Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 640 Step on the field? !Court death!

Chapter 640 Step on the field? !Court death!

"Who are you! What do you want to do to Master Yuan!" The three old men finally came back to their senses after being drank by Hodge, and stood tremblingly together in front of the long table.

These three old men, who seemed to need protection the most, actually stopped in front of the long table together to protect something. It seemed ridiculous.

"What do I want to do? I just want to ask you what you want to do when a gang leader is hiding in XZ! Get the hell out of here, I want to take that kid back to cook for him!"

"Cooking?!" The three old men looked at Hodge with eyes like they were looking at a lunatic, trembling with anger, unable to speak clearly, "You asked a weapon genius to cook? This person is crazy! Come on Ah! Come man! Drive them out!"

"It doesn't matter how many people come, I'll see who dares to stop me today!" Hodge kicked angrily, and a support leg on the side of the tent suddenly fell apart, and the whole tent bent to this side, and a corner collapsed.

The three old men were terrified and took several steps back, knowing that it would be strange if their old bones survived being kicked like this.

"Who dares to stop you? Deputy Captain Huo Qi, you are so awesome, dare to come to my place to act wild!"

A sword light with a light blue fighting spirit swung towards Huo Qi head-on, as fast as lightning, and he didn't even know when the man would kill him.

But Huo Qi is also a master who has experienced many battles. He raised his sword to block it, and stopped the sword light with a bang, but he was also taken a few steps back by the momentum.

Hodge was even more annoyed when he saw the person coming, and the green algae head that he hated just by looking at it, who else could it be if it wasn't Silas!

"Captain Silas, I came to ask for my people, why don't you let them go!"

"Didn't I borrow it from you? What? If you don't like it, you can dismiss this soldier, and we will take over." Silas also held back his anger.

This Hodge always thinks highly of himself and sees others as inferior, and always shirks his work cooperation.What's more important is his attitude towards Yuan Feiwu. For some reason, he transferred Yuan Feiwu to the transportation team as a coolie. Although Yuan Feiwu was in the arms of Yuan Feiwu at the time, this kind of unreasonable and self-contained attitude really made Silas angry.

The captain of their family can ignore this stupid B, but he, Silas, can't!Obviously his captain is such a great existence!
"Hmph, let me just tell you two, I don't know what you guys are doing, but it's useless! He's my soldier, as long as I'm around, does he want to get ahead? There's no way! I want him to be a soldier for the rest of his life Guys!"

Hodge finally spoke his mind, and he was in a good mood!

There was a roar, and Hodge frowned, but found that it was not Silas who was speaking.

Looking back, I found a man with an angry face standing not far behind, wearing luxurious and elegant clothes, he didn't look like an ordinary person.

His bodyguards were about to make a move when suddenly several groups of people rushed out. The bodyguards retreated in front of Hodge when they saw the large number of people on the other side.

"Stop!" Hodge hurriedly called to stop his soldiers, frowning repeatedly.

Because he saw that the person rushing out from the other side was wearing casual clothes, but he recognized the two people at the front.

The third captain Kelsen!Fifth Captain Hume!

The name "Captain" does not mean the captain of their group army, but the captain of the Royal Guards!
These two old guys are masters of the sky warrior level, and these guards are going to die!What's more, if they took the initiative, the imperial guards were backed by the law of shoot-to-kill, and death would be for nothing!

There are actually two captains of the imperial guard here, so it is basically possible to deduce who the man they are guarding is.

"The last general Huo Qi, the deputy head of the Tianlong Army of the Zhanlong Legion, I didn't know the prince was here, so I'm sorry!" Huo Qi put his sword back into its sheath and saluted.

"Hodge... I remember your name, and I also remember your yelling. It seems that the members of the Tianlong Army want to stand out not because of their skills, but because of your appreciation from Hodge!" Ya Longjing coldly snorted.

He just walked away with Silas for a while, admiring the long-term knowledge of defense that Yuan Feiwu taught near Xiangmai City, but in the end, this small temporary weapon research center that can be said to be extremely important in Xiangmai City was almost given to a stupid B. It's over!Looking at the three frightened old men in the tent, they are the core figures of their Northway weapon casting. After receiving the letter from Yuan Feiwu, he brought them here for research and development.

These three old men can be said to be the key figures in the manufacture of Northway weapons. They are usually worshiped like ancestors. Like this time, Ya Longjing came here in person. Originally, only one captain was required to follow, and two captains were dispatched. It is precisely because of the protection of these three old men.

Well, an accident almost happened now. If the three elders were really scared by this Hodge, they can be said to be the sinners of the entire Northway!

