Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 662 Cruel Understanding

Chapter 662 Cruel Understanding

For this battle, the Fengshou Empire did not recruit troops on a large scale in order to keep a low profile and prevent any signs of sneak attack from being discovered by other countries.

This has led to many young or middle-aged people in major cities besides the elderly.Like this time, the people from the city captured by Yuan Feiwu came here to join the common people, and the population in the elderly range under their families was actually not that many, and they were all gathered to the other side outside the city.

When these elderly people gathered here more and more, the mind began to move slowly, and there were some uneasy thoughts in my heart.

They tried to sound the words of the soldiers who sent them over, but the other party refused to reveal anything.

But Jiang is still hot and old, and the soldiers refused to reveal anything, in fact, it affirmed what they thought in their hearts, they were just old, but not stupid.But they are all quite old, as long as their children and grandchildren can be sheltered, they basically have nothing to worry about, so they all stay quietly, neither making noise nor making trouble.

Their work of entering the city is not as simple as Yuan Feiwu's letting people out of the city. They don't ask anything when they let people out of the city, and the efficiency is of course fast.It is not only necessary to interrogate and record, but also to distinguish between groups of people, which is much less efficient.

As a result, such a matter of entering the city took a long time until night fell.

"Report, a cavalry team from the Northway Empire is quickly approaching our city!"

Suddenly the general heard such news from the scouts ahead.

"Just a troop of cavalry? How many?"

"There are more than five hundred people, and the leader is a young general with black hair."

"It's that guy again, the black-haired one, isn't he the new deputy head of the Tianlong Army? Only 500 people want to take down our city? Although we say we don't care about these cities, do we really treat us as worthless? Has the work in town been completed?"

"Report, it can be completed before the other party arrives!"

"Okay, all the crops in the city have been cut! And let the group of old guys outside who have no labor force get out, don't blame us for accidental injuries! The magicians and archers are ready to die, it depends on whether they dare to come and die! "The city guard general issued new orders, and then walked out of the city lord's fortress to supervise whether all the work was done properly.

An hour later, it was not too dark under the afterglow of the stars on a clear night. Yuan Feiwu saw the opponent's city from a distance, and immediately ordered the cavalry to disperse.

They have no interest in yet another city without food. Their goal is the arable land in the outskirts of the city.Of course, by the way, it would be nice to trick them into cutting all the crops in the city to create some food pressure for them.

General Rosti personally led people to find those farmlands, and sure enough, as Yuan Feiwu said, all the crops were cut down.There are many crops that are about to mature, the fruits on them are almost ripe, and some vegetables that can be eaten directly are lying on the field miserably.For Northway, these are important foods to survive the most difficult week in the future!

Rosti gave an order, and the cavalry rushed over to collect them with their carriages, not daring to waste any time.

Yuan Feiwu single-handedly led Adam and Samuel slowly approaching the city gate, like a tourist, carefully observing the spacious city gate and the surrounding terrain.

Although Adam looked like a jerk when he got involved with girls, he was a normal person during normal times, and he couldn't stand this kind of walking in front of the enemy's door.It's okay for him to fight the enemy directly, but he can't treat this kind of thing like courting death like a normal person. At this time, he really admires Yuan Feiwu.

Samuel has experienced many battles, and he can't stand this kind of situation. This is not far from the city gate. If the other party jumps out with a few sky warriors, even if he has three heads and six arms, he can't protect the safety of these two. .

There were too many safety hazards, he really wanted to persuade Yuan Feiwu to leave, but he didn't say anything.

Because he was a little curious in his heart, what kind of surprise this young man would give him.

"Report, the opponent's cavalry has dispersed and is heading to the farmland in the outskirts! But three generals are slowly walking towards our city gate!"

The general guarding the city had just passed the information here to the palace through the sky warriors who specialize in conveying information. Just as he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he heard the report hurriedly sent by his subordinates.

"It seems that their commanders are not stupid. They found out that they were caught by our plan to cut off food and wanted to come to grab food. Unfortunately, it was too late, and they were all cut off by us. They wanted to grab food and had to return empty-handed, haha! Only three people came? You are looking for death, you will kill it if you enter the range!"

