Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 660 Another Mystery of the Demon King

Chapter 660 Another Profound Truth of the Demon King
Yuan Feiwu called some particularly clumsy soldiers over and taught them a lesson before letting them continue to bury the dug-up crops back into the soil, otherwise even he, the devil, would feel sorry for those crops.

He actually thought that the soldiers would be clumsy, but he never thought that their hands and feet could be so rough. They just buried the upturned plants back into the soil, and many good crops were ruined by them.

"In the mortal world, this kind of plant is called umbrella vegetable. It can grow as thick and tall as a small sapling. It can be cooked and eaten from the stem to the leaves. Let's start with this thing. This thing is strong enough for beginners to use."

These umbrella vegetables are called vegetables, but the stems are as thick as wrists, and the lush big leaves on them look like a big umbrella from a distance. One tree is enough for several families to eat for several days, and the nutrition is not bad. .

Yuan Feiwu walked to the edge of the field and picked up a broken stem with many branches and leaves on it, because it had not turned yellow and wilted because it had just been cut off.

This broken stem was cut off by the people who left, but they just cut it off in a hurry to leave, and they didn't have time to spoil it.Yuan Feiwu looked at the fracture, and found that it was fairly flat, basically speaking, it would not be a problem to reconnect it.

So Yuan Feiwu walked to the field, randomly found a half-cut umbrella vegetable that the soldiers had collected and piled up together, and made a little comparison.

"Brother Wu, do you want to pick up the broken vegetables? Is this possible? Can we still live? We are cut in half and we can't pick them up!" Adam also walked to Yuan Feiwu and looked at Yuan Feiwu from left to right. The broken stem in his hand, frowning, "And the thing in your hand was not cut from this tree, obviously the cut was wrong. Brother Wu, shouldn't all the broken stems have to find the corresponding one? Only here There are thousands of them, how can I find them!"

"No, just find one. This is a technique that utilizes the self-healing function of plants. Especially in the mortal world, where the aura is rich, the vitality of the plants is very strong. As long as the lower part that is used for absorption and transportation is normal, it can be easily grafted." success."

"Hey, what do you mean, especially in the mortal world? Don't say that you are not from the mortal world..." Adam corrected.

Because of the vigorous vitality of the plants in the mortal world, the research and development of grafting technology in the mortal world is almost zero.In fact, it is not zero. It is a pity that the group of masters who really play farming have all gone to the heavens to become wingless gods, leaving almost no advanced farming skills.Here it goes back to the reason just mentioned, just because the plants in the mortal world are full of vitality, without those technical skills, it is still very simple for people in the mortal world to support themselves, if they are gone, they will be gone.

It doesn't matter if you don't know how to graft, don't know how to plant properly, and don't know how to increase production.Throw away the broken and dying plants, anyway, the broken ones will grow back soon, and the dead ones will be replanted, and the harvest will not be so bad.

But not now, they need these nearly mature umbrella vegetables for emergency.Yuan Feiwu will also arrange for soldiers to plant new seeds, and graft other half-ripe crops to form a harvest time chain with no gaps in supply.

Yuan Feiwu ignored Adam's complaints, stretched out his hand and pulled out his long sword from Adam's waist, and slashed twice in the middle of the cut of the stem of the half umbrella plant planted on the ground, creating a V-shaped depression.Then he drew two knives on the broken stem in his hand, peeled off two pieces of stem skin, and turned it into a protruding inverted V.

Then the inverted V broken stem and the lower V-shaped broken stem were closely fitted together, and then I took out my usual black string and wrapped it tightly for a few times.

After confirming that the two were closely combined, he turned his head and said, "It's that simple."

"It seems that it is really simple. It's just... can you live like this?"

Bi Lun and the others also saw clearly that each of them could do what Yuan Feiwu did.But they have the same question as Adam. Humans cannot be reattached after being cut in half. How many thousands of times these plants that look weaker than humans can be reattached?
"It shouldn't be a problem. Let the soldiers go to the fields for grafting, and the stems and leaves that are not damaged can be taken back. Those stems and leaves that have been crushed or severely damaged can be collected and used as food reserves. Although they are immature It tastes slightly poisonous and hard to chew, so I will find another way to deal with it. Be quick, cut it off and connect it soon, the survival rate is relatively high." Yuan Feiwu said again.

As soon as Bielun heard this, he quickly assigned the mission and let the nearby generals and soldiers practice it. Yuan Feiwu felt that he had done a good job, so he asked them to take other soldiers to work on other crop fields, and try to reconnect all the crops today.

He is also a legion commander, and he probably understands what Yuan Feiwu means when he sees this.

