Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 661 Brother-in-law and everything have always been your hallucinations

Chapter 661 Brother-in-law is always your illusion

After arranging for those farmlands that could not be grafted, they would directly turn over the soil to sow new seeds, and after spreading the basic grafting techniques, Yuan Feiwu had to rush to the south gate again.Seeing Yuan Feiwu's hard work, which one of the soldiers below would dare to shout tired, this is the appeal of leading by example.

At the south gate, General Rosti had assembled a cavalry force, with fifty battered and broken carriages following behind.These carriages were civilian means of transportation found in the city, and since Yuan Feiwu was in a hurry to use them, Rosti could only make do with them.

"Brother Wu, what are we going here?" Adam followed Yuan Feiwu and drove straight to the south gate. Seeing that he was almost there, he finally couldn't help asking.

"Go and collect some usable food." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile, "General Adam, I am of the same age as Ophelia, you are older than me, so stop calling me Brother Wu."

Bielun knew what Yuan Feiwu was going to do early on, but Adam didn't listen to their discussion when he went to create his art work of grafting.

When Bielun heard that Yuan Feiwu was going to do such a dangerous thing, his first reaction was to bring a large army to cover him, but he was still persuaded by Yuan Feiwu. Come.

Later, Bielun still felt uneasy, and let the head guard who was inseparable with him go with Yuan Feiwu.

This head guard is the one who asked Yuan Feiwu to cook supper before, his name is Samuel, and he has been with Bielun for many years.There are only 3 sky warriors and 4 magisters in their Tianlong army. This Samuel is the most powerful one. Even in the entire Dragon Army, he can be regarded as one of the best in strength. It is safe to have him with Belun.

However, when Samuel heard the order, he carried it out without any rejection, which made Belun feel a little embarrassed.After all, Samuel was his personal bodyguard, and he sacrificed and arranged for his bodyguards who were supposed to protect him to go out to protect others. Even if Samuel was pretending, he should have declined, saying that he was worried about himself, right?
No, Samuel just said coolly "take orders" and went to pull a horse back and ran away with Yuan Feiwu.

Well, although anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yuan Feiwu's life is a hundred times more important than his life as the leader of the army, but at least save some face for yourself!


At this time, Samuel, who was following Yuan Feiwu, felt the urge to roll his eyes every time he heard Adam call "Brother Wu".This time, I finally heard Yuan Feiwu himself complaining. I felt the pleasure of having something dirty on a piece of clean and clear transparent glass, and then being wiped off with one hand.

"Oh, brother Wu, you are wrong to say that. Age belongs to age and seniority. You are Xiaowu's brother, so of course I want to call you brother! In fact, I want to call you brother-in-law more. It's not because of you Seriously rejected it! I have to settle for the next best thing!" Adam is actually a handsome guy with a dangerous temperament of male hormones, but unfortunately as soon as something related to Yuan Xiaowu is mentioned, he immediately becomes a tease. Something that even the devil could not have expected, "Wait, I understand what you mean, Brother Wu! You are of the same age as Ophelia, someday you guys are like...don't keep ignoring me, you know, After that, I became your brother again. It’s weird to worry about calling each other brother, right? Oh, it’s my problem, I actually wanted to miss this question. But it’s okay, you can call me whatever you want , but I am sure that you are my brother Wu, because I will not marry Xiao Wu! Also, I used to think that no man in the world could match my old sister, but now I have changed my mind. To put it bluntly To be honest, I think my sister is not good enough for you. You are so perfect. She is idiot, hates men and is arrogant. I can't count the nights, I suggest you think about it more..."

Listening to Adam's nagging, Samuel didn't know whether Yuan Feiwu was listening or not, but he couldn't laugh or cry anyway.Don't tell me, I don't know, it turns out that Adam was originally a sister-in-law!But now she reveals all the shortcomings of her own sister to the person she has a crush on, is there anyone like you who cheats girls!And you are the one who pretends to be stupid, he has never agreed to let you have a relationship with his sister!Not once!It is your hallucinations, auditory hallucinations, hallucinations and hallucinations!
"Deputy Captain Yuan!"

After Adam finished nagging, they had already arrived at the south city gate. Rosti took the lead to salute Yuan Feiwu, and the soldiers behind him followed him and saluted Yuan Feiwu.

