Chapter 639

It has been a long time since there was any good news from Northway's war. Although Xueyue Nangongfeng retreated the enemy skillfully last time, it was only a small victory that withstood the opponent's attack. Come win the first battle.This time is different, more than 5 elite infantrymen of the Fengyu Empire have been wiped out, and their own side is almost unscathed. This is a hearty victory!

This matter quickly spread to the palace, and usually received news of defeat, and finally received the news of a big victory, which made the king Long Yan very happy, no matter whether he was still on the front line or not, he would give him a reward first.

Marlens, the head of the First Army, was on his way to Yuema City. He also accelerated his pace when he heard the good news. Turn around, go to those two cities to cheer them up, why not go to Yoma City!Even going to Xiangmai city is more respectable than going to Joma city.

Belen and Hodge spent the next two days in a daze.Northwest City, Northeast City and Xiangmai City were celebrating their victory, having meetings to discuss the details of the battle, and enjoying the pleasure of packing up the prisoners and sending them to the rear for interrogation and investigation.Only Yoma City and the Tianlong Army, which were at the forefront of the battle, did not have a sense of participation. These things that should have been done by them were reduced to watching others do it. How could they not be at a loss?

Because of this defeat, the Fengluo Empire has been silent for a long time, and has not launched an attack for several consecutive days, just to give all the soldiers of Yuema City a time to rest and recuperate.Bie Lun immediately had time to think about the coming of the commander of the Marens Army, so he specifically asked the deputy commander of Hodge to ask if the leader of the team had returned from a mission?
The head of the dignified group is actually concerned about whether the leader of the gang has returned, which is enough to show that he does not know what results he can show to the head of the Marens army on the day when the head of the Marens army comes.

Hodge panicked when he heard it. In recent days, he was always full of surprises because of the tension and relaxation of the war. In the state of wanting to relax but not daring to relax, he was extremely irritable, and he forgot about Yuan Feiwu.

He dealt with it casually, and then went to find Lin Rich in person. It has been six days since that day, should everything come back?

As soon as Lin Rich saw the deputy head coming to the kitchen, he ran up to meet him faster than anything else: "Vice head, you are finally here! Yuan Feiwu hasn't come back to report yet! I dare not go to you because of the tense fighting in recent days , waiting to report to you!"

"Haven't come back yet? It's been a few days? If you don't come back, you won't go to the captain of the transportation team!"

"I went, and the captain of the transportation team said that the Elk Legion had applied for a loan from them for a few more days, but the captain of the transportation team agreed again."

Huo Qi was even more disturbed when he heard the news, and he was even more sure that the bastard was deliberately hiding and not coming back.

Thinking of this, Hodge abandoned Linrich, found the captain of the transportation team, and ordered him to get him back immediately.

The captain of the transportation team was too frightened by Hodge's ferocious appearance to dare to ask any questions, and rushed towards Xiangmai City.

It's all booze!If you don't even look at it, you will cause trouble for yourself!He has to follow up on such a trivial matter, what a trick!
After giving all the orders, Hodge just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief when a soldier hurriedly found him, saying that Captain Belun wanted him to go back to the combat conference room immediately.

"What's the situation?" He hadn't heard that there was going to be a battle meeting today!
"The commander of the Marens Legion has arrived!"

"It's here?!" Hodge used up all his grudges and rushed back to the conference room.

Shouldn't Marens Legion Commander arrive tomorrow!Why did it arrive today!
Hurried and restless, Hodge came to the conference room, and sure enough, he saw the commander of the Marens Legion sitting on the main seat, standing beside him was the commander of Belun and others, reporting to him the detailed situation of Yoma City.

Seeing that Bielun was doing the report, Hodge had nothing to do, so he sat aside like other generals and waited for Marens to speak.

As a result, after the report work was over, Marens did not continue to talk about work, but chatted with the generals.This is also a way to ease everyone's emotions. Asking about the military situation as soon as they arrive is too mentally stressful, especially since the Tianlong Army has not had any good results recently.

Of course, Bielun and Marens had the best relationship, and the two got together to have a chat, and then they talked about what they ate that night, and Marens was very interested in what they said.

"You'll be able to taste it when the lunch is delivered later!" Belun said happily when he saw that Marens was also interested.

Huo Qi has the heart to die when he sees this, but no one has found him yet, Mr. Captain, please don't set a flag for yourself, okay!
This time Hodge learned to be smart, and he couldn't watch things go out of control again, so he hurriedly escaped again, and ran out to the transport team to wait for news.

Unexpectedly, just after going there, the captain of the transport team also came back, trembling when he saw Hodge, he said, "Deputy head, the Elk Legion won't let anyone go!"

"Our people, what right do they have to not let people go! Didn't you tell them it was my order!"

"I said it, but the other party didn't take it seriously..."

"Who is so bold!" Hodge was about to burst his lungs with anger!
"Captain Silas of the Elk Legion..."

Although there are few soldiers in the group, the position is also the leader of the transport team several ranks higher than that of the captain of the transport team. No wonder the captain of the transport team can only run back in despair.

This is really a coincidence, a Silas who was delusional about military exploits all day long, but the villain succeeded once, and a recruit who was punished by himself and then held a grudge, good, good, two annoying guys got together!Huo Qi was so angry that he laughed back, and rushed towards Xiangmai City with his bodyguards.

Huo Qi didn't know where Yuan Feiwu was when he came to Xiangmai City, but he knew where he was just by asking. His black hair is so conspicuous, as long as he shows up, he will definitely be noticed.

Hodge rushed all the way to a big temporary tent next to the armament warehouse, guarded by a group of soldiers outside the big tent. Seeing Hodge and several people coming, he quickly went up and asked, "Military important place, idlers are not allowed to enter!"

"I miss your ancestors! Do you know who I am?" Hodge sneered.

"do not know!"

This team of soldiers really didn't know that the deputy commander was a very high position, but their group army had just been established with a small number of people, so they often saw the commander dangling in front of them.The Tianlong Army has a large number of people, and the deputy commander is even more powerful. It is difficult for ordinary soldiers of his own army to meet, let alone ordinary soldiers of the Elk Army.

"I'll let you know right now!" Hodge drew his long sword out of its sheath, swung it around, and sent several nearby guards flying away.

The strength of the earth warriors is enough for these ordinary soldiers to eat a pot, and those who are bounced and knocked down will fall into a pile at once.

There were also a few standing guards who saw the opponent's attack, and rushed forward with their swords drawn. A few guards behind Hodge stepped forward to block: "Bold! Who dares to attack the deputy head of the Tianlong Army, Hodge!"

This drinking was quite effective, the guards were stunned for a moment, and then they were also brought down by the guards and surrendered their weapons.

Hodge walked up to the tent, without any nonsense, and cut out with a sword. The front side of the tent was cut off and fell down, revealing the situation inside.

Inside the big tent, there were many different kinds of weapons scattered in all directions, and there was a long table in the middle. Yuan Feiwu was lying on the long table without raising his head, drawing something on a piece of white paper for a moment.

There were also three gray-haired old men who were stunned, staring dumbfounded at the side of the severed tent, and Hodge stood there murderously.

Seeing such a scene, to be honest, Hodge himself was a little surprised, and couldn't understand what they were doing at all.

But he doesn't care what tricks they're making, he's here to ask for someone!

"Yuan Feiwu, don't think it's ok to hide here, go back with me right away! Otherwise, you will be severely punished by military law!" Hodge sneered.

The worst fear is that I can't find anyone. Now that I have found someone, it will be easy to handle.

(End of this chapter)

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