Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 654 Special reinforcements

Chapter 654 Special reinforcements

"Our army's combat units can be refined. The smallest tactical unit is an army, composed of five soldiers, led by the army leader. Ten corps form a village, composed of fifty soldiers, led by the army leader. Two villages form a battalion, led by the army leader. One hundred soldiers, led by the battalion commander. Five battalions form a brigade, composed of five hundred soldiers, led by the chief and deputy captains. Two brigades form one general, composed of [-] soldiers, led by the chief and deputy generals. The army is fighting At that time, the tactical organization of soldiers in units of different scales such as army, garrison, battalion, brigade, and general was closely linked and cooperated tacitly. Taking an army as an example, five soldiers protected each other when defending, and besieged the enemy if they had an advantage in numbers when attacking. Melee At that time, the soldiers within the army always maintained a close relationship and would not be easily broken." (Adapted from "Shang Junshu · Territory")
Yuan Feiwu was speaking at the internal meeting of the Tianlong Group Army, while Marens and Bielun were listening, they asked the military clerk next to him to quickly take shorthand, lest they miss a single word.Even Ophelia was called by Marrence to take notes together, which made Ophelia feel ashamed and angry.Although Yuan Feiwu's earnest expression is very pleasing to the eye, but it still feels very embarrassing for her to record what Yuan Feiwu said like a secretary!
"I have seen the composition of the soldiers of the Tianlong Army. The original composition is very similar to the one I proposed, but it is more detailed. It happens that the tents used by our military area are five-person tents, which is more suitable for such a change. Soldiers who sleep and eat together form a team, and the degree of tacit understanding can be better. Because there is not much change from the previous lineup, the most important training will fall in the joint training of five people with the team as the unit. I will write this in detail separately. Just take a copy of the training content for you and follow it."

"Okay! It's the best!" Bielun wiped the sweat from his brow and said.

At the beginning of the meeting, Yuan Feiwu said that he would tell everyone a general policy first, and Bielun wanted to listen to the general policy first to understand the strategy given by Yuan Feiwu, and called Marlons and a group of generals to the meeting. .

In the end, after listening to a few words, I realized that something was wrong. What Nima Yuan Feiwu said was too subtle!And Yuan Feiwu didn't seem to intend to attach great importance to these major policies and team reforms, so he just said it so bluntly.

At that time, Bielun and Marlens reacted very quickly, and immediately quietly called out a few things that Yuan Feiwu said, a shorthand of the military documents, and remember as much as they can!Because Yuan Feiwu looked like he planned to take it over and forget it. It was too embarrassing to go back to him after the meeting and ask him to explain it again, as if he didn't pay attention to listening.

Now that Yuan Feiwu said that there are some more important things that will be written down on paper, Bielun and Marlens are not to mention how happy they are.

"Today's general policy, Brother Feiwu, will you give us a detailed record?" Although Bielun was embarrassed, he was still afraid that there might be problems with the shorthand of the military clerks, so he asked shyly.

"These are considered highly confidential, so everyone should just keep them in mind. It's not good to keep them on paper. And didn't you find the military documents to take notes? Remember to destroy them after reading them. They are easy to understand and write down. thing."

"That's right, Brother Feiwu is right, everyone remember it well!!" Bielun shouted, pointing at his subordinates with tears streaming down his face.

Sure enough, I shouldn't have asked!Does this count as being blatantly despised!Those things are exquisite and complicated, should they be memorized after listening to them?Big brother Bie Lun can't do it, hey...

"For the training, we will practice while marching, and we will set off tomorrow." Yuan Feiwu said
"Departure?" Both Marens Peren and Ophelia were taken aback.

"Yes, we want to attack quickly before the troops of the Fengshou Empire retreat."

"What? Going to attack the Fengshou Empire?!" The three were even more surprised.

"Although the main force of the Fenghuang Empire in Northway is seriously injured, the emaciated camels are bigger than horses. It will be more difficult to deal with them after they return to the Fenghuang Empire. Besides, they will not think that we will go around the Three Kingdoms now." If a city sneaks into their territory, there will be chaos in front and behind them, and it will be easy to take down the Fengshou Empire."

"Yuan Feiwu, you really deserve to be a ghost!" Marens patted the table and shouted indistinctly.

All he has been worrying about is how to repel the invading soldiers of the Fengjiao Empire, and he has never thought of sneaking into their rear!
At this time, if you think about it seriously, this may be a very good choice!

Absolutely surprise the Fengshou Empire, there will be so many choices to make!

"As I said, our Tianlong Army is mainly based on Brother Fei Wu's idea. I accept this opinion! Commander of the Marens Army, our Tianlong Army has applied for an attack!" Belun immediately said to Marens.