I don't know if it was Samuel's illusion, but he always felt that the eyes and movements of the soldiers saluting Yuan Feiwu were more respectful than when saluting Commander Belun.

"Please, General Rosti."

Yuan Feiwu saluted Rosti and the soldiers behind him, and then led the team off as if in a hurry.

Of course, after they set off, they had to explain to Rosti what they were going to do, and Rosti was surprised after hearing Yuan Feiwu's instructions.

"Deputy head Yuan, it's too dangerous for us to go to the enemy's city with so few people! If there is any mission that must be done, I will go!"

"I want to personally observe the situation in the next city so that we can attack later. Don't worry, if we see something wrong, we can just run. Do you dare to chase us to our base camp?" Yuan Feiwu patted Rosti on the shoulder, "They saw In the past, we were afraid that we were coming to attack the city, so we would cut down all the crops immediately, but we did not take their city. Then we brought back some crops that were cut from the cultivated land outside the city, and continued to graft or store grain It’s not bad. We should also put some food pressure on them and give them back.”

"So that's it, the general knows!" Rosti laughed out loud when he heard it, "The psychological warfare is not good at the general, so I'll just listen to the deputy head Yuan! But please take care of yourself and don't rush into it. If you hurt me in any way, I will be a big sinner!"

When Yuan Feiwu and the others were ready to go, outside the gate of Lincheng in the south, the people who had fled from their city had just arrived.

The general in the city suddenly received news that many common people had gathered outside the city gate, and jumped up in fright.

"Why was he beaten to the gate of the city and said, what are you doing?! Abandon the city, abandon the city, and take away all the food!"

"General, general! Listen carefully, they are ordinary people, not Northway's soldiers!"


It's no wonder that the general guarding the city automatically blocked the word "common people". He only heard that the outside of the city was surrounded by enemy troops, but he hadn't heard of being surrounded by his own people.

"Yes, I heard from them that after Northway's army took over Lincheng in the north, there was no martial law, and it was opened for the common people to leave. These native Tost... The little one is wrong, these native-born people of the Fenghe Empire have a straight temper They were straightforward and very patriotic, so most of the common people in the city packed their bags and left, and even destroyed the crops that we had no time to destroy, leaving nothing to the Northway Empire!"

"Really?!" The city guard listened carefully this time, and immediately stood up with a smile on his face, "Hahaha... Even fate favors our Fenghuang Empire! We can only blame Northway for being stupid. It’s the first time I’ve heard of people leaving without sealing the city gates!”

"General, what should we do now?" the deputy general asked eagerly, this question was the main purpose of his coming.

"Open the city gate and let them in!" The general guarding the city laughed, and immediately said, "No, with so many people, our food supply will also be under great pressure."

"That's right, especially if all the crops in the city are destroyed, it will be in jeopardy. Even if we completely rely on the supply from the rear, it will be very difficult." The lieutenant general said.

"Well then..."

The general who defended the city asked the lieutenant to come over to his ear and whispered a few words in his ear.

"General, it seems a little inappropriate to do this?" The deputy general immediately looked embarrassed after hearing this.

"Humph, don't you know the character and cold-bloodedness of the new king? The original city lord of the city was disobedient the day before, and was immediately accused and beheaded. What we are doing now has not broken the bottom line, and we have an explanation for the king." Yu is not to the point of being reviled by others, the common people will understand, so let’s do it! We have exhausted our benevolence.”


After a while, the gate of the city opened suddenly, and a large group of soldiers rushed out wearing armor and holding short knives and silver shields, scaring the fleeing commoners back a few steps.

"The general has an order, and the people are naturally provided with shelter when they are in trouble, but the enemy is at hand, so please cooperate with our work and enter the city in an orderly manner!" A captain shouted loudly.

It turned out that they were armed to guard against foreign enemies or internal traitors. Those ordinary people took a long breath to express their understanding.

The aunt who threw a Chinese cabbage at Yuan Feiwu was the first to go to the city gate guards. They only have a family of three here. She and her wife also have an eldest son. The other two daughters are not around when they married in other cities.

After questioning by the defenders, his eldest son entered the city with his luggage, and the two old couple were taken to the other side of the city wall.

"You guys wait here and make arrangements later."

"Okay, martial law, we understand." The aunt said with a smile.

The soldier turned his head, sneered and went back to the city gate to continue their work.

(End of this chapter)

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