Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 645 Show the art of forging in the most brutal way

Chapter 645 Show the art of forging in the most brutal way

"The army is pressing!" Silas shouted riding a white horse, and rushed out first.

This battle was the first time Northway and the Fengshou Empire confronted each other head-on, and both of them fought with all their strength.This kind of big battle should have been commanded by someone at the level of a legion commander like Marens, but it would never be the turn of the Elk Legion, the newly established combat group commander of the non-combat legion.

But once the battle meeting was held, no one had any objection to this arrangement.Several important characters at the meeting, the planner Renyuan Feiwu, the main battle executor Xueyue Nangongfeng, and Ya Longjing who provided technical support, all recommended Silas to lead the army. Who would dare to object?Marrence, who is most qualified to object, knows that he is a soy sauce character this time, let alone raise an objection.

The infantry brigade at the rear looked at each other when they heard the order. They were a mixed army formed by the Elk Legion and the Feilong Dilong Army. Seeing that the two cavalry phalanxes in front hadn't fought yet, they pressed on?In case their cavalry is defeated, they can only be chased away by the opponent's cavalry!

But the bounden duty of a soldier is to obey orders!

Northway's rear brigade began to move forward, and the phalanx of 10 people rushed forward in a huge array, and it was difficult for Feng Shao's army not to see their actions on this endless plain.

"General, the opponent's infantry is pressing on!" The lieutenant-general of the cavalry of the Fengshou Empire shouted.

"Come here to die! After a while, pierce the opponent's phalanx, go straight to the center of the opponent's infantry, and win the head of the opponent's general, so that our cavalry can make another great contribution!" The general laughed.

Listening to the general's words, the cavalry became even more imposing, as if the opposing general's head was within easy reach!

"Mr. Yuan Feiwu, during the meeting that day, can you explain to me the part you had reserved? What reason did you use to determine that our group of weird heavy cavalry can defeat each other. What we rely on is these Heavy armor?"

Although Bielun said that after listening to the meeting, he felt that the result was obvious, but he still didn't understand many of the details, because those parts were high-level secrets, and even many generals present could not know. Not qualified to know.Now that two cavalrymen with very different styles are about to confront each other, I still couldn't help but sweat for Northway's cavalry, so I leaned over and asked softly.

"The spear is the king of all soldiers. You will know the usefulness of heavy armor after a while, but the real trump card of our cavalry team is the long spear." Yuan Feiwu turned his head and said with a smile.

"Long spears? I think the Fengshou Empire's spears have reached the pinnacle of sharpness. What's the point of your transformation of our spears?" This is the first time that Bielun had a conversation with Yuan Feiwu, and Yuan Feiwu didn't treat him at all. What emotions did this member of the Tianlong Army have, and quickly continued to open the chatterbox.

"Sharp spears can attack and defend freely, but now the competition is cavalry. Under the condition of acceleration of gravity, it doesn't matter whether the spear is sharp or not."

Yuan Feiwu had just finished speaking, and the three elders were suffocated because they couldn't tell the secret of their heavy armored soldiers before, so they rushed to talk to Bielun one by one.After talking about a lot of professional knowledge, he found out that this guy was actually a member of the Tianlong Army, so he quickly returned to his cold appearance and cursed bitterly, making Bielun dumbfounded, and he could no longer get close to Yuan Feiwu.

Lifeless and vigorous, few and many, lined up scattered formations and arrow-shaped charge formations, clumsy and procrastinated and light and flexible, no matter how you look at it, it seems that two teams of cavalry have come into contact with a pair of antonyms.

The cavalry of the Fengyu Empire wielded their long spears, and the sharp point shone with a dangerous cold light. They were confident that they could pierce through any armor with it.

The cavalry of the Northway Empire also raised their spears. The thick handles of the guns made the cavalry of the Fengyu Empire want to laugh. Can they swing such a huge spear?Before they raised their spears, they would have already fallen under their own spears!
Looking at the tip of the spear again, it's just that the tip of the gun is actually one meter long, and two sharp blades branch out from the bottom of the tip, like a small cross.With these extra things, wouldn't it be even heavier!The huge tip of the gun still looks a little blunt, is it because it is too thick to be sharpened? !