"It's just that there is still something wrong. If the Tianlong Army leaves, what will happen to the defense of Yuema City?" Marens had to think about things after the Tianlong Army's attack. He is not a person without a brain. Changdu should take care of everything. "The Feilong and Dilong armies have deployed a large number of main forces to defend the Northwest and Northeast cities, and there are not enough troops to defend them. The recruits recruited by the Tianlong Group have not yet come in handy. The Dire Wolf Army is better at Disturbing the enemy and fighting in the field, garrisoning the city is not their forte. If the Tianlong army leaves, the city of Yuema may be in danger."

"League commander, please rest assured, there are more suitable teams that can take on this arduous task." Yuan Feiwu smiled.

Is there a more suitable team?Marrence and Bellen looked at each other.

Suddenly a messenger came over to report: "League Commander! Commander! Prince Leicester and Miss Tarena please see me!"

At this moment, Marens and Belun were strongly shocked!
A more suitable team can be chosen, but they didn't expect it to be the forces of the two princes!Because between the legion and the prince, everyone has a balanced relationship between enemies and friends, and they never ask each other for help, so they didn't expect that there is still the prince's power to mobilize!

"Please!" said Marrence excitedly.

Soon, Tarena, who was tall and fiery in a veil, and Lester, who was more mature and handsome, walked into the conference hall together.

In the past, it was impossible for people from the prince's forces to enter the battle meeting within the legion, but now Marens and the others have expected something, and they are extremely welcome to the spokespersons of the two princes!
"Commander Marens Legion, Commander Belun, long time no see." Lester greeted everyone very calmly after entering, with a natural air of general.

Tarena just nodded slightly, the domineering and introverted self-confidence on her body were contradictory and strangely blended.

The two Marens hadn't met each other for some years, and they had grown to the appearance of being able to stand alone, so they were more or less happy for the two princes.

After they greeted each other, they all did the same thing, that is, they glanced at Yuan Feiwu slightly, but Yuan Feiwu just smiled and said nothing.

"Long time no see! Please sit down, both of you!" Marens said with a smile.

"Now is not the time to sit down and chat. Let's make a long story short. The Northway Empire is in great chaos. As the prince of Northway, Tarena's father and I can't just sit idly by. We are here to talk to the commander of the Marens Legion Say hello, the armies of the two princes are already on standby outside the city, ready to help at any time!" Lester said.

They came in to get the approval order. After all, if their army wanted to enter the city, they couldn't enter it casually.

Marens turned his head to look at Yuan Feiwu. The forces of the two princes have always not easily used their military power to contact the various legions. This time, they actually came forward to provide assistance. With their knees, they can know that it is Yuan Feiwu. credit.

Ophelia and the two of them also knew each other. Marrence had heard from his daughter that Fei Wu and the two of them had a good relationship with the two princes and daughters. I didn't expect the relationship to be so good that they could provide military assistance!What's more, Yuan Feiwu had already made preparations for the garrison of Yoma City before arranging the sneak attack plan!
Worthy of being a genius!Just because the two princes could help each other, Marens already felt that Yuan Feiwu was worth the money!
Although the Prince's team is not as powerful as the elite soldiers of the First Legion, it is more than enough to defend a city.What's more, the Northwest City and Northeast City are supported by Xueyue Nangongfeng's team. According to the current state of the Fengshou Empire, Yuema City has no worries.

"Thanks to Prince Richardson and Prince Field for their assistance!" Marrence no longer has any worries about this, "Vice Captain Yuan Feiwu, shall we leave early tomorrow morning?"

"Yes. But only the Tianlong Army, not including you, the regiment commander. The First Legion not only has the Tianlong Army, but also the Flying Dragon and Dilong Army that needs you to sit in command. The defense of Yoma City also requires your assistance and deployment, the commander of the Marens Army." Source Fei Wu laughed.

"I understand." Marrence didn't repeat himself, he knew Yuan Feiwu was right.

Then the combat meeting dispersed, Yuan Feiwu and Tarena Lester found a place to get together.They all had a lot of dissatisfaction and worries about Yuan Feiwu's dangerous act of going deep into the enemy's rear this time, but they knew that Yuan Feiwu had his own certainty in doing things.

Three days later, Lin Beck looked at the information on his desk, which said that the Tianlong Army of the Northway Empire drove around Yonggu City overnight, broke through the junction of the two countries and seized two cities in a row, and the Fengshou Empire was in chaos.

"Feiwu, aren't you trying to force me to do it?" Lin Beck smiled wryly, and said to Li Keke who brought the information, "Inform the king, I will go to find him today. Let Perli gather all the mercenary teams, ready to go!"

(End of this chapter)

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