If this piece of umbrella vegetables can be successfully rescued, it will be harvested in about one week to ten days according to their maturity. With this batch of umbrella vegetables, it can basically ensure the food for the army for several days.If the other ones are also successfully revived, that's not to mention.And the most difficult food shortage week ahead, you can also use the umbrella vegetables that cannot be picked up to survive.In the future, different plants will be harvested, and when they are self-sufficient, the conspiracy of the Fengshou Empire can be said to be self-defeating!
beautiful!Whether fighting on the battlefield or in a strategic battle, their Yuan Feiwu restrained each other perfectly!
With him, it is simply invincible!
Thinking of this, Bielun became excited, and wondered if there was anything else he could do to help the army: "Because many stems and leaves that were cut off were trampled and could not be reconnected, but most of the parts buried in the soil could be kept. Did the ground part pull them all out to support this period of food shortage..."

"No, put them away. Also, some soft foliage plants that cannot be restored can be taken to find these redundant umbrella vegetables buried in the soil for grafting. These umbrella vegetables can be said to be the best rootstocks." Yuan Feiwu said.

"Huh? Can different plants be grafted?"

Hearing Yuan Feiwu's words, many people were in Sparta on the spot.

Nima can still do such an operation?This... This already has the meaning of the creator. If two different plants are put together, will they become a new species?

"Of course, this is the real mystery of grafting." Yuan Feiwu thought for a while, and it seemed too troublesome to explain the scientific principles of grafting in detail, so he used a simple and clear statement.

Sure enough, this second-year statement is very suitable for this group of passionate soldiers.

"Ho Ho! Please, General Yuan, show us the true secrets of grafting Dafa! General Yuan is here, what else can we not conquer?! The secrets of grafting! The secrets of grafting! Ho Ho..." All the soldiers looked at him with fiery eyes Looking at Yuan Feiwu, he performed the most serious and formal military salute, and even some generals were so excited that they burst into tears.

"It's just grafting. If your exaggerated performance was in my hometown, you would all be locked up in a mental hospital..." Yuan Feiwu couldn't laugh or cry.

But Adam no longer knew where he came from, carrying a severed orange fruit tree. Judging by his vigor, he probably wanted to graft this huge fruit tree.

Is this guy mentally ill, or a genius?Yuan Feiwu was a little unpredictable.

"Brother Wu! This, this! Can this be grafted? Quickly use your profound art to revive him! There are young fruits growing on it, and it is estimated that it will mature in less than a month! Save it quickly! "

Adam stared at Yuan Feiwu with twinkling eyes. With this familiar look, Yuan Feiwu was sure that Ophelia's family had the right child. It was exactly the same as when Ophelia was happy... Yuan Feiwu was distracted , I even forgot to entangle why the BGM of Adam's grafting mystery was a fart-like "poof".

"This tree is too thick, how can the stem of Umbrella can be connected?" Yuan Feiwu shook his head, "Just connect it back to the original trunk."

"The original trunk was destroyed." Adam put down half of the tree lonely, "So Brother Wu, is it hopeless?"

Even the look of disappointment is the same... Yuan Feiwu couldn't help but smile, and suddenly felt that there was nothing to do with these two brothers and sisters.

Yuan Feiwu walked over and swung Adam's long sword, and swiftly cut off the most fruitful branches on the trunk.

Adam became anxious when he saw it: "I said Brother Wu, it is already very pitiful, don't use it to vent your anger!"

Yuan Feiwu didn't answer, took out a branch, and made an inverted V protruding at the cut off place.In this way, the stem of Umbrella is too thick again, but Yuan Feiwu found a small place on the section of the stem and made a V-shaped indentation to fit the branches. It was more difficult to do it with black silk thread The bundle is fixed.

"Although its main trunk can't survive, these twigs can inherit the life of this orange tree and live again. Maybe this is also a kind of inheritance and salvation?" Yuan Feiwu turned back and smiled, "This way is different varieties. Grafting is done, everyone should learn it.”

At that moment, the background of Yuan Wuwu's smiling face was the swaying green branch that grew weirdly on the broken stem, and the brilliance of Huiyang unsparingly throwing his own light into the world.Adam and the others felt that the holy smile in front of them was also like the sun, unsparingly swaying its benevolent light into any gap.

In this way, maybe it is also a kind of inheritance and salvation?This person has a kindness that makes people feel distressed...

"Brother Wu, I think you are more suitable to be a doctor who cares about the world. It is too cruel to involve you in the war..." Adam couldn't find a suitable adjective to describe the shock in his heart at this moment, so he could only say silently.

"Don't be stupid, you will graft it next. Its life is in your hands now." Yuan Feiwu stuffed the remaining branches and his saber to Adam.

"Fortunately passed through Lao Tzu's hands, it can't survive! Look at me!" Adam took the branch full of fighting spirit, picked up the light armor and sleeves, and looked like he was going to do a big job.

It's a pity that more than half an hour later, except for the one grafted by Yuan Feiwu, the other branches of the umbrella vegetable branched obliquely and abruptly. People who don't know will think it is a new variety of plants when they see it, otherwise There is no way to explain where a plant with such a willful appearance can grow.

I have to say that ingenuity is something that depends on talent.

(End of this chapter)

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