"General, the general feels that if they have discovered our plan to run out of food, they must find that their situation is very critical. In this case, will they take back the crops that have been cut down in the field? After all, those crops can still be harvested. Enough to eat." The lieutenant said after calmly thinking.

"Is it so miserable that you want to pick up those things to eat? No, there is indeed such a possibility. The three who came to the front are just a cover, maybe they are just here to attract our attention! Let the cavalry go out of the city and destroy the opponent's cavalry! "The general who defends the city is arranged to be stuck in such a key position to defend the city. Of course, there is something extraordinary about it. After thinking about it for a while, I think what the deputy general said is very likely, "Bring a torch, at least burn the things in the field , at all costs! I will not give you any possibility of replenishing food!"


While General Rosti led people to collect, of course, he kept observing the direction of the city.

Suddenly seeing a large number of cavalry leaving the city with torches, he immediately knew that their purpose had been seen through by the other party, and told everyone to drop what they were collecting and run away, and then gather at the agreed meeting point.

This time, they did not bring heavy cavalry when they sneaked into the territory of the Fengchu Empire. It is said that the deputy head of Yuan Yuan ordered them not to bring heavy cavalry.So all of them are mentally prepared to avoid the frontal battle with the cavalry of the Fengshou Empire in the wild, and this time they are only here to pick up cheap ones, and they can only hide as far as they can.Anyway, if it's just running away, everyone's speed is not much different, so it's like walking the dog!You can still use bows and arrows to take advantage of them. They haven't had enough of their new arrows, have they?
Rosti is not worried about the fleeing of the cavalry, but he is more worried about Yuan Feiwu, but with Samuel there, he should still be safe. If he is surrounded, it will be a big deal for Samuel to fly back with Yuan Feiwu and Adam. Get up a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, old folks! The war is imminent and there is a shortage of food in the city, so the number of people that can be taken in is limited. Under the premise of limitation, we can only take in people with strong labor force first. I hope you understand our difficulties!"

"We... understand."

When the truth came, these old people were a little disappointed, but they all nodded nonchalantly, and answered the general who was shouting at the towering city wall.The towering city wall was originally an existence that they were proud of and made them feel at ease. At this time, it seemed that for some reason, it felt cold and cruel.

They understand, they understand very well that in the face of the national crisis, young people with labor force must be taken in first, but this kind of thing has been done without telling them, which makes them feel a little uncomfortable.They already understood, but now, that understanding has become a little unconfident.

"You can settle down in the countryside first, or you can seek refuge in a city farther away. In short, you can't enter this city. We are the front line here, and it's not suitable for you to retire. If you understand, let's leave, Northway's The beasts have come to kill again, it would be bad if there will be a fight and hurt the innocent."

Just as the general on the city wall finished speaking, some shouts came from inside the city, and there seemed to be some commotion.The general quickly turned around and cursed for some unknown reason, and the commotion soon subsided.

The old people outside all understood that it was the people who were put in the city who had opinions and caused a small commotion.

If they stay here any longer, they will only cause more trouble to their children and grandchildren, and to the Fengshou Empire. They understand that they must leave.

But where can they go?
A rural farmhouse outside the city?
Those farmlands were all destroyed, and the people who originally lived there also ran away. What is the difference between staying there and waiting to die.

Go to another city?
They all rushed here, of course, because this was the nearest city, and it was the only city they could choose.There are many terrains and mountains in the Fengshou Empire. If they want to go to other cities, they will have to climb mountains and wading for several days to reach them. It is too far away without transportation.And now they don't have much rations at all, not enough to support their old bodies.

Thinking of this, they knew that they had reached a dead end.

"You can still choose to go home. Your home in our city is still your home. Come with us."

Suddenly, a voice sounded behind them.

Not to mention the surprise of the people, even the soldiers and generals on the city wall were stunned when they heard the sound.

Nima, when did this black-haired guy come around here? Wasn't he just one step away from the archer's furthest range outside the city gate?

Damn, and it seems to be measured with a tool, one step away from precision!

And Samuel behind Yuan Feiwu was definitely more surprised than everyone else.

He wanted to see what kind of surprise this kid could give him. This kind of surprise made him addicted as if he had been addicted to drugs... But Nima, this surprise is too much!
You bring these old guys back to make trouble!
(End of this chapter)

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