Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 644 Come on, fight!

Chapter 644 Come on, fight!
"As you said that Prince Yalongjing has no influence in the military world, it is true, but he will soon. You go down first, and when the war starts in a few days, I will take you to see what you missed. What?" Belun felt that he didn't have the strength to talk to Hodge anymore, so he waved his hand to let Hodge back down.

As soon as Hodge left, Belun immediately said to Marens: "League commander, we lost too many core generals in the previous sweep. It was because of a shortage of manpower that Hodge was put on the position of deputy commander. This is my wrong arrangement, please Forgive me."

"Hodge thinks he is proud and arrogant, and he is really not suitable for such a high position. But after the big cleaning, there are more traitors than we imagined. Hodge can stay to show that there is no problem with loyalty. You are helpless. I can I understand. The three major armies of Zhanlong Legion did not disintegrate after the big cleanup, and I already depend on your support, and I can no longer criticize you." Marens said with emotion, "But Yuan Feiwu can appear in your army, it is you You and I have also seen his ability yesterday. As Silas said, we know whether he is low-key or mediocre. This talent must be grasped. Robbing him is not for the growth of our army, but for the early cessation of the war , Drive the Fengfeng Empire out of our territory!"

"I know! With such a genius in the formation, our army will be invincible!" Belun knelt down on one knee and saluted Marens, "Our Tianlong Army will definitely not do anything to disappoint and waste talents!"

"You work harder! You always complain to me that Xueyue Nangongfeng joined the Feilong Dilong Army, which is unfair to you, so I also hope that you can get such talents as you wish. But you have wasted your own great advantages, and you can only Bear the consequences yourself. I have nothing to hide from you and me. I will tell you clearly that I will let the Tianlong Dilong army fight for Yuan Feiwu together. The pair of emotional cards Xueyue and Nangongfeng may still have a chance to keep Yuan Feiwu in Zhanlong. Legion. But if you succeed at that time, you have to understand that the Tianlong Army cannot stay in the main position on the front line. This time I gave you a chance to prove yourself, and you will know how you perform. If even Yuan Feiwu fails to stay , and put you in the core position, I believe that you yourself will not be able to feel at ease."

Marens spoke in detail for a long time, then got up and patted Bielun, and left with a sigh.

Bielun walked in Marens for a long time, but he couldn't come back to his senses. He understood what Marens meant, and he would not give himself any protection for Yuan Feiwu.They even encouraged the other two armies to rob people, even if they were fighting against them, they had to grab them. As long as they could keep this person, it didn't matter if the Tianlong army didn't get too powerful.

Because this person is worth it, even if the Tianlong Army is reduced to the status of soy sauce.

Three days later, the Northway Empire fought against the Fengshou Empire.

Although the Fengjiao Empire had suffered heavy infantry losses before, the main force of the cavalry was still there. How could the already worried Fengbao Empire allow Northway to show off in the wild.

The all-red-saddle and red-armored Fengyu Empire cavalry rushed out of the city gate, and [-] cavalry galloped at high speed in the field, looking chaotic, and the mud, grass and dust behind them were also in a mess.But when they came to the place where the Northway Empire was fighting, the cavalry of the Fengshou Empire unknowingly formed a long square formation, changing formations as they wished, which is enough to see that the cavalry of the Fengshou Empire How well trained.

After the cavalry, the infantry of the Fengyu Empire lined up, and the main commanding generals were also inside. This is a typical formation of troops for a battle between the two armies.The previous battles of the Fengyu Empire were just sending out cavalry for a while, but just such a rush has already beaten the Northway Empire without temper, coming and going quickly, so that Northway has a group of heavy fire magic Teachers are useless.

When the soldiers of the Fengshou Empire arrived at the place, they could see the open terrain.They could see that the other side was also infantry in the rear, and a cavalry phalanx was parked lifelessly in front.

