Chapter 647 Domineering
The highest level combat power of the two sides has never been shot since the start of the war.

This is also the normal state of war. Basically, only ordinary soldiers are fighting to kill, but the highest level of combat power is like nuclear bombs, they are just restraining each other, and they will not be used easily.

Because once it is used, there may be casualties, and the casualties are worthy of the casualties of the highest level of combat power. These casualties are likely to affect the collapse of an empire.

Yes, the fall of the empire, not just the outcome of a battle.

For example, if the sky warrior magisters of two countries fight against each other, twenty masters of one side are all wiped out due to a single mistake, and the highest level combat power of a certain country may be directly defeated by the opponent because of the lack of these twenty masters .No matter how invincible the ordinary soldiers under your banner are, they can only be destroyed, because once a nuclear bomb from other people's family falls, you can't resist it.

It is also because of this that there are very few confrontations of the highest level of combat power on the battlefield, because everyone is afraid that a mistake will cause them to be wiped out by the opponent, and the end of this mistake is the destruction of the country.

Everyone knows how to follow this unspoken rule silently. For example, Nangong Feng and Xueyue command their own troops on the front line but they don't know how to do it themselves, unless some enemy soldiers who don't want to think about it come up to make trouble.

It is easy for them to destroy the opponent's soldiers, but relatively, the opponent can also send the highest combat power to bully these soldiers.What's the point?In the end, after the vicious cycle, all the soldiers were killed by these sky warriors and magisters, leaving only their dozens of masters. Is it important to win or lose?
But now the Fengshou Empire couldn't help sending out the highest level of combat power, and there was both good news and bad news.The good news is that the situation of the Northway Empire is dominant, forcing the opponent to use the highest level of combat power; the bad news is that the situation may be reversed if the opponent disturbs it.

The Fengshou Empire was indeed in a hurry. Those cavalrymen were painstakingly cultivated with a lot of resources and time. Seeing that the entire army was about to be wiped out, they couldn't calm down, so they took the initiative to attack.

More than a dozen sky warriors were very straightforward, flying towards the archers of the Dire Wolf Legion, and smashed at them with streaks of fighting spirit from a long distance away.

Veblen's Legion Commander was at the rear, and his neck was red with anger when he saw this. Nima, these bastards actually used their soldiers to attack them!Sky samurai attacking ordinary soldiers, isn't that bullying!If you want to bully, bully those heavy cavalry, they are the culprits!It's just beating the dog in the water to pick up the cheap, their archer hatred can't be that high, right? !
"Everything is as Mr. Yuan Feiwu expected!" Bielun was completely convinced when he saw this, and the development of the situation was almost exactly the same as what he said in the meeting that day.

He was so disgusted by the three elders that he stood far away, but he still tried his best to cast admiring gazes at Yuan Feiwu.It's a pity that Yuan Feiwu watched the battle situation in the distance without looking sideways, and didn't see his favor.

Since everything was as expected in the combat meeting, it was natural that arrangements had been made early in the morning.

But at that time, according to the combat arrangement, Silas was guarding against the opponent's sky warriors who came to bully their heavy cavalry. Now the opponent is going to deal with the wolf army, which is a bit far away for the deployment they arranged earlier.

But besides Silas who has quick situational judgment ability, there are also Xueyue and Nangongfeng on the field!

The two of them have already made a judgment in advance about the direction from which the opponent's master flew over, so they set off ahead of time!
A thick wall of ice was abruptly placed horizontally above the wolf soldiers, and more than a dozen grudges hit it, making loud ping-pong-pong noises.

Even Xueyue couldn't take it alone, the ice wall shattered in an instant, but those battle qi sent out in a hurry were not powerful enough, and after breaking through the ice wall, there was no power.The soldiers below looked at the vindictive light shining on their heads, and were a little dazed for a while, but they were stopped by Xueyue alone!
"If you can't win, do you want to bully the small with the big?"

Nangongfeng didn't hesitate, like a green whirlwind, he rushed into the opponent's group of masters without hesitation.

His purpose is to attract the opponent's attention, otherwise Xueyue will not be able to stop the opponent's more than ten blows of vindictive energy.

However, this move of Nangongfeng caused a lot of discussion among the generals on Northway's side. It was too unwise for Nangongfeng to rush into more than a dozen sky warriors alone!

