Chapter 656

"Brother Wu, have you settled Xiao Wu properly? Which city, which street, which house number do you place her in? Do you want me to send someone to take her to the army commander's house and take good care of her? You know, Da Zhan This kind of thing is the most likely to cause confusion, how dangerous it is for her to be alone. I asked my father, and he has no objection to our marriage, and he also likes Xiao Wu very much, wishing he could treat her like a daughter!"

Yes, you are very honest this time. Marrence really likes "Xiao Wu" and everyone knows that he has said more than once that he wants to adopt her as his adopted daughter.But I didn't object to your marriage, which means I didn't approve of it either!
Belun had heard Marens' evaluation of Adam and Yuan Feiwu's sister a long time ago, and concluded that it was impossible for Adam to harm such a lovely girl.

Well, his dad knows his son's nature well.

Yuan Feiwu pretended not to hear it, and continued to ride forward, carefully observing every plant and tree.

Every time he captured a city, he had to walk around in person to understand the big and small things in the city, and to appease the hearts of the people.

"Bandits! Bandits! No, you are more hateful than robbers and bandits! Why did you invade our homeland, Northway bastards!" There was a sudden noise all around, and Northway's soldiers hurried over to suppress it.

The army of the Fengshou Empire had already retreated from the city, completely withdrawn.The rest of the noisy people are just some local people.

The two cities they conquered before were relatively close to the border. Most of the people living there were merchants and businessmen. Not all of them were born and bred in the Fengcheng Empire because they were highly mobile, so they didn't have a strong sense of resistance to Northway's army.But this third city has almost reached the core area of ​​the Fengshou Empire, and most of them have a very strong sense of belonging to their own country. To them, the army of the Northway Empire is a demon that destroys their homeland.

Even if their country's army launched an attack on the Northway Empire earlier.

"You are not allowed to be rough on the common people, the main thing is to dissuade them." Yuan Feiwu hurriedly shouted upon seeing this.

"Yes!" The soldiers who heard it answered quickly, and those who didn't hear it, let the one who heard them go down without panic.

Even when the soldiers patrolled the city, they were inseparable in units of five.

After the previous two tough battles, they understood how important such a habit is.If the opponent has fewer people, you can surround them with the advantage of numbers, and if the opponent has more people, you can form a circle to protect each other's back and resist.Even when soldiers disguised themselves as civilians for sneak attacks, many unnecessary casualties were avoided because of the strict implementation of such a five-person combat unit.

Seeing that the soldiers obeyed Yuan Feiwu's words, Bielun was very moved.

Before, both he and Marens were worried about whether the young deputy commander, who took over temporarily, would have the prestige to lead the army.

Now he knew it was unnecessary to worry, it was only the first battle, and all the soldiers were sincerely convinced by Yuan Feiwu.Under the wonderful dispatch, almost no casualties were taken over the border, and the first city was taken. This kind of performance covered up the demeanor of his regiment leader.

But it doesn't matter, he doesn't care at all whether he is overwhelmed by meritorious deeds, if this person is willing, it doesn't matter if Bie Lun gives up his position as regiment leader!As long as Northway has this person around, Bielun has the arrogance that it will be easy to conquer the world!

"Report! Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of thousands of mercenaries gathered on the border of the Bagal Empire!" Suddenly, a scout hurriedly came to Belun to report.

"What's the move of the army of the Fengyu Empire?" Yuan Feiwu asked with a slight nod to the scout.

Then the scout suddenly blushed, and his breathing became hurried.

Well, the only disadvantage of Yuan Feiwu as the deputy head is that many soldiers will blush when they meet their eyes.Alas, being too good-looking is also a defect!

"Reporting to General Yuan, General Xueyue asked me to tell you that he found that the Fengzhuo Empire seems to be retreating!"

Usually when leading a team to go out, ordinary soldiers can already be respected as generals for positions above the captain.

"We got it. Inform General Xueyue, General Nangongfeng, and the commander of the Marens Legion to not relax outside the city in the past few days. The first goal is to receive the safety of the people in the city to prevent the other party from massacring the city."