Judging from the size of the phalanx, it is not known whether there are three thousand cavalry.As for why they were said to be lifeless, it was because they were all wearing dark black armor, and the heavy helmets covered their entire faces, making their eyes almost invisible.

Northway is so kind to come to fight, relying on these thick armored cavalry?
The generals of the Fengshou Empire looked at each other and laughed at Nuo Siwei.

If this method is effective, the cavalry of Fengshou Empire can retire early!

Their cavalry is strong, in addition to their excellent riding skills, they are also strong in weapons!A sharp spear made with the highest forging technology of Wangnanxing, coupled with the speed of riding a horse, is invincible!No matter how thick the armor is, as long as the sharp spear hits it, it will still stab and fall!
"Report! There are ferocious wolves ambushing on the left and right sides!" A spy reported to the general of the Fengshou Empire.

"Understood, it's not that I don't have eyes. Haha, this is also called an ambush." ​​The general waved the spies back.

The terrain is too flat, and the general can easily see the turbulent heads on both sides with his naked eyes. Do we still need to report?

However, the generals of the Fengyu Empire would not relax their vigilance, and passed on the order: "Infantry stand by with shields, be careful to flank the enemy's charge. Magicians are ready for battle. If the opponent dares to come, give the opponent a hard blow first. The cavalry will drive the opponent away in a while Afterwards, you can turn around and outflank these two groups of ambush soldiers, and beating up the members of the Dire Wolf Army can be regarded as cutting Northway's wings!"

"Yes!" The three armies echoed together, with a fierce momentum.

On the other hand, the army of the Northway Empire is still lifeless.

But that team of dark cavalry was mobilized silently and lifelessly.

Wearing heavy armor, even the horse's body is covered with a thick iron helmet, and the horse's load is considerable.Sure enough, the horse's start was even slower than a snail, and it took hundreds of meters to run so fast.

At the end of the team, on a military carriage, the three old men and Yuan Feiwu stood on the roof, and beside them were Yalong Jing, Marens Belen and other melon-eaters who only had the task of watching the battle.Huo Qi was also there, but he stayed in the distance dingy, not daring to be discovered by Sanlao and others.He is the most focused one on the field, but he wants to see how the tactics of Marens and Belen who scolded him bloody can shine!He was looking forward to hitting everyone in the face!
The three elders saw that their well-built heavy cavalry finally started, and one of them couldn't help but excitedly said: "The time is too short, otherwise we can still adjust the color, all the metal primary colors are black and autumn, so fucking ugly! And the quantity is too small , Not enough momentum!"

"The color is not important. It's useless if there are too many. How can we find so much flat ground for such heavy cavalry?" Yuan Feiwu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The three elders heard what their most admired Master Yuan said, and quickly said yes, what you said was right!We don't care about those vain surfaces!
Seeing the sycophant appearance of the three elders who have always been proud and arrogant, Marens and others were all amazed!

"Let them see what cavalry is!"

On the other hand, the Fengxiu Empire did not expect that the other party would save the general from yelling and cursing, and they were even more anxious to do it than they were.

The leading cavalry general sneered and rushed out with the cavalry, only a dozen meters away, so the speed should be ashamed to make the opponent's heavy cavalry meet.

"A detour or a frontal assault?" a lieutenant asked.

"Circumvention? Do you think their heavy hoofs will smash through our rear army! Of course, we will attack in the front and let them know what cavalry is!" The general shouted.

Then after the heavy cavalry increased their speed, the formation began to change, stretching out into a straight line. With 3000 people lined up, even if the cavalry of the Fengshou Empire wanted to go around, it would take a lot of effort.

The general immediately adjusted his formation after seeing it: "Vertical assault formation! Pierce their formation!"

Following the command of the general, the cavalry team neatly formed into a thick vertical column, like an arrow, and rushed towards the thin army with the strongest force.

Breaking the surface with points, the number of people still has an advantage, the opponent's breaking formation is simply full of loopholes, there is no reason not to break it!

(End of this chapter)

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