the Fenghuo Empire?This Silas is like a psychopath with persecution paranoia!
The more he looked at the report, the more he felt that the report was an eyesore. Hodge threw the report aside and called for someone to reject Silas' invitation.

Sorry for this time-wasting combat meeting, the Tianlong Army has no time to participate, they should focus on the Fengxiong Empire, not on unnecessary things.

In the distant palace of the capital of the Fenghuang Empire, Sabo was sleeping soundly in the gentle countryside.Suddenly there was a shout from the guard outside the door, he got up a little annoyed, ate a handful of tofu on the smooth skin of the two beauties beside him, and then walked out the door full of satisfaction.

"Your Majesty, Grand Magister Arnold is waiting in the living room!"

Of course the guard knew how angry the king would be if he was disturbed in the boudoir, so he reported it before Sabo could vent his anger.

Sure enough, when the name of Arnold's great magister was announced, Sabo's angry face immediately withered like a frost-beaten eggplant.

"Understood, I'll go there right away! Wait." Sabo hurriedly put on the casual clothes and pants on his body, and suddenly remembered what made the guard come back, "Did the great magister Arnold ask me where I am? You Did you answer it?"

"Back to His Majesty the King, Grand Magister Arnold asked, and his subordinates answered truthfully."

Without warning, Sabo slapped the guard backhand, causing the guard to stagger back.

"Speak up!"

After kicking the guard again, he snorted coldly, and hurried to the living room.

The angry face before entering the door was filled with smiles immediately after entering the door, but it seemed that there was a different face in the gap between the doors.Sabo trotted over immediately after seeing where Arnold was sitting.

Before he had time to say anything, as expected by Sabo, Arnold forcefully put down the teacup he was holding, and said angrily: "Since you want to be a king, then be your king well and mess with those Yingyingyanyan all day long." Together, where is your heart?!"

"Master, don't get angry, it's really worthless to get angry over this stupid thing of mine." Sabo first filled Arnold's teacup with tea, and said flatteringly, "And the master really misunderstood me, I don't want to be this good Breaking the king, what is the king compared to accompanying the master to practice hard? I want to be a king, mainly for the master! Seeing the master being looked down upon by that Douglas all day long, I really feel very uncomfortable. Think about it , Douglas’s practice is so advanced, it must have something to do with the Northway Empire, you see their relationship, they are like brothers, Northway definitely does not provide Douglas with various resources at ordinary times. And Douglas has been telling you in a dignified way , to keep a distance from other countries, avoid getting involved in the situation of other countries, and threaten the safety of the Star Luo Continent. As a result, he kept your distance, and he quietly approached the Northway Empire to take advantage of it. The strength of Yamato and other great magisters and sword masters. I really can't see the injustice of the master!"

Seeing that he managed to make Arnold transfer his anger towards Douglas to Douglas, Sabo curled his lips quietly and proudly, and continued: "Didn't you explain this to the master before, you quietly helped the disciple become a king, and we The relationship between father and son is like that of father and son. Of course, the disciple will support the master's practice with the power of the whole country! The master will not think that the disciple is just talking, right? Come on, take it! With the support of the disciple's Fengshou Empire, the master surpasses Douglas It is easy to become the head of the Grand Magister!"

Sabo shouted to the guard, and asked the guard to bring in some precious medicinal materials and spiritual objects that he had prepared earlier in the morning, and put them on Arnold's stage.Seeing Arnold's face turned from cloudy to sunny, Sabo sneered in his heart.

It's really easy to fool me as a master.


Suddenly found that the deputy team leader has appeared for nearly ten chapters, and he hasn't given him a name yet, the author almost laughs shit
Give him a name, after all, it's not easy for people to play tricks
(End of this chapter)

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