"Prince, this seems to be a matter in our army. It's not up to the prince to ask about it?" Huo Qi had heard that Prince Nuo Siwei was weak, and after hearing too much, he didn't pay attention to Ya Longjing. Ya Longjing sarcastically responded immediately, "He is our soldier, and our regiment commander wants to eat the dishes he cooks, so we should take him back to the army now, why not?"

"Now Yuan Feiwu is under my order to participate in the research and development of improved weapons. Even your soldiers should perform the task of improving research and development before cooking. Do you think eating is more important than fighting?"

"Prince, are you trying to embarrass me on purpose?" Huo Qi didn't expect that the prince was not as frail as the rumors said, and he was not intimidated by his aura.

Ya Nongjing sneered, walked slowly to the front of the destroyed tent, and stood side by side with Hodge, drew out his own sword and stabbed it into the ground, penetrating five points, the hilt dangling back and forth: "Listen, Royal Guards!" Order, whoever crosses this line without my consent, dies!"

As soon as the death word fell, Hodge felt two terrifying killing intents pervading over and locking him, and he quickly took two steps back.

He knew that if he hadn't reacted quickly, he might have become the ghost of those two captains!
Is the prince weak?Hodge really wants to find the person who spread this rumor and beat him to death!

If he was really weak, he would be able to make the prince retreat a step if he was strong today.In the end, because of a wrong judgment, the prince felt murderous intentions instead!It's really not worth it to form a quarrel with the prince for such a trivial matter!Rumors are harmful!
"The general is just doing business. Since the prince said so, the general has no choice but to resign. Please forgive me for any offense, and withdraw!" Huo Qi could only admit his cowardice, and ran away in disgrace with his own people.

Seeing Hodge running away in a hurry, Kelsen broke his mouth and went to see if the third elder was injured.

In the end, the three elders said together that it was fine, but in turn, it depended on whether Yuan Feiwu was injured.However, he found that Yuan Feiwu didn't listen to anything outside the window at all, and he just focused on drawing his own figure on the paper.

"Stinky boy, what is this thing you drew? I really don't understand it." Kelsen glanced at it and said directly.

"Go, go, go! How can you understand it, go!" The three elders got angry again when they heard it, and drove Kelsen away, and then turned to admire the drawing drawn by Yuan Feiwu.

It was an arrow with neat feathers and a smooth body. The arrowhead was a strange triangular shape with barbs.

"There should be no distractions in research. If you have time to go out and scold others, you might as well spend your time on drawing. You see, I finished the drawing. If you have been copying just now, it is probably the same." Yuan Feiwu closed the pen. , pushed out some paper, and then took another one, "You understand how tight the time is, and you will have to make samples for debugging later, if you are so inattentive, why not go back to the capital and wait for me to send the pictures. "

"That's right! You're right, we've been taught!" The three elders seemed to have heard something that made them realize something, with reverence on their faces, "Master Yuan, don't be angry, first explain to us the shape of this arrow Why is that so weird? Doesn't the addition of the barb affect the speed of the arrow?"

"With this barb, when the arrow penetrates into the body, it cannot be pulled out easily. The wound must be enlarged by two to three times before the arrow can be taken out. This will not only increase the time for the arrow to recover from the wound, but also Increased the difficulty of treatment. As for the resistance caused by the barbs, I adjusted the width of the feathers to make up for it, and the tip of the arrow is also sharp and harsh, and the speed is faster than before. The arrow was made bigger before because of fear of lethality Not enough, now we have barbed arrows that can be made sharper, because the size of the wound depends on the barb to make it. If the arrow enters the body, even if the wound is not big, but if the arrow is taken out, the wound must be enlarged, causing secondary damage. If you don’t want to increase Big wound, then let the arrow stay in the body."

"So that's how it is, it's really imaginative!" The three elders exclaimed.

Where does the imagination come from? Isn't this a very simple thing?Yuan Feiwu smiled wryly.

And Silas looked at it on the side, he didn't understand many professional things, but he also knew that after being improved by Yuan Feiwu, the effect would become terrible.

Then he walked out of the tent and ordered someone to repair it again.

After that, he leaned over to Yalongjing, and said angrily: "What kind of rubbish, bullies the good and fears the evil. Fortunately, the prince is here today, otherwise he won't take me seriously!"

"The Tianlong Army is led by such a self-righteous person, no wonder it is difficult to win a victory." Ya Nongjing also sighed, "I can't help but ignore Feiwu, and I can't swallow this bad breath now!"

"Yuan Feiwu can ignore it, but I can't! I'll go to Yuema City now to let these people understand what regret is!" Silas turned his head quickly, so he clapped his hands and said.

"Okay, don't worry, I'm behind you!" Ya Nongjing said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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