Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 642 There Are So Many Offended People, Too Many to Count

Chapter 642 There Are So Many Offended People, Too Many to Count
Seeing that Marlon's face was not looking very good, Belun knew that Hodge must have made him angry this time, and was about to say something to help him, but he didn't expect that Silas would have something to say.

And it seems to be Hodge's business, how many stupid things this guy has done in private!
"Originally, this meeting might really have to be held in Yoma City. Including the last ambush, I was also reminded by an expert, otherwise how could I have such a clever plan." Silas said, "But it's a pity, Hodge The deputy head is really capable. He forced that expert to the point where he couldn’t do anything, and ran to our side to borrow a place to do research, which made us cheaper. I applaud your contribution to the Elk Legion, it’s amazing!"

"W-what do you mean? When did I do such a thing!" Hodge heard that Silas seemed to be throwing a more terrifying cauldron on himself, regardless of being kneeling on the ground to admit his mistake, Hodge raised his head and roared.

"Brother, do you know who is the person you just yelled 'I want him to be the leader for a lifetime'? I'll just tell you his name. He is the direct disciple of the great magister of light, Levy The younger brother of Yahe Princess Athena. You actually want him to be your leader for the rest of your life, and you will never get ahead? You said you were stupid, now you can know why Prince Yalongjing was so angry that he wanted to chop you off head?"

"Douglas's personal disciple?!" All the generals present exclaimed. The appearance of this name ignored the anger of Prince Yalongjing.

They haven't heard that Douglas has personal disciples besides Livia and Athena!
"The captain of the champion team of the last college exchange competition, Yuan Feiwu, I think the commander of the Marens Legion has an impression? Someone should talk about him in your ear every day, and what he said will make your ears callus?" Lars smiled and said to Mullens.

Of course Marrence knew who Yuan Feiwu was!At the recruiting meeting that day, He Xueyue Nangongfeng actually initiated an invitation to the great magister Lin Beck, so domineering and terrifying!In addition, his daughter nagged from time to time, even if he wanted to forget that guy, and he still remembered that he wanted to adopt his sister as an adopted daughter.

Speaking of the previous exchange championship team, there were really too many brilliant guys. Needless to say, Xueyue Nangongfeng, and guys with leadership skills like Silas are enough to grab the attention. Even Ke Leridge's deeds of winning the championship as a water element magician as the main player made him more famous than Yuan Feiwu.

The most star-studded exchange match in history, but also the bleakest exchange match for the captain of the winning team.

A few years have passed, now Xueyue and Nangongfeng joined the Zhanlong Legion, causing an uproar in the military world, but how many members of the legion still remember the champion team leader Yuan Feiwu?
"Is he here?" Marrence asked.

As for what this person is capable of, in fact, Marlons is not very clear. Although he listened to his daughter nagging there all day long, after thinking about it seriously, he realized that there seemed to be only a big question mark in his knowledge of this person.

But being the captain of the championship team, and having a genius like Xueyue Nangongfeng following him around all day, no matter how you think about it, it is impossible to be just a mediocre person.

"He went to the Tianlong Army with good intentions, and started to help you plan how to improve the composition, formation, and command of the army at the lower level. Later, you can ask him what your deputy head Hodge did. If he wanted to help improve the armament later, he would secretly I went to see the munitions, but I was taken back by Coleridge to provide support, otherwise you want to crack the cavalry of the Fengyu Empire? Wait slowly!"

Silas said that the man was like a myth, and Hodge was not happy: "You said that the guy can have so many abilities?! I don't believe it!"

"No one wants you to believe it. Believe it or not." After Silas finished speaking disdainfully, he turned to Marens with a straight face and said, "The last ambush was a clever plan by him, and this time the plan to destroy the enemy was also his idea and cooperation." Designed. Let’s put it this way, ten Silas are not as good as one Yuan Feiwu, and it’s nothing if Yuan Yuanwu helps the Fengshou Empire. People with blind eyes like Hodge can’t tell whether a person is low-key or mediocre. I believe that the commander of the Marens Legion should not be a blind man, right? If you still want to ask him to go back to be a gang leader, please go to sleep, it doesn’t matter if you fly and talk, but I won’t be indifferent, even if you are the commander of the legion I won't give face either."

