Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 665 Believe it or not?doesn't matter

Chapter 665 Believe it or not?doesn't matter

"That boy is a fallen angel, have I told you about this?"

The black shadow let out a "Jie Jie Jie" laugh, looking particularly depressed in the dark room.

But the waiter in black understood the meaning of the laughter. The laughter meant that the Grand Master was secretly using dark magic that affected the mind, shaking the opponent's will and making people feel fear or awe towards him.

But he couldn't see any effect on the beauty.

"I said it." The beauty said lightly.

He only said two words, but the waiter in black felt that there was endless indifference.

This feeling of being ignored actually aroused his interest.He has seen many beauties, and he has also seen the most unparalleled beauties in the world. The appearance of this talented warrior girl is not enough to seduce him, but the indifference of this girl who rejects people thousands of miles away makes him rise up. A sense of conquest.

Hei Ying seemed to have noticed some changes in the black-clothed waiter, and gave him a vague look.The black-clothed waiter's sense was very sharp, and he immediately received the warning from the shadow, and calmed himself down again.

Don't look at the depressed dark energy used by the fallen angels, but absolute darkness also symbolizes peace. The dark element magic energy they practice is relatively pure dark energy, which will not be affected by dark elements. Once the dark element is used When the mana works, it will even allow you to enter a clearer and more rational state of mind than ordinary practitioners.

They call the function of dark element magic energy "bright eyes and quiet mind".

"Such demons are shining brightly in your empire. Your sword that kills evil can't bear it anymore, right?"

The black shadow sneered, looking at the girl with the sword at her waist.

What hangs there is actually a black saber, which looks very familiar!
The pupils of the black shadow shrouded in darkness shrank suddenly, but soon calmed down like stagnant water.


"Then this is your new mission, go ahead... It's very difficult, but the sooner the better, I've arranged someone to cooperate with you." Heiying said, a piece of paper was like a sharp blade and shot at the silver-haired beauty , "Don't worry, these are 'me' people, not people from Feng Shao Empire."

The silver-haired beauty caught the piece of paper lightly, turned around and left quickly.

After the waiter in black waited for the beauty to go away, he stared in the direction of the door, and the door of the room seemed to be pushed violently and closed quickly.

"Great Master, can you trust this person?" the waiter in black asked.

"At the beginning, we planned to use the seven-breaking formation to kill Athena Linbeck and others on the border of Tost. She was the only one of us who survived."

"Only she survived, that's enough to explain something..." the black-clothed waiter sneered.

"She said she didn't see the situation right, and she pretended to be a double agent to gain Athena's trust. But now it seems that she is not lying, she is really a double agent..." Heiying also sneered, "The hair on her waist The sword, I've seen it before, is the black-haired boy's portable sword. The relationship between them is not simple. Combined with the fact that the black-haired boy heard Lulikai's conversation in Ropa City, it is estimated that she was deliberately arranged to approach her. I think Get rid of me."

"Great Master, is it wrong for you to entrust her with such a task?"

"Lu Xiaoling, you have to remember that if you want to become the supreme position, you have to learn to be like me, not to show any thoughts in your heart on your face. Having a beautiful camouflage is better than putting all your cards and It takes a lot of depth to show your thoughts. Boy, just now you felt the trust in her from me, but it doesn’t mean that I really have trust in my heart.” Hei Ying said, “It doesn’t matter if she thinks I still trust her , she still has value that can be used, and it would be stupid to tear her face here rashly. Anyway, no matter if she is true or not, I will no longer trust her. I will adjust the arrangement. If she acts, let my people kill her too Isn’t it just one and one hundred? From my point of view, she will do it, if she is a double agent, she will not stop gaining my trust until she finds out my true identity.”

"Thank you, Great Master, for your teaching. Lu Xiaoling enjoys being taught! My stupidity has been reminded by the Great Master, and I will definitely understand it!" The black-clothed waiter half-kneeled on the ground towards the shadow, and looked up at him respectfully.

Heiying's eyes flickered coldly. He didn't expect that he would sell what he learned immediately. On weekdays, he often looked down on him as a dark wizard. Now he knows how to put away his thoughts so quickly?

This Lu Xiaoling may be more complicated and interesting than he imagined.

Another week of calm days passed, and there was no more fighting between the three empires, and the calm was so depressing.

When everyone was pregnant with their own plans, in the kitchen of the barracks in the frontline city of the Fengshou Empire, a group of soldiers were huddling around and watching Yuan Feiwu stir the cauldron with a spoon.

