Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 646 Anticipating the enemy's opportunity, targeting at every step!

Chapter 646 Anticipating the enemy's opportunity, targeting at every step!
"Don't be intimidated by them! They're just cumbersome guys, and if they stop, they can only be slaughtered!" The general of the Fengshou Empire said loudly.

What he said was indeed correct, the speed of the front row of heavy cavalry gradually slowed down, four or five corpses were already hanging on the tip of their guns, after so many collisions, no matter how powerful the impact force should be, it should be almost worn away.

When the heavy cavalry stopped, their combat effectiveness could be said to be almost zero.The huge long spear is very lethal when swung, but when they slowly raised the giant spear, they would have been chopped into meat paste.Especially with so many corpses on it, the weight is even more extraordinary, no one will wait for them to slowly take off the corpses before launching an attack.

On the other hand, the spears of the cavalrymen of the Fengshou Empire were high-grade goods produced by Wangnanxing. The wear resistance and weight reduction of the black purple iron made the spears of the Fengshou Empire light and sharp, and they had extremely high combat effectiveness even when they stood still and fought.

Unexpected things happened again, those heavy cavalrymen whose speed dropped sharply simply fell off their horses and rolled to the ground without struggling.The heavy cavalry behind them still had the impact, stepping on their flesh and continuing to charge forward, and sent several rows of cavalry from the Fengshou Empire flying.

Belun now understands that the heavy armor of those heavy cavalry is used to increase weight.Another use is to protect yourself from being trampled into meat by horseshoes when you fall on the ground!This fall is actually protecting yourself!

The impact of the heavy cavalry was not over yet, but the cavalry of the Fengshou Empire slowed down and stopped.They are arrow formations, dense and all in the same straight line. The cavalry in front either fell or slowed down, making it impossible for the cavalry in the rear to move forward.And the formation advantage of the heavy cavalry was brought into play, their heavy cavalry fell as soon as they fell, and there were not many heavy cavalry in the rear, so they were not afraid to slow down their speed.

And whenever the heavy cavalry in front of them felt that they had no impact, they turned over and fell off the horse decisively, without affecting the impact of the teammates behind them.On the contrary, the Fengshou Empire could not disperse the formation with a large number of people, and the formation was affected.

The stopped cavalry also lost their advantage. The generals of the Fengshou Empire saw that their troops had all stopped, and quickly called them to disperse and speed up!If you can't force it, then play more flexibly!
At this time, the flexibility advantage of the cavalry of the Fengshou Empire was shown, and they scattered to both sides without any hindrance. As long as they were given a little space, they could quickly pick up their speed again. Unlike those heavy cavalry, they just stopped. Can wait to die.

But just when they wanted to disperse, they realized that the opponent's heavy cavalry had come close again.

The formation of the heavy cavalry had changed a long time ago, and the two wings rolled up together, forming an outflanking formation.

But their outflanking formation was not an ordinary outflanking formation. Every heavy cavalry rushed towards their formation obliquely, in order not to block the heavy cavalry behind them, but also to maintain their own impact.

Northway's strategic deployment has already taken this into account, and the formation must be changed before the opponent, and the cavalry of the Fengshou Empire have already lost the opportunity.

The charge this time was even more tragic than the previous ones, because the cavalry of the Fengshou Empire hadn't picked up their speed at all. When they were hit by the heavy cavalry, they couldn't even dodge. A bunch of flying.

Every move of the cavalry of the Fengshou Empire was guessed by the opponent, and they were always a step behind the opponent. The cavalry generals of the Fengshou Empire knew that they were going to be in trouble.

"The captain takes the lead to break through!" the general shouted, and jumped out with his spear first.

With a sweep of the spear, the two heavy cavalry who charged in front of them were split into two halves, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.His long spear was shining with fighting spirit, and stabbed at another heavy cavalry in a blink of an eye. The heavy black armor of the heavy cavalry met his long spear like tofu, and had no defensive effect at all.

This is the reason why cold weapons are not used to the extreme in the mortal world, because they have something more critical than weapons, and that is people!
It is useless for ordinary people to use any weapon in front of a cultivator who has cultivated to a high-level warrior.

Yuan Feiwu used the heavy cavalry to restrain the cavalry of the Fengshou Empire, and of course he would also consider this competition that surpassed the art of war, equipment, and weapons.