I have never seen anything more ridiculous than this thing!

"This battle is a battle of spears. The reason why we will win is simply because our spears are longer." Yuan Feiwu seemed to be talking to himself, but the voice matched the reality they saw, shocking with their hearts.

The cavalry of the Fengyu Empire raised their spears with a smile, chopping or stabbing extremely tricky; while the cavalry of the Northway Empire moved very simply, slowly raising their spears, holding them firmly, facing the front, not dodging Don't retreat, just move forward.

The tip of the gun flashing coldly pierced their hearts from all directions.

The cavalrymen of the Fengyuan Empire saw that the heavy spears of the heavy cavalry on the opposite side could not keep up with their movements at all, and waited happily to see the blood spray.

Suddenly they were stunned, and they realized that the opponent's huge spear was not only huge, but also so long.The tip of his gun was so long that he missed the opponent's body by a hair, but he was already lifted up by a huge force!
dong dong dong dong!

Everyone present was surprised for a moment. It was the first time they saw the cavalry of both sides charging and colliding, and they made a dense sound similar to the sound of drums!
That was the sound of broken bones, metal and flesh knocking!
Every time there was a sound of knocking, a cavalry soldier of the Fengshou Empire was picked up by the giant spear. The sharp point, which didn't look sharp at all, still pierced through their bodies with a huge momentum.It is precisely because those giant guns are not sharp enough that when they pierce their bodies, they will make a knocking sound that breaks bones!
After Northway's cavalry pierced through the first batch of enemies in the head-on confrontation, the enemy's corpse was hung on the giant gun, stuck on the two forked blades at the lower end of the gun head, and continued to charge forward.The heavy sprinting of the heavy cavalry would not be stopped by the impact of a mere cavalry from the Fengshou Empire. The next cavalry that was hit hung himself on the giant spear again, and the horse was directly smashed and smashed, blood and blood flying everywhere.

Now everyone finally knows what is the use of the forked blade on the heavy cavalry spear of the Northway Empire. It is used to prevent the corpse from being pierced by the giant spear and slipping into their hands, hindering them. The gun action!
Simply put, it is used to hang the corpse of the enemy!Just understanding the function of this thing is enough to make all the soldiers of the Northway Empire feel excited!The weapons we made have been prepared in advance to hang the enemy's corpse, how mighty and domineering!

With only one face-to-face, the Northway heavy cavalry armed with giant guns, instantly broke through the cavalry arrows in the place, and continued to move forward carrying several corpses pierced through the guns.The full-face helmet looks extremely cold, and the blood of the enemy splattered on the black armor looks a bit more bleak. This picture shocked everyone on the field.

All of this is the result of Yuan Feiwu's research and development. The weight and length ratio of armor, stirrups, horse helmets, and spears. All these things complement each other to create a complete set of equipment that can perfectly exert the impact. The power of weight and speed All converge on the tip of the gun.Without the customization and coordination of any part, perfection cannot be achieved. This is where Yuan Feiwu conquered the three elders, and his experience in equipment forging was completely beyond their imagination.It seems that this person's understanding of equipment is not at the same level as theirs, and he is far ahead.

"They...they are simply monsters on the battlefield!" Bielun couldn't help but said in a daze.


Maybe so.

The cavalry in Mortal Realm have a different way of attacking. They pay more attention to flexibility and mobility. They combine attack and impact and are very versatile.But they have never seen a cavalry that really exerts its impact to the limit and expresses the purest function of a cavalry.

Now Yuan Feiwu puts the earth in the age of cold weapons, and the heavy cavalry that once prevailed in the West for a long time reappeared in the mortal world.

There is absolutely no need for skills or anything. Compared with the cavalry who are proficient in horsemanship that the opponent has spent so much effort to cultivate, their heavy cavalry only needs to be able to ride horses if they have the strength.

(End of this chapter)

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