Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 658 Has already stepped into the opponent's plan

Chapter 658 Has already stepped into the opponent's plan

Belun and Adam waited in the temporary meeting tent for a long time before seeing Yuan Feiwu come back slowly.

Normally, Bielun might be a little worried and anxious, but seeing that he was with a beautiful girl, it was naturally not easy to ask, and he pretended nothing happened to prepare for the meeting.But in fact, his thoughts are also complicated. Ophelia is still having unrequited love, and there is already a romantic debt on his side, what should I do?

But which outstanding man doesn't have three wives and four concubines?But I don't know if Ophelia's temperament can accept it?He is super irritable as an elder...

No, he is irritable, what a fart, he is a melon-eating crowd who is irritable and messes with young people's private affairs!Just let her father get annoyed!

Every time a city is captured or after a battle, a regular meeting must be held, which is a routine.And Yuan Feiwu was late for so many meetings for the first time, but the other generals looked at Bielun and didn't ask why, how could they have the right to ask questions, they all shut up and waited for the meeting to start.

"Brother Wu, who is that girl? She yelled my fiancée's name at you just now, who is it? I want to know everyone related to Xiao Wu! I think, to be in the same place as her Only a circle of friends can have many common topics in the future, and the life of husband and wife can be harmonious and happy..."

It's a pity that there is still a guy with no eyesight in the conference tent, who is just chattering there.

He was talking about other people's private affairs again, and he still kept his voice down, making Bielun want to go back and get back the whip that he rode on just now and put it in his mouth.

Nima's beautiful women are so fierce that they come to the door, what else can happen?Is your kid still unfamiliar with this kind of scene?Can you compare your heart to your heart and stop talking so much nonsense?

Bielun has always had a doubt. He is also the child of the commander of the Marens Legion. Why does Bielun feel that he likes Ophelia more?Now he finally found the reason.

When this guy encounters something related to beauties, he's so f*cking annoying!

"General Adam, is there any trouble in the evacuation of the people in Nancheng?" Yuan Feiwu sat down on the deputy head's seat with a smile on his face, and asked Adam who was still nagging.

"Report to the deputy head, no! Individual skirmishes were strictly carried out in accordance with the instructions of the deputy head, An Min, and there were no problems!"

"General Adam has done a good job. Then officially enter the meeting, and the leader of the Belun Army will first express your views on this battle."

"Hey... the meeting is now? Okay, okay." No matter how infatuated Adam is, he still has to distinguish between public and private matters.

When the generals saw Yuan Feiwu's ignorance and decisiveness to shut Adam up easily, they couldn't help admiring him, and secretly applauded in their hearts.

Powerful and domineering!They can't treat the legion commander's son like this!
"I don't have any opinion. Everyone is very hardworking in this battle. I can see everyone's hard work. Next, brother Feiwu, you can continue."

In the past, Bielun always had a lot to say after the battle, but since Yuan Feiwu came, he can hardly see any problems in the battle, or most of the time he can't understand what he is doing and wins up.With a god like Yuan Feiwu, he should stop pretending to be ignorant, and change people simply after a few words of appreciation.

"Okay. General Rusti, please report the statistics of the grain seized in the city." Yuan Feiwu skillfully entered the formal part of the regular meeting.

"There is not much food in the city lord's warehouse, but many civilians have arable land inside and outside the city. Some parts seem to be harvested within a few days, and they should be able to get a lot of supplies by then..."

"The statistics are wrong." Yuan Feiwu interrupted Rosti.

Rosti knew the deputy head's temperament, and immediately said: "Deputy head Yuan, the preparation time for this raid expedition is short, and we only brought the minimum rations for three days. There are people who trade with the common people, we can’t make it here at all. The common people here are very prejudiced against us now, and it may be difficult for us to trade, so the general suggests that we should not be entangled in the path of 'peaceful trade'..."

"That's another story. The statistics I said are wrong. It means that your statistics are calculated immediately after occupying the city?"

"Yes!" Rosti stood up quickly when he heard that the statistics were wrong.

He has always been in charge of the task of counting and collecting grain, and has never made a mistake. When the deputy head said that the statistics were wrong, he immediately dug out his records and planned to report clearly to the deputy head.

"This time is different from the past. Later, I approved the evacuation of the people, you know?"

"I know, someone notified me later, but I have already counted the data, so there will be no problem."

"The problem is that the people evacuate and harvest their crops whether they are ripe or not. Do you know this?"

"Ah?! All harvested?" Rosti really didn't know, and he was complacent about counting the number before the people evacuated.

After all, this is the first time he has encountered all the people in the captured city to move freely and evacuate.However, he heard that it was the order from the deputy head of Yuan, so he couldn't question this approach. Anyway, the number was counted early, and the deputy head could do whatever he liked.But I didn't expect that those common people would even have the leisure to chop the immature crops!
"Yes. I even visited the cultivated land in the suburbs just now, and even cut off the seedlings." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile, "You are inexperienced this time, just pay attention next time."

Have you traveled all over the suburbs?Only then did everyone understand why Yuan Feiwu was late.Even Bi Lun felt sorry for his misunderstanding of Yuan Feiwu's delay in dealing with the romantic debt.


Rosti sat down with some shame. He knew that he was not as innocent as the deputy head said. If he heard the news that the people could evacuate, he would have sent soldiers to protect the crops.

"I'll look at the next statistical data later. I want to ask, what do you think our strategy should be?" Yuan Feiwu continued.

"Continue to attack the city to the south with one effort. Firstly, we are gaining momentum, and this momentum will ensure us invincibility; secondly, we are running out of food, so we need to capture the neighboring city to obtain food." A general spoke.

"From many small details, we can make a lot of judgments. The momentum should be maintained, but whether this momentum is what the enemy wants us to maintain, or whether we control it independently, we have to distinguish clearly. Two cities were captured earlier, and the opponent It’s impossible not to receive any news. However, the third city is still so easy to capture, have you ever thought about why? Also, there is no food left in the city lord’s mansion’s granary, is this normal?”

"This..." The general was stunned for a moment, and finally sat down with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"We attacked this city too fast, and the people of the Fengyu Empire didn't have time to destroy all the crops. The common people helped them destroy the crops, but it was just a mistake. The next city, if we try our best to attack, In the end, it was a foodless city again, and we wasted a lot of physical strength and time, and there is no food supply..."

At this time, the generals had already realized that something was wrong, and broke out in a cold sweat.

Many of these warriors who have cultivated battle qi can go without eating or drinking for half a month.But most of the soldiers below are ordinary people. It is not a big problem to stay quietly and starve for a few days, but it is a big problem if they cannot get food supplements after going through expeditions and battles.

"From these details, can everyone see the opponent's strategy?" Yuan Feiwu continued to ask.

Yuan Feiwu felt a little relieved to see everyone looking thoughtful.

"Small details worthy of judgment... No wonder you said I chopped that vegetable and you said I wasted too much food!" Adam said suddenly, there were three black lines at the corners of other people's eyes, you said you noticed the small details too Is it too small?
"So since then, Brother Wu, you have discovered that the other party is inducing us to enter the situation of running out of food, right?" Adam continued, "So with your wisdom and martial arts, you should also be prepared to deal with it?"

As soon as he said this, the others no longer had black lines on their faces, but were a little surprised.

This guy, Adam, doesn't look like a foolhardy man like he usually looks like!This reasoning is very rigorous and thorough!

(End of this chapter)

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