The infantry brought by Silas had already been killed.

Among the infantry, there are many captains who are like the hub of the machine. Most of these characters are also senior warriors or even earth warriors.They killed the cavalry who had no momentum to attack. In addition to helping to encircle and suppress the cavalry, their greater role was to restrain the opponent's warriors.

Within a few minutes of the prestige of the general of the Fengluo Empire, several captains jumped out of the infantry army, and he was cut off by the horse in a few rounds of bullying.When they waved the general's head in their hands, the morale of Northway's army was at an all-time high, because it was the first head of a senior general of the Fengfeng Empire they obtained!
"Retreat!" Seeing the collapse of the cavalry, the commander-in-chief of the Fengshou Empire could only order to retreat.

As soon as the cavalry at the rear of the formation heard the order, they quickly turned around and retreated.Although they hadn't been attacked yet, the cold-blooded and ruthless image of the heavy cavalry had been deeply imprinted in their hearts, frustrating them, frightening them, and filling their minds with the sight of their companions hanging on their lances.

The advantage of the light cavalry is also beyond the reach of the heavy cavalry. If Genghis Khan's Mongolian light cavalry invaded Europe and defeated the heavy cavalry, it shows that the light cavalry still has their strengths.There is no restraint between the two, it just depends on which side can give full play to its advantages!
At this moment, the cavalry of the Fengshou Empire turned around and retreated at a high speed. They immediately exited the encirclement and fled in the direction of their own army.Seeing this, the heavy cavalry wanted to chase them, but they were powerless. They were not many in number, and it was already a very good record to be able to intercept half of them in this wave.It would be too demanding for them to catch up with the cavalry of the Fengfeng Empire, who were a lot slower.

Moreover, the cavalry of the Fengyu Empire were also very thieves, and when they fled, they only ran in the direction of streams.

Since this area is the granary of the Northway Empire, it means that the precipitation is very good, and there are many rivers on the plain.Those rivers are not deep, and ordinary cavalry can easily pass through them when charging.But it is very difficult for the heavy cavalry to pass. Their weight is too large, and the quagmire in the river is enough to make them fall on their backs.

Of course, Silas would not just let them go back, and quickly mobilized the soldiers of the Dire Wolf Legion to attack.They approached quickly, and after entering the shooting range, they were greeted by a rain of arrows.

The cavalry of the Fengshou Empire saw that the men of the Dire Wolf Legion were ready to withstand the rain of arrows with their bows, but they never thought that there were so many bows and arrows!

After looking at it clearly, I found that the soldiers of the Dire Wolf Legion had at least three arrows attached to each bow, and they just shot regardless of the hit rate, but this was when their speed slowed down when crossing the river, and they were impenetrable. The Arrow Net is irritating just looking at it!Those arrows look very small, and they look light and fluffy when shot out, but they have extremely strong penetrating power!No matter how the rain of arrows floated, it couldn't flash cleanly. If you hit a few arrows casually, you would definitely be knocked down.

This situation can be seen at a glance, and it is another countermeasure specially set up against the cavalry of the Fengshou Empire!The light of the Dire Wolf Legion ambushed, but the target of the ambush was the unexpected cavalry of the Fengshou Empire!Could it be that the other party was sure that their cavalry would be defeated in the early morning? !
The commanders of the Fengyuan Empire looked anxious, but they didn't have the courage to go up to meet their own cavalry.After a while, the opponent's heavy cavalry arrived, and the infantry phalanx on their side could only be smashed to pieces.Now they are in a difficult situation like the Northway Empire. The opponent's cavalry is too strong, and the terrain here is too flat, completely suppressed and unable to move.

But even if they were beaten to pieces, those cavalrymen were all the painstaking efforts of the Fengxiong Empire's hard training!How is it possible to abandon them?

The commanding general of the Fengfeng Empire issued a new order.

Nuo Siwei's army suddenly felt a great sense of oppression. Looking up, more than a dozen people in the uniform of the Fengshou Empire flew from the opposite sky.

Belun and the others felt their hearts sink. From the looks of it, they had won a huge victory, but in fact the real victory had not yet been achieved!

The real confrontation depends on the contest at this level of the highest strength!

(End of this chapter)

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