Linrich was sweating profusely. He couldn't tell whether it was because his fat body couldn't bear the heat, or because he was afraid. In short, the clothes on his body might already be wrung out of water.He took off his hat, and fanned Yuan Feiwu vigorously, for fear of heating him up.

Today is different from the past. This person is now the most popular fried chicken in the Tianlong Army, and even the entire Northway Empire. As long as he makes a move, he has never suffered a defeat!The backstage was also frighteningly tough. After hearing a lot of gossip from other places, Lin Liqi learned that Hodge's deputy head was dismissed because of provoking such a person, and he didn't even have a chance to defend and discuss.Apart from serving carefully, he can only serve carefully!
Back then he wore small shoes for this character, and now Yuan Feiwu is the deputy team leader, but he hasn't troubled him yet, and he prays every day that Yuan Feiwu forgets him as a little man.But he didn't expect that because of the cooking problem of this crop, he came to the kitchen in person again, oh my god, can he not be panicked!
However, the cooking skills of this deputy team leader are really superb. The immature umbrella vegetables are tough and hard, and eating them is similar to eating bark. After Yuan Feiwu put some strange ingredients, he cooked them himself in just a few strokes. They are cooked soft.He also tried the taste, and it was even more delicious than what they made when they had plenty of food, which made him not even have the confidence to continue working as a cook.

"I'm not hot."

Yuan Feiwu raised his head and said with a smile, Lin Liqi immediately stopped what he was doing, and his body sweated again.

"See if you understand, this kind of cooking can soften the uncooked umbrella vegetables, and the taste can be prepared according to the recipe I gave. I can only eat these things for two days, and after two or three days, I can eat them." Harvest more types of food, then food will not be a problem. But it is more boring to have only monotonous food for two days, so please be more careful." Yuan Feiwu put down the pot and spoon, and explained again.

"Remember it!" Linrich and the others responded immediately.

"Okay, Adam, take someone to distribute the first batch of ready-made food." Yuan Feiwu turned to greet Adam and said.

"Deputy Captain Yuan, I don't know if I should say something." Lin Rich suddenly interjected.

"Let's talk, everyone is a Northway soldier, there is nothing inappropriate to say." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

Seeing Yuan Feiwu still had that kind smile, Lin Liqi suddenly stood up straight. He didn't want to worry about whether the deputy leader would trouble him. As far as the shitty things he did before, even if he asked himself Please accept it too.Moreover, he has been going out with the army all the time, and he has long been impressed by the deputy commander's use of soldiers like a god and his charisma. What he wants to say now is that Yuan Feiwu is not worth it.

"Deputy head Yuan, it's okay to have rations before, but now there are not many umbrella vegetables. Our army doesn't have enough to eat, and we have to save them for those untouchables who curse us every day. I mean, It's fine if they scold us, but they are obviously rescued by you, but they are cursing by your name every day, I am really not convinced." The more Lin Liqi spoke, the angrier he became, Wei Yuan Feiwu was so wronged that he almost burst into tears up.

"This time Linrich is right, I agree. Although you asked me to take people to distribute food, it is to let me control the soldiers so as not to conflict with the common people. But many times I can't help but think Let’s do it!” Adam interjected depressingly, “Who are these people? They should be grateful for our great kindness when I give food to them, and they are still cursing. They were the ones who chopped the food back then, not us, grass! "

Leaders like Linrich have heard a lot of abuse from outside in the kitchen, let alone Adam, the general who goes out to deliver food every day.

After being picked up for several days, there was not a day when he did not scold them. Adam was so angry that his neck was often as red as his hair.

He dislikes everything, including bad food.

Well, Yuan Feiwu specially wrote a few cooking recipes for the kitchen.

It is troublesome to line up to get food, and those who scold Northway are inhumane.Damn, we all TM prepared for you to eat, and you still call it inhumane?
Well, Yuan Feiwu asked him to lead the soldiers to personally distribute food to each of their households. This delivery service alone would waste most of their time.

Later, I began to feel that the food was poor.

There is no way to solve this Yuan Feiwu, now they can only eat the rest of the distribution, and the other side of the city in all directions has restricted food so much that they can't grab it if they want to, it's good to have food!

Yuan Feiwu has already worked so hard for them, what else do they want?This time Adam had to say that Yuan Feiwu had gone too far.

(End of this chapter)

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