Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 655 The Terrible King

Chapter 655 The Terrible King
"What are those people in Northway doing? They actually broke into our house? How did the pile of waste at the border be guarded?" Sabo threw his dragon chair away in the meeting room of the Imperial Palace of the Fengshou Empire, roaring. .

"King, the defense of our three cities is already very difficult. The defense of the border has been dispatched to the front line. Of course, the remaining defensive force cannot withstand the full attack of the Tianlong Army of the Northway Empire. Moreover, the nearby Yonggu City dare not send troops to help. , I'm afraid the other party is trying to divert the tiger away from the mountain..." A minister below said tremblingly.

"Of course I can't resist? You describe your defeat in such a natural tone, how can you fight this battle?!" Sabo threw out the front-line intelligence in his hand.

The ministers below all bowed their heads in silence, they were very afraid of the new king.

When the royal family of the Tost Empire killed each other and thoughtful people from all walks of life planned to raise troops to rebel, it was this man who came down to earth like a god, stopped the fighting in the palace, and suppressed the rebels everywhere by relying on his prestige.

When the Tost royal family died without a leader, it was they who encouraged and supported this seemingly mighty and polite disciple of the great magister to become the king.I think that with this person, the Tost Empire can move towards a more glorious situation.

At first, it was exactly as they thought, this king was very powerful.The whole country celebrated together, and Sabo, who commanded the army to raid the three consecutive cities of Northville, was full of spirit, honesty and courtesy.

But now after successive defeats, they really understand the new king's temperament: suspicious and unpredictable.

It has been several days in the conference hall that he has been furious with Long Yan, and every time he is so lifeless at this time.

It wasn't so depressing at first, but the first time Sabo got angry, an old minister tried to persuade him. The old minister was originally a peacemaker, and Sabo tried his best to stop it when he announced the dispatch of troops.But at that time, after sending troops to fight against the empire, he won a big victory, and Sabo also showed a tolerant and generous attitude towards the veteran, which made people feel that the king was really broad-minded.But when the defeat made Sabo feel bad, the old minister once again came out against sending troops and hit Sabo's bad luck. At that time, Sabo directly burned him to ashes with a fireball. At that moment, everyone in the meeting hall was stunned and silent.

The ministers finally understood that they didn't know if their king was a wise king, but he must be a tyrant!
"What? No one answered my question? The border fell, and two cities fell in a row. Tell me which general is in charge and which staff officer deployed the defense? I must severely punish!" Sabo showed murderous intentions, and he could see everyone below Trembling.

"Report!" Suddenly there was a shout from outside the chamber, "Urgent military situation!"

"Come in!" Sabo yelled.

The messenger quickly came in and saluted the king: "Report to the king, the army of the Bagal Empire and a large number of mercenaries were found at the border between the Northway Empire and the Bagal Empire, including the Jagged Mercenary Group and all its affiliated mercenaries. The whole group is here!"


Sabo rushed in front of the orderly, grabbed the orderly by his collar, his eyes enlarged violently, and the orderly panicked.

"This king asked you something, answer me quickly!"

"It's absolutely true! The deputy head of the Iron-Blooded Mercenary Corps, Poli, personally held the battle, and the deputy head, Li Keke, was dispatching from the rear. The scouts saw it with their own eyes!" the orderly said quickly.

"Okay! Very good! Go down, come here, and give me a big reward for this soldier!" Sabo said happily after confirming that this was true news.

He patted the soldier's ruffled collar and told him to step back.

Although the messenger didn't know why he was rewarded just for passing a message, he still retreated happily.

The rest of the ministers couldn't figure out why Sabo was still in a rage a minute ago, but now he was smiling like he had won a lottery. This elusive king made them too disturbed.

"Order all the troops in Northway to retreat, and when we return, we will flank the Tianlong Army with our army. Let the front line send a sky samurai to feed back the front line news at any time. Those commanders on the front line will not fight, so I will control them remotely." Command! Dismiss the meeting!"


Back in his side hall, Sabo first saluted Arnold.

"Didn't that guy say to 'retreat' the army in Northway?" Arnold asked lightly.

"That was to make the Bagal Empire send troops to pretend to be defeated. Now that they have sent troops, let's retreat openly! By the way, eat up the team that Nuo Siwei sent to the door... Master, there is something I want to ask you .”

"Tell me, you have caused me a lot of trouble, this one is not bad."

"I think the master quietly helped me pass a secret order to the generals of the three cities of Northway, asking them to massacre the city before retreating..."

When Arnold heard the last two words, the hand that almost held the teacup was a little unsteady. He looked at his disciple in astonishment, and suddenly found that this handsome and smiling disciple who had followed him for many years made him feel strange.

"If the messengers pass the order on this matter, everyone in the world will immediately know that it is my order. But if you quietly inform the generals to massacre the city, and then silence them and blame them for their crimes, then no one will notice. Tu San The city, what a blow to Northway, hahahaha!"

"Sabo, have you thought it through?" Arnold rubbed his temples, not knowing where to start, and finally he only expressed his worries, "Massacring the city is the most outrageous thing, even if you put your sins aside The city guards are leading the charge, but this matter is still done by the Fengshen Empire. Once this matter is fermented, those guys from the Bagal Empire may turn their spears against us, and even offend those sword masters who think they are just and awe-inspiring. Magisters..."

"Oh, what the master said is right!" Sabo was already in a cold sweat when he heard this. He only thought about how to suppress Northway's strength, and he was a little bit cornered. Yes! Thank you, master, for your guidance."

Tucheng... This guy is only worried about offending other forces, not soft-hearted... Is it possible to do this without hesitation?Even Arnold, who disdained the world, could not make this decision easily.

"I'm going to check the latest battle situation and make arrangements. Those generals on the front line are useless at all, and we can no longer rely on them." Sabo walked away happily while talking.

Arnold watched the familiar figure leave with mixed feelings in his heart.

At the same time, Belun and Yuan Feiwu wore military uniforms and rode tall horses, and stepped into the third city gate of the Fengshou Empire that had just been captured by them.

On the side of the two of them, there was a handsome red-haired man following closely, and said incessantly: "Brother Wu is indeed Brother Wu, you can break through another city with a little bit of brains! Let me say, alone His good looks are definitely proportional to his IQ! So my wife, Yuan Xiaowu, must be extremely intelligent, right, Brother Wu?"

Yuan Feiwu smiled and looked at the road ahead, completely ignoring the nagging voices in his ears.

Belun couldn't do it. If this man wasn't the son of the commander of the Marens Legion, he would have put the whip in his hand into his mouth!It's super annoying to talk non-stop!

Yes, Yuan Feiwu stopped Ophelia from following the front line, but failed to stop Marens from sending Adam over.

Follow Yuan Feiwu's side and learn to treat him as an ordinary person and don't give him privileges. These are the original words of Marens.

If Adam wasn't so nagging, he would actually be a good young general with extraordinary potential.

That's right, even Yuan Feiwu felt that he was nagging.

(End of this chapter)

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