"Tu...Tu...take orders!" The scout was stunned for a moment, then galloped away on horseback.

This message is too important, he must convey it back as soon as possible without delay!
"Massacre the city? The Fengshou Empire wouldn't do that, would it?" Belun and Adam were also startled when they heard this word.

"They are going to retreat and let the Bagal Empire contain us. If it is extreme, I am afraid they will use this method to weaken Northway's strength."

"Aren't they stupid? People are outraged by this, and the Bagal Empire will turn their heads to beat them, right?" Bie Lun has not heard of the practice of massacring a city for many years, especially the three kingdoms, and the sword master and great magister After they signed to no longer participate in state affairs.

"Isn't that good? Let them slaughter it!" Adam sneered.

"What a man does and what he does not do, what he does must conform to the principles of a man, and what he does not do is a principle that is of high interest and cannot be shaken. So even if it is beneficial to us, we can't make fun of the lives of the people." Source Fei Wu suddenly turned her head and said to Adam.

"Yes, yes, I was just mocking the Empire as a joke. I won't make such a joke again in the future." Adam quickly bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

Adam's view of Yuan Feiwu is that he is the future brother-in-law.Later, after following Yuan Feiwu into the third city, his concept changed a lot, and he was deeply impressed by Yuan Feiwu's military talent.In official affairs, he treats Yuan Feiwu like a great teacher, respecting and obeying.

Of course, in private, he was still that ghostly, keeping his three sentences to Xiao Wu.

"Get out of here, you Northwell bastards!"

A green vegetable from the mortal world flew towards Yuan, Adam quickly drew out his sword, and the vegetable was cut in half before it was far away and fell to the ground.

"Oh, don't waste food!" Yuan Feiwu said seriously.

"Who dares to be so bold!" Adam didn't have time to pay attention to Yuan Feiwu's exclamation for the vegetable, and raised his sword in front of his chest to look around.

Finally, his eyes fell on an old lady who was pulled to the rear by many people.

"We didn't touch any of your bricks and bricks, so let's just be ungrateful and dare to be rude!" Adam said angrily to her.

"Violating our homeland, does this still mean not touching our bricks and tiles?"

Since its predecessor, the Tost Empire, the Fengshou Empire has been a place with strong folk customs. Adam's roar actually angered everyone, and they rushed towards them fearlessly.

"This place has indeed been occupied by us. But we are not unreasonable people. If you don't want to follow our Northway Empire, then go. Send me an order to open the south gate, let anyone out, bring anyone Materials are available. Do you think this is okay?"

Yuan Feiwu's voice didn't seem to be loud, but as if it was ringing in everyone's ears, the people froze for a moment when they heard the voice.

This stupefaction is enough for them to calm down. They are still human, and when they calm down, they will feel afraid of death.Since they don't want to die, and they don't want to become a citizen of Northway, then letting them go is of course their best choice.

"Go, go! Take everything away, and let them get an empty city with no one and no money!"

After discussing with each other, they all went back to their yards to pack up their belongings, dragged their families out to the south gate, and rushed to the neighboring southern city.That city is very close to here, and it takes more than half a day to get there by walking fast.

"Brother Wu, isn't this being too kind to them? They can do whatever they want?" Adam felt uncomfortable looking at the faces of those people.

You have to know that they are not so easy to talk about when they conquered their cities and robbed people and food from the Fenghuang Empire!
"Let them go, our burden would be even smaller without them." Yuan Feiwu got off his horse and picked up the dusty green vegetable that was broken in half, and said with some regret, "You will know a little about this stuff soon None can be wasted."

At this moment, another woman rushed out, and Adam, who was nearby, immediately blocked her with a sword. Looking closer, he didn't expect that she was still a beautiful woman. The sword didn't block too hard to avoid hurting her.

"Don't stop me! Yuan Xiaowu, I will recognize you even when you turn into ashes!"

The woman shouted loudly, Adam heard Yuan Xiaowu's name as if he had heard some spell, and immediately withdrew his sword, letting the woman rush over.

(End of this chapter)

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