"Silas is serious. It is our fault that Hodge did not do things right. I believe Yuan Feiwu is not a stingy person. Let me take Hodge to apologize to Yuan Feiwu tomorrow, right?" Marens was left behind by Silas He didn't get angry when he said harsh words, and said quickly.

The thing here is obviously that Hodge did something wrong. It's normal for the other party to speak harshly when he makes the other party angry. If he doesn't even care about his mistakes for the sake of face, it will be the tragedy of the military circles of the Northway Empire.Without that kind of mind, Mullens would not be able to achieve the status he is today.

"What the hell is he? Feiwu doesn't take him seriously. But I suggest you don't take Hodge there. Didn't he tell you what he did in our camp just now?" Silas sneered.

"Leader Silas, please tell the truth, I will definitely punish him severely!" Hodge's bastard incidents came out one after another, and Bielun couldn't help but want to beat someone up.

He suddenly thought of what Silas said just now, this idiot actually told the personal disciple of the Great Magister of Light that he would be the leader of the gang for the rest of his life, and he really wanted to slash this idiot!
What are you rubbish?The direct disciple of the great magister of light will be your lifelong leader?Really ignorant!
"Break into the forbidden area of ​​our army, wound my soldiers, destroy our R&D center, oh, it's just a large tent. He even pointed his sword at the core of Northway's armament forging and threatened the three elders, that domineering and cool bomber Oh my god, I didn't report to you?"

"The third elder is in Xiangmai City!?" Marens was startled.

The three elders are Northway's highest military aircraft, not many people know about it, but those who know must understand how important the three elders are.Although Northway's armament production is not as good as that of the Fenghuang Empire, it is still developing and catching up. The most important of them are these three old men who have dedicated their lives to Northway's armament manufacturing industry.It can be said that they have mastered the core of Northway's armament manufacturing technology. Without them, Northway's armament technology will go back for many years. They are extremely important figures in Northway's military.

"Yes, the strategy for defeating the enemy this time lies in the transformation of armaments. You will find out at the meeting tomorrow, so it is inconvenient to say more here. Hodge scared the three elders quite a bit, and I am afraid it would not be appropriate for him to appear again," Silas said.

Finally, Marens couldn't bear it any longer, and overturned the conference table in front of him, which weighed several hundred kilograms, and landed on the ground with a loud roar.The soldiers outside rushed in when they heard the noise inside, but they all backed out after being glared at by Marens.

This Hodge almost offended everyone who could be offended. He didn't worry about anything that was beneficial to the legion, and didn't let anything that made trouble happen!
"You really have the guts to go up to the forbidden area of ​​the Elk Legion and make a big fuss, pointing your sword at the elders and threatening them again? Prince Yalongjing is here, why didn't you ask the imperial guards to chop you up, you bastard?" Marens Pointing at Hodge with a blushing face, he was so excited that his saliva spewed far away.

It was the first time that Belun saw Marens so angry, so he immediately knelt down and said, "This subordinate is also guilty, please punish him as well!"

"Leader Silas, thank you for your invitation this time. I will bring Captain Belun to the meeting site on time to apologize to Yuan Feiwu, Prince Yarongjing and the three elders!"

Marens couldn't hold back his anger anymore, and he didn't want Silas, a member of the Elk Legion, to see their jokes, so he personally sent Silas outside the door.Huo Qi didn't dare to take it anymore, it would be strange if he didn't provoke public anger!
When the other generals saw that the head of the legion was seeing off the guests in person, they couldn't sit still. They all followed the head of the legion and accompanied them. It seemed that Silas was some kind of distinguished guest, and a large group of people accompanied him to see them off.

Huo Qi lowered his head and dared not get up, sweating profusely.He knew that if he didn't want to give a proper explanation for what happened today, he knew that there would be no good end.

Why, somehow, a little gang leader turned into the captain of the exchange team, the direct disciple of the great magister of light, and the master of weapon research and development, he couldn't figure it out!And those three old men seem to have a lot of background too!
He now only hopes that their broken battle plan fails in a mess, so that it doesn't matter who he offended before, and then he will sneer and watch their guys with those glorious names come back dejected.

So what if there are a lot of famous names?But that's all!

Recently, a boss offered a reward, but the page cannot be displayed, and the author’s background APP also seems to have some problems, it is displayed like garbled characters (it is also possible that the IP of the boss is garbled)

Anyway, thank you all for your rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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