Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 664 Carry out the plan against the devil in advance

Chapter 664 Carry out the plan against the devil in advance
"It's a good job. His decision is very correct! And the other party took back more than 1 elderly people. It's really a dead end!"

After listening to the latest front-line information reported by the sky warrior, Sabo jumped up from the throne in the main hall in the palace of the Beacon Empire.

Since the main force of the Fengyu Empire was defeated in the Northway Empire, it feels like it has been a long time since I heard good news.Such a small piece of good news for his own side actually made him so happy.

"Also, the frontline defender asked me to tell the king that the latest news they have found out is that the Tianlong Army has launched such an efficient offensive since it promoted a black-haired boy to become the deputy commander. And the super-heavy cavalry, floating Weapons like feather arrows seem to be related to that boy."

It has been less than a week since Ziyuan Feiwu became the deputy head of the Tianlong Army, and now he has found out the news and passed it to Sabo, which is actually quite efficient.

"A boy with black hair?!"

Sabo's smile couldn't last for three seconds, and the news brought by the sky warrior made his face suddenly grim.

In this world, there is only one black-haired man he has ever seen!
When he was pursuing Athena, he slapped himself in the face severely; in the academy exchange competition that represented the most advanced stage of young heroes on the Star Luo Continent, he got himself a notorious reputation for not keeping his promise!
On the ranking list that he hates, from the first row to the top ten will be this person——Yuan Feiwu!

"Yes, the name is Yuan Feiwu. The origin of this person is a bit mysterious and strange, do you need to send someone to investigate..."

"No, I know his background better than anyone else!"

Sabo yelled loudly, startling the sky warrior. The king's temperament was unpredictable, and it took only a moment for him to change from almost insane joy to extreme anger. This has reached an unbelievable level.

The hatred for Yuan Feiwu made Sabo investigate everything about Yuan Feiwu, except for the matter before entering Landis Academy of Magic.And before joining the Landis School of Magic, this person seemed to have never existed. There was no trace of him in the mortal world. It was not until the Landis School of Magic opened its enrollment that it appeared out of thin air.

This man is mysterious.

But it doesn't matter, both of them used to be the direct disciples of the great magister, and their status was about the same.But now there is another identity, I, Sabo, is already the king of a country, and you are just the deputy head of the district...

But even if you want to unify the entire human continent, you have to come out to make trouble. If you say that you didn't do it on purpose, Sabo doesn't believe it at all!

It doesn't matter, this is better, crush him on the battlefield, even the great magister of light can't protect him!
"Decree that the main army in Northway retreat, return to the border and stick to it, do a good job of monitoring the magic circle to control the possibility of transporting supplies to the Tianlong Army by air, and absolutely not let anyone in Northway rush from the border! Tianlong In all the cities adjacent to the three cities occupied by the group army, all the crops were cut off and the granaries were emptied, and only the rear was provided with rations, leaving no surplus!"

"Yes!" After receiving the order, the sky warrior immediately ran out of the palace and flew towards the front line.

"I won't let you get any food, Yuan Feiwu! Then I will come to you in person and laugh at you, the bachelor commander who led the troops to starve the whole army, hahaha..."

Three days later, all the troops of the Fengxie Empire in the Northway Empire retreated and guarded Yonggu City, defending the border.The Flying Dragon Army and Earth Dragon Army of the Northway Empire, under the cover of the Dire Wolf Army, recaptured the two main cities abandoned by the Fengxiong Empire without bloodshed, and did not take advantage of the situation to pursue them.

At the junction of the Northway Empire and the Bagal Empire, the mercenaries who had been on the verge of moving were all quiet when they heard the news, and seemed to be planning to stay for a long time.

Somewhere in the Northway Empire, a voice was laughing wildly.

"Sabo, Sabo, it really is a piece of rubbish. Let the army pretend to be defeated and attack the Bagal Empire immediately, but choose to retreat and stick to Yonggu City. This will not create a situation of two-phase balance and confrontation. How could Linbeck intervene? What a waste of a great situation..."

