Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 657 The Miserable Old Man, and the Enraged Demon King

Chapter 657 The Miserable Old Man, and the Enraged Demon King

Yuan Feiwu waved his hand, and the guards around him stopped trying to stop him.

He turned his head and said to Adam who was in a daze, "General Adam, I am worried that the people at the south gate will still clash with our soldiers, please go and have a look."

"Hey, wait a minute, Brother Wu, but she's calling my fiancée's name..."

"Go all the way, don't send it."

"Damn! Wait, stop!" Adam's horse suddenly rushed out like crazy, and went straight to the south gate, no matter how Adam pulled the horse rope, he couldn't stop, "Brother Wu, what does my fiancée have to do with her?" Ah! I don't mind accepting all her good sisters, I really don't mind ah ah ah ah..."

Bielun put his hand on his forehead to watch Adam being taken away by the horse inexplicably. Looking back, he found Yuan Feiwu was looking at him, smiling kindly.

"I, I'm going to make a round of inspection. I still have a lot of things to do. See you later." Bielun quickly turned around and waved his hand, taking away all the guards following him.

Now that fool Adam didn't understand the situation, it's his private matter!You can tell at a glance that the romantic debt from the past has come to you!You're so stupid and troublesome, you have hundreds of younger sisters who wouldn't fucking consider marrying you!
Bielun sighed in his heart as he walked further and further away, he would never even bother with Yuan Feiwu's affairs.A genius who worked so hard to curry favor, Nima got offended again for such a romantic gossip, is it worth it!What's more, it's not normal for such a handsome man to have few romantic debts!

Seeing that the people nearby had all left, Yuan Feiwu sighed.

"You mistook the person, I am Yuan Xiaowu's elder brother, Yuan Feiwu."

"You liar! I won't admit your mistakes, my intuition is more accurate than anything else!" The woman rushed up and grabbed Yuan Feiwu's collar and shook it violently, "I didn't expect that I would lose to a man!" , It's ridiculous... Tell me, Prince Eddie treats you so well, why do you want to lead troops to invade our country! Tell me!"

"It was you who moved first." Yuan Feiwu smiled wryly.

"No, it's not us... yes, it's not us anymore, this is no longer the Tost Empire, it's the Fengshou Empire... Let's fight, you guys fight hard, I'm more happy to wipe out the damn Fengshou Empire... "

"Calm down. Can you tell me what happened, why are you the only one left?" Yuan Feiwu held the woman's shoulders with both hands, and looked at her who was once honorable and luxurious, now wearing dirty coarse cloth and all the beautiful accessories It was all gone, and only a little mud was left to accompany her. She couldn't bear it, "I want to help you too, Princess Martina."

Martina was startled when she heard the word "princess", she pushed Kaiyuan Wudao backwards until she bumped into the edge of a house, then looked around frightenedly, and then panted and said, "Don't say that loudly. Come out, don't say it! No, this place should be regarded as Northway now, I'm safe...not right, Northway will not let me go!"

"It's okay, I'm here, you have nothing to do." Yuan Feiwu walked up a few steps, held Martina's shoulder again, and made her look into his eyes.

He believes that a person's sincerity can be seen through the eyes.At least he was not an ancient demon god before. When he was in the Yuan family, he could tell whether everyone was sincere to him or not.

"Princess... I am no longer a princess, the Tost royal family is gone, and Prince Eddie is dead, what kind of concubine should I be?"

Mentioning Prince Eddie, Martina burst into tears.

Recently, Martina seemed to have been terrified, and now she didn't even dare to cry aloud, and covered her mouth and nose with all her strength, making her crying muffled.

"What happened to the Tost royal family?" Yuan Feiwu continued to ask.

"That day, the prince led his troops like crazy to attack the palace. Their soldiers were also crazy, charging like death... But we had so many people, we thought we could win. But Eddie ordered people to fight for safety. He secretly sent me out of the palace through the secret passage, and sealed the secret passage. He said that when the rebellion is over, he will definitely come back to pick me up... But they are all dead, all of them are dead, and Prince Eddie is also dead..." Ma The more Tina talked, the more she cried, accompanied by heartbreaking convulsions.

"There are so many experts in Xiangwei, how could they not be able to save everyone's lives." Yuan Feiwu wondered.

