Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 643 A battle meeting where people can know the ending

Chapter 643 A Combat Conference That Lets People Know the Ending

The next day, Marens took Belen to the combat meeting, and he went there for a whole day.

Hodge was uneasy in the barracks, and later he figured out why he was so uneasy.

Are the cavalry of the Fengshou Empire so easy to defeat?Can a few little brats fiddle around and pretend to hold a meeting to get it done?Reality isn't that sweet.I don't know how many fledgling soldiers and generals who don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth have such self-righteous self-confidence, but they fell under the iron hoof of the Fengfeng Empire.

As a result, on the third day, Hodge, who had just calmed down, was called to the conference hall.

There were only two people in the conference hall, Marens and Bellen, sitting on the chairs beside them, clouded with gloom.

Hodge felt secretly complacent when he saw it. It is estimated that this meeting was not as satisfactory as they had imagined.Seeing that Marens and Bellen just glanced at him and didn't say anything, Hodge stood aside wisely.

"The battle strategy was mentioned at the meeting, what do you think?" Marens continued the discussion with Belun when Hodge was not here.

"It's the first time I have such a meeting. Every step is meticulous and meticulous, and the possibility that the other party can make is accurately predicted, and it is not a fantasy, it is the best choice imagined based on the situation at the time. Listen to their words In the meeting, I felt as if I was listening to a story, looking at a picture, and even the results could be shown in front of my eyes." Bielun said, shaking his head.

"so what?"

"So I already know the outcome of this battle, and with the full cooperation of the prince and the three elders in terms of armaments, we have no reason not to win. This is not a battle meeting at all, it is directly stating the future in advance. It would be a surprise if they said something different."

"This is the highest evaluation I have ever heard of a combat conference." Marens said the words of praise, but his face became even more ugly, "So please tell me, why such a genius would hang Tianlong The soldier certificate of the group army, but went to the Elk Army to research and develop armaments? Isn't our armory here more than ten times larger than that of the Elk Army!"

Belun's face was also very ugly, this soldier was obviously their soldier, but he was surrounded by people from other legions and other group armies in Xiangmai City, shining brightly.

The people in the meeting, even though they looked down on this black-haired boy whom they had never seen before, when the meeting was over, there was no one who did not admire, and no one did not worship.When such a person was asked by them, he was only a leader of the Tianlong Army, and he was called a leader before he had time to change his position after being transferred to the transport team. Everyone was surprised.

Veblen, the commander of the Second Legion, was also present. He was so happy when he heard the news. Not to mention the contemptuous eyes towards Marens and Beren, he was circling around the black-haired boy like a fly, with a thick skin.

Can Marens and Belen not know what is in the picture?But what can they do, the Tianlong Army is really just listening in this time, in the past, looking for Yuan Feiwu to talk was absolutely disgusting.Not to mention Marens, the legion commander, the mission has been clearly assigned, and there is nothing wrong with him at all. If he ran to Mao and rashly snatched the command of the Flying Dragon and Dilong Army, he would be no different from a troublemaker.So he is just a bystander, and he will not find Yuan Feiwu for boring. Veblen must have been waiting to laugh at him with this talent-wasting joke.

"Hodge, I also want to know how you managed to achieve such an unbelievable 'result' as the commander of the Marens Legion said." Belun asked Hodge at the side with a straight face.

This was the most successful battle meeting that Bielun had participated in, and it was also the most embarrassing battle meeting that Belun had participated in.It can be said that he went to the meeting with a sloppy face, listening to them who should be from their army but borrowing the resources of the Elk Army to explain, and then amazed everyone from all walks of life.

The point is that the person in their army has no connection with their army at all!When Bielun sat there, whenever someone glanced at him, they were so puzzled and so thought-provoking that he could only interpret it as ridicule.

"Commander Belun, I don't know why he recruited soldiers out of nowhere to be a gang leader! A person with such a background actually came in to be a soldier. Isn't this psychological distortion or something..."

