Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 638 You Surprised, So Did I

Chapter 638 You Surprised, So Did I
"I think it's really inappropriate for me to get involved. It's better to get rid of distracting thoughts, put your mind on cultivation, and try to break through the void, go to the heaven, this paradise, and continue to explore the endless sea of ​​practice." Arnold sighed After taking a sip, his dissatisfaction with Sabo dissipated in an instant, and he sighed emotionally instead.

It was really hard for Arnold to get angry with his disciple who was too appetizing to him.The time he was most angry with Sabo was the time when Sabo was conspired by two of Douglas's apprentices in the exchange match. With Arnold's temper, even if he was deceived, he should not break his promise in public and be deceived. People make fun of all their lives.

But the most angry time, watching the disciple cry for several days and nights, his heart softened and he didn't abolish his cultivation, and he personally went to find Yuan Feiwu to force him to admit his mistake and correct his name as Sabo.It's a pity that even he was devastated, and he actually provoked three troublemakers.This beam, this is considered to be a knot, and it will never die!

"Master, you are not getting involved. The disciple will be the king, and the master can enjoy the resources provided by the whole country. Think about the Great Magister Linbeck of the Bagal Empire. Didn't he form a team of iron-blooded servants?" The corps is there to make troubles, without the support of this mercenary group, the Bagal Empire is just a group of stragglers! He advertises all day long that he has not participated in politics, but his iron-blooded mercenary group is not affected by it. His command is just a word game! I think this cunning guy, like Douglas, quietly participated in it and benefited from the two empires. Now the master is just like that Linbeck, why not?"

Arnold didn't reply, just took another sip of tea quietly.

Sabo knew at a glance that the master had been persuaded by him again.

"But Linbeck didn't launch a war." Arnold said lightly.

War is not a big deal to him, and it is not worth his fuss. What does it matter to him whether other people live or die?It's just that when my disciples participated in it, I felt that my disciples meddled too much mundane affairs.

"Isn't my disciple launching the war this time because of the right time, place and people? There is a crisis in Northway and it happens that the army is seriously injured. It is unreasonable not to attack at this time. What's more, the guy in Northway who cooperated with us Indeed, with a little help, we can easily win the throne, break through the impenetrable Eternal City, and conquer three cities in one go. With his help, Nuo Siwei can only be a certainty for us to slaughter. The disciples are worried It’s just whether the Bagal Empire will stab us in the back. Now they are standing still, but they just want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight to reap the benefits in the end. It is best for them to stay still. When we take Northway, they are just a group of only A miscellaneous army who knows how to run around in the mountains. After the disciples unify the Xingluo Continent, won't all the spiritual herbs and medicines for cultivation in the entire continent belong to the master? By then, he will definitely become a Dharma Saint and cut through the void!"

Sabo knows how lethal the name "Fa Sheng" is to his master, and talking about it will definitely convince Arnold.

"That ghost of Northway... Hmph, his strength is not very good, but his scheming is not small. Take it, my majestic magister is actually a messenger between you, hmph." Arnold took out a note and patted it. on the table.

Sabo's eyes lit up. It turned out that Arnold didn't come here to lose his temper, but had good news, so he hurried up to get the note.

He was so excited that he didn't forget to flatter Arnold first: "Northway just had a civil strife to eradicate political dissidents. It's a sensitive period. How can the master help us convey the message! Only the master can Northway can come and go freely when the guards are tight!"

"Those trash are not qualified to find my tracks." Arnold liked this kind of compliment, and said coldly.

Sabo no longer has the heart to listen to Arnold's show off, and concentrates on looking at the content on the paper.There are no words on the note, but a hidden magic circle on it, which requires a secret magic method to open it, and the words will be revealed after opening.

Sabo laughed out loud after reading it, and kept feeling: "What a strategy! It's really a strategy! Such a small detail can be grasped, what a scheming genius!"

"What did you say?" Arnold saw the madness of his disciple's smile, which was quite like his own when he was young, so he asked even if he was not interested in it.

"He said that although Northway's army was seriously injured, it would be troublesome for the magician team to defend the city and attack. He suggested that we attack Xiangmai City by surprise. If we can take Xiangmai City, it will not only hit their logistics team, but also help them Attacking Yoma City back and forth, Yoma City will be broken! At that time, take the opportunity of breaking the city to wipe out all the magician legions of the Tianlong Army, which is equivalent to abolishing a dog leg of the War Dogs Legion. They are all powerless!"

"Didn't he tell you not to sneak attack before?" Arnold asked suspiciously. He was deeply impressed by the news he brought last time that made Sabo unhappy for a long time. It was precisely to tell Sabo not to attack Xiangmai City.

Why did it change again this time.