The laughter stopped hoarsely, and the black figure in the room sighed hoarsely.

"Great Master, Sabo's move also makes sense. They want to eat the Tianlong Army that came to their door. The Tianlong Army is now the absolute main force in the Zhanlong Army. All the main forces of the Tianlong Army are in the territory of the Fengshou Empire. Such a siege If you use some means to limit their food supply, maybe you can take down the Tianlong Army without a single soldier. If you can take down the Tianlong Army, you will definitely make a profit." The black-clothed waiter echoed the black shadow's mocking sigh and said .

"The immediate benefit is not necessarily the greatest benefit. Being able to drag the Bagal Empire into the water and allow Northway to deal with the two empires at the same time is not more beneficial than destroying a Tianlong Army? It seems that the one I support is disobedient and incompetent It seems to be a mistake for a capable puppet to take the position... There is no way to create more chaos for Xingluo Continent."

The Great Master sighed helplessly.

"The Tianlong Army is also really unpredictable. I think they deliberately used themselves as a bait to let the Fengshou Empire gather its forces and delay the actions of the Bagal Empire. Otherwise, how could they bypass the captured three cities and directly attack the hinterland of the Fengshou Empire? ?” The black-clothed waiter’s face turned blue and white, and he quickly changed his words and said that Northway was cunning and no longer defended Sabo, because he just put himself into Sabo’s perspective, and he would also do the short-sighted behavior that the great master said , appearing to be very ignorant, "I think the Tianlong Army is targeting a target, and step by step guides the Fengshou Empire to make the current judgment."

"What did you say?!" Heiying suddenly gasped and his hands trembled, which made the waiter in black startled.

The Great National Master is the strongest of their dark wizard family of the demon clan. It is said that his strength is unfathomable. He has already practiced physical insensible magic power to control the soul, and his strength is comparable to that of the demon emperor.Ever since he sealed his dark element, he was deeply afraid that even a little bit of his dark aura would leak out of the seal, so he has been strictly controlling his emotions in the mortal world, and never made a fuss from the bottom of his heart.

This time the Great Master's sudden trembling made the waiter in black feel that something was wrong.

"I said that the Tianlong Army is targeting a target, step by step leading the Fengshou Empire to do what it is now..."

"Yes, that's right! Step by step to guide the other party to act according to their own ideas, isn't that what the guy called 'Ground Net' is good at?!" Black Shadow panted fiercely, as if he was suppressing his huge anger, "It seems There may have been a communication between that black-haired boy and Lin Beck! Is it true that the power of the Three Kingdoms in the Star Luo Continent will come to an end? At that time, the whole human race will work together bravely, so the desire of our demons to attack the Star Luo Continent in a large scale may be even stronger. It's a long way off..."

Of course, Lin Beck's Yuan Feiwu would also do it, but when he used it at this time, he didn't expect that the master of the country would think wrongly.

"Great Master, what should we do next?"

The waiters in black understood the great master's worries. Although they were pretentious fallen angels and looked down on lowly creatures like humans, they were not ignorant people, and knew the truth that ants killed elephants more.When the day comes when the human race will no longer have civil strife, it will be even more difficult for them to attack the Star Luo Continent.

"I can't let that kid go on anymore. How can a fallen angel help Xingluo Continent to complete the unification? It seems that the plan against him has to be carried out ahead of schedule, Jie Jie Jie Jie..." Black Shadow let out an ugly laugh , It was exactly the same as the laughter from the corpse of the old king that had appeared before.

"How to proceed ahead of time?" asked the waiter in black.

"I've called her over."

The black shadow waved his hand, the door of the room was opened, the waiter in black suddenly turned his head, and a beautiful woman with long silver hair in a mini skirt walked in.

Before the person approached, a faint fragrance of flowers rushed into his nostrils.

He recognized this person, Northway's so-called genius warrior girl.But what could she do?

Even if she is asked to assassinate a fallen angel, it is probably a daydream, right?

(End of this chapter)

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