Hodge now finally understands that the bad looks of these two people are not because the meeting was not going well, but because it was too successful!Even before the fight, they already felt that they must win. What kind of meeting is this so magical?
"Hodge, you are really hopeless. Even if you are a soldier, why would you be transferred to the transport team as a coolie if you do a good job? Tell me!" Bielun slapped the table hard, and stood up awkwardly stand up.

"That..." Hodge had nothing to say, it was his own fault.

"I also asked him about his performance in the Huotou army. Is it not good for one person to do the work of ten people? That night I asked the guards to go to the kitchen to get some food. The guards told him not to disturb anyone. And I dare say that the food I made is the most satisfying meal in my life. And then? You scolded the other party for no reason, and you were transferred to the transport team as a coolie as punishment, tell me what kind of reward and punishment is this?!"

"It was I who misunderstood the meaning of the leader, and that's why I had such a misunderstanding... I knew I had made a mistake the next day!"

"Since you knew you were wrong, why didn't you apologize and get transferred back to your original post?" Bielun said more and more angrily, "Isn't he just thinking about his own face! It's embarrassing to apologize to a soldier, right? Wouldn't the deputy commander Is there a mistake? The head of the group will not be wrong? Is it wrong because of the high position and weight, you can ignore it and pretend that nothing happened?"

Hodge was hit by Belen's words, and he hesitated and couldn't give half an explanation.

"It's okay to abuse the authority to mobilize personnel. It's just a private matter within the group army. But the Elk Legion's insight and wisdom gave Yuan Feiwu support. You don't want to find out the cause of the matter. Instead, you trespassed on other people's military sites and robbed people to make trouble. You know that they are in What are you doing? They are researching and developing new equipment! Are you yelling like you don’t know anything? Do you know who you offended? Fortunately, everyone is fine, and the progress of research and development has not been greatly affected, otherwise it would have been Do you know that you will be severely punished by the military law? At the meeting yesterday, the three big men in the arms production industry that you frightened wrote a memorial together. Quanxiang Prince Yalong Jing is not a member of our Tianlong Army! We firmly oppose Yuan Feiwu's belonging to the Tianlong Army, let Let's hand over his military status! This is what the prince threw at my face just now, and now I'm throwing it at you, so you can take a good look at it!"

Bielun rushed out of his seat and smashed three white books on Hodge's body. He was so angry that he couldn't control his strength, and one of them shattered into several pieces in the air.

If you hand over Yuan Feiwu's military registration, you will hand over your military registration, what a big deal!Without him, the sky of the Tianlong Army will collapse?
Hodge really wanted to answer this way, but it is obvious that the Marens Legion Commander and Belun Commander now value this Yuan Feiwu very much. Isn't he courting death by answering like this!
"Head, Prince Yalong Jing is still young and has no military power. It is not his turn to intervene in the internal affairs of the legion. It is useless for the three elders to join him. Yuan Feiwu's military status is still with us, we ordered him Returning to the team is also a matter of course, just treat him well when he comes back." Hodge said in a hurry.

"Hahaha!" Belun couldn't stop laughing wildly, and Marens' face became even more ugly, "You are so funny, ordering the direct disciple of the great magister of light to return to the army? People really like your bad military status, and you give me a lot of money. I’m telling you this, if you give up your position now, if someone is willing to come back, I’m already thankful! You go to drink people’s family and try it, not to mention how many other forces want to show favor to him and will help him. My teacher, the great magister of light, came here, and you tell me how many heads you have to bombard others!"

Marens had already shook his head secretly. Hodge's words were like forcing Nangongfeng or Xueyue to join the army, nonsense.When a person's strength reaches a certain level, it is not possible to force the other party to submit by force or advantage. The reason why talents are rare is that it is difficult to win their hearts.What's the use of forcing people to be around if you don't sincerely rely on them?

This Hodge is still proud of his military status, he is really ignorant.

(End of this chapter)

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