"Last time, he said that he was afraid that the lax defense of Xiangmai City was a trap, and there was an army of ferocious wolves who were good at running and had just entered the battlefield. Their morale was high, and it was easy to suffer big losses. This time it was different. The defense of Xiangmai City was suddenly tighter. Many, but later withdrew again. What does this mean? It means that the opponent's previous slack was not a trap! But after the defense was tightened, it seemed that it was unnecessary, so they withdrew again. And the wolf army has been transferred to the front The location, and Xiangmai City lost the echo, everything adds up to a good opportunity to attack!"

When Arnold heard it, he felt that it really made sense.What surprised Arnold even more was how many small calculations there were in it. It is impossible for a person with his personality to spend so much thought on it.He even yearns to crush all obstacles with his strength!
"This man is careful, treacherous and cunning. I don't trust him very much, so you should be careful." Arnold said.

"I don't worry at all with the master here. If he dares to play tricks on us, the master will kill him with a magic ball, hahaha..."

Arnold was overwhelmed by Sabo's words, and didn't waste any more time talking with Sabo about it.

Three days later, the Fengshou Empire launched a strong offensive in the early morning, and the main force came out in full force.The Tianlong Army went out of the city to fight, and was defeated miserably, almost being beaten back into the city.But they can't retreat into the city. If the gate of the city is opened to allow them to retreat, it will be even more troublesome for the Fengshou Empire to take the opportunity to enter.Fortunately, the ferocious wolf army ambushed sensitively and stopped the defeat of the Tianlong army.

The deputy head of Hodge kept shouting and cursing while commanding. His own soldiers always had to confront other people's strengths in the wild, of course they would be abused!He really couldn't think of soldiers guarding the city and bombarding them with magicians.But this is impossible, if they don't fight, the opponent can attack the Dire Wolf Legion's garrison, Xiangmai City, or even the cities in the rear.When the backyard caught fire, they were even more in a dilemma.When the flat hinterland of Northway, which fell from the fall of Yonggu City, was exposed under the opponent's horseshoe, they were destined to confront each other's strengths head-on. This was their disadvantage and could not be avoided.

After the Tianlong and Dilong Army got the news, they could only launch a fierce attack on the two cities of the Fengchu Empire immediately in a hurry. This is a very smart approach, and it is more efficient than traveling long distances to rescue Yuema City.

There are also magicians in the Fengfeng Empire. Although the reputation is not as loud as that of Northway's magician army, it does not mean that they have no combat effectiveness.

The Heavenly Dragon and Earth Dragon Group Army suffered a lot of casualties under the two cities of the Fengshou Empire, but it also made the two cities feel tremendous pressure, which finally attracted the main force of the Fengshou Empire back.The two armies fought again in the field with the main force of the Fengshou Empire who came back to rescue in two groups. Taking advantage of the good time when the main force of the Fengshou Empire was running around and tired, this time the two armies and the main force of the Fengshou Empire fought in the wild. It was evenly divided.

On this day, the two sides fought the largest and most intense battle in history, and the casualties of each other were almost evenly divided.However, if the defeat of the Tianlong Army is added, Northway will still suffer a dull loss in this battle.Belun personally supervised the battle. Seeing the performance of his own army, he could only sigh repeatedly. They had no way to deal with the opponent's cavalry.It is the scariest thing that there is not even any idea and measure to deal with it.

This trouble troubled Belun deeply, and he could not fall asleep for a long time after returning to the camp.

And deputy head Hodge thought that after the daytime battle, both sides should have a good rest tonight, and he slept more deadly than usual.In the middle of the night, in my sleep, I heard the news from the messenger that Xiangmai City was attacked by the opponent!
Hodge was so frightened that he didn't feel sleepy at all. The battle during the day was too intense. It is estimated that the soldiers on defense were exhausted and their vigilance was relatively low. Doctors and nurses in the field, how can they bear it!
The city of Xiangmai is in trouble!The city of Xiangmai is bad, and the city of Joma is going to be bad too!

When Hodge rushed to the soldiers' assembly place without wearing any armor, he saw that Bielun was already there, and the soldiers who had assembled for rescue did not seem to be in a hurry to set off.

"Just take a few hundred people to see if there is anything that needs to be cleaned up. The spoils are reserved for the teams participating in the battle. We are not allowed to take any. The others are gone! Listen, even if you have experienced a war during the day, you can't take it at night." You can't let your guard down, this is a typical example, do you understand!" Bellen shouted.


Huo Qi didn't know what he missed again, so he rushed to Bielun and asked, "Commander, what happened to Xiangmai City? Are we not supporting?"

"Xiangmai City is fine. According to the feedback from the Elk Legion, the Fengshou Empire made a lot of money in this sneak attack, but was ambushed by the three armies of the Tianlong Army, the Earth Dragon Army of the Elk Army, and returned in a disastrous defeat. This victory can be said to be the victory of the Fengshou Empire The most glorious time since the invasion! Exciting!"

As Bielun spoke, a look of astonishment that was out of context appeared on his face.

It seems that what is happening now is a dream.

It's unbelievable to get a big victory out of nowhere.

(End of this chapter)

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