"Sabo, it must be that guy! Before I left, I heard Sabo's voice outside the secret passage, and he said he brought his master to help everyone... When Eddie activated the formation to destroy the secret passage, I heard Someone shouted outside, 'Arnold, you will have a terrible death, you will definitely die!'. I was already in the suburbs when I came out of the secret passage, and when I rushed back, I received the news that the royal family was completely wiped out and Sabo became king..."

"If it's Arnold, then everything makes sense." Yuan Feiwu finally figured out the key point.

"Why, he is already a great magister, why is he still tossing the Tost royal family? Why!"

Martina seemed to have found someone to vent her anger on, and violently threw her fist at Yuan Feiwu, but was grabbed by Yuan Feiwu.

"You must be calm. You are pregnant with Tost's last blood. During this period of time, your mood has fluctuated too much, and your nutrition can't keep up. If you continue like this, you may not be able to keep your pregnancy for only three months..."

"How do you see it! What do you want to do! This is the last and only thing I can do for Eddie. I can't let anyone take him away!" Martina shrank in fright after hearing Yuan Feiwu's words. He didn't dare to move in the corner, his eyes widened, and fear was written inside.

She has been wearing a coarse undress all the time because she doesn't want her slightly protruding belly to be discovered, but she didn't expect this person to see through it at a glance, and can accurately tell how many months she is pregnant!
"I've already done what I want to do, and I still want to chat with you until now?" Yuan Feiwu also squatted down, reached out and took out a pen and paper, and quickly wrote something on it. After writing two pages, he stopped and stuffed them. into Martina's hand, "Do you believe me?"

Martina looked at the two pieces of paper in her hand, raised her head hesitantly, and finally gritted her teeth: "Eddie believes in you, so I believe in you too! Anyway, when I rushed up to find you, I was ready to stay with him Prepare!"

"One is a prescription for tire repair, and it will be prepared for you in a while; the other is for you to give to Prince Yalongjing of Nuo Siwei. Remember, you must hand it to him and wait for his arrangement. The rest Medicine, let him find someone to prepare it for you according to the prescription." Yuan Feiwu said, reaching into the storage space to fiddle with it, and took out a cup of medicine juice.

Martina was originally a strong-tempered person, since she decided to believe it, she would not hesitate any longer, and took the initiative to take Yuan Feiwu's concoction and drank it all in one gulp.

Yuan Feiwu summoned five more soldiers and ordered them to send Martina to the palace to find Ya Longjing.

"This is my token, set off immediately and take good care of this young lady."

Five soldiers form a corps, and the corps leader carefully took Yuan Feiwu's token and put it away.

Yuan Feiwu led everyone to fight so many incredible victories, and everyone in the Northway military community admired and respected him. The tokens of Yuan Feiwu knew that they didn’t need to talk nonsense, and no one would stop them when they showed the tokens along the way. of.

"Leave immediately? So rush?" Martina asked in surprise.

"Yes, hurry up, otherwise you will not be able to go to Northway in a short period of time except to find a master to take you there. It will be inconvenient for you to stay in this war-torn place, and it will be even more dangerous if you are found by people from the Fengshou royal family." .”

"Ah?" Martina was pulled by Yuan Feiwu to stand up with a bunch of question marks.

"Be careful all the way." Yuan Feiwu said, and helped Martina walk a few steps.

After walking a few steps, Martina suddenly turned around, reached out her hand and took out a long grass from the pocket of her underwear. It branched into a Y shape and was covered with small blue flowers.

"This is a close-fitting thing that Prince Eddie took out as a treasure all day long. One day I got jealous and stole one. Now that Prince Eddie's ashes are buried in the royal tomb, I can't go to hang them. I hope Someday you will break through the imperial palace of the Fengshou Empire, find the imperial tomb, and help me present this bouquet of his favorite flowers in front of his tomb..."

"Okay, I promise you." Yuan Feiwu pushed the flower back into Martina's hand, "This is the last relic of Prince Eddie, you can keep it as a souvenir. I have many of these flowers, you forgot that I used them Is this flower made into dessert? It will definitely be sacrificed in front of his tomb."

"Thank you!" Martina carefully put the flower into her underwear pocket again, followed the five soldiers as if holding some treasure.

"Don't worry, the murderer's head is also offered." Yuan Feiwu watched Martina disappear from sight for a long time before saying silently.

Some people didn't know that the devil was angry.

(End of this chapter)

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