Not to mention that Nangong Feng is a unparalleled sky warrior with three element physiques, even a random sky warrior is more important than all the ordinary soldiers below combined!They would rather destroy the entire army of soldiers below than lose a sky warrior!Rushing into the pile of enemies so hastily, isn't it death!
Silas, the commander-in-chief on the spot, didn't seem to see the situation there, and was changing his previous deployment to reinforce the wolf army.

The more Mullens looked, the more anxious he became. The commander-in-chief here is Silas, but the commander-in-chief didn't see this kind of mistake. When other subordinate generals couldn't order Nangongfeng, he was the only one who spoke in that capacity.

He wants to issue an order for Xueyue and Nangongfeng to retreat!

"Don't worry, of course Nangongfeng has the means to support him for a while if he dares to go up. The combined combat power of the two of them is much stronger than you imagined." Yuan Feiwu stopped Marens who was not calm.

Marens wanted to say something, but seeing a young man like Yuan Feiwu was calmer than him, he opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

The panic in the rear was just a small episode. Of course Nangongfeng knew what he was doing, and rushed for a while with the speed of his wind element fighting spirit, which made the other party have to face this annoying guy squarely.

"Are the sky warriors of the Fengshou Empire so depraved? Did they come to bully ordinary soldiers?" Nangong Feng said with a sneer.

"It's just that the innocence was involved in the fight." Of course, more than a dozen sky warriors would not admit it, otherwise the investigation would be endless.

"Slash at people without looking at them, your 'innocent spread' is quite 'innocent'!"

During the conversation, more than a dozen sky warriors had already used various means to stop and surround Nangongfeng. They were not in a hurry to rescue their own cavalry now, and they also knew that it was more cost-effective to destroy one sky warrior on the other side than to wipe out all the soldiers below.

At this time, the bugs of the three elements of Nangongfeng are amazing. The speed is high and the attack power is still high. With the pair of fists that disappear from the inexplicable fist, it is just an unable to die!Withstood a round of attacks among more than a dozen sky warriors, everyone doubted whether he was a fake sky warrior.

Xia Xueyue was blasted with vindictive energy, but he didn't have time to slow down, so he raised his hand with his blood stagnant, and several ice picks hit him. More than a dozen warriors who had just established an attack circle immediately dodged again. become less perfect.

These ice cones are not very powerful, but everyone doesn't want to pick them up hard. The feeling of the ice element rushing to the body is too annoying.

The Dire Wolf soldiers thought they were doomed, but Nangong Feng and Xue Yue, the two excellent rookie generals who always listened to them, went up to fight against more than ten sky warriors for them!One was dashing left and right in the crowd like a god descending from the earth, and the other fluttering in white helped them resist all attacks!
Any soldier facing such a situation will be excited!

"Nangongfeng! Xueyue! Nangongfeng! Xueyue!"

I don't know who took the lead to yell, and then one by one, the soldiers of the Dire Wolf Legion below started crying and howling to cheer for the two above.

Those two were not actually part of their regiment, but none of that mattered anymore.They like this kind of domineering and passionate general!They are the generals of the Northway Empire!This is enough!

"Many people bully few people, right? I haven't played with you for a long time!"

The masters Silas commanded to come to remedy also arrived, no more, no less, more than a dozen people.As soon as you arrive, you will be provocative first.

Many of these masters are old rivals, they have been famous for a long time, and they all know each other.Looking at the dozen or so people flying over from the Fengshou Empire, some of them who had hatred had also begun to curse.

And Marlons in the rear was relieved when he saw this, Nangongfeng and Xueyue were both his favorites, and the loss was enough for the heartache of the entire Northway Empire.Their masters arrived, and it should be no problem to save these two.

However, in a crisis, there is an opportunity!These two young generals have survived the danger of being encircled and suppressed, and now they have an opportunity!In the battle of the highest strength, in front of many soldiers and generals, they delayed the enemy with two enemies!

Seeing that the shouts of Xueyue and Nangongfeng's names had spread to the rear, Marens knew that this battle would be their battle of fame!
No one will ever think they are just embroidered pillows with a false name!Unless you have the guts and strength to face more than a dozen sky warriors!
(End of this chapter)

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