Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 666 The change of people's hearts begins quietly

Chapter 666 The change of people's hearts begins quietly

"Didn't you notice that the swearing has actually decreased a lot in the past two days? You only care about the content of the swearing, but you don't notice the amount of swearing?" Yuan Feiwu turned back and smiled at Adam.

"Are you still laughing? Isn't it cursing if there is less scolding? You even noticed that there are fewer scolding voices. Who pays attention to this! Are you shaking M!?" Adam raised his head and raised his forehead, he was about to be pissed off by Yuan Feiwu .

"Do more and talk less. Sometimes it's useless to explain. We have a clear conscience, and the other party will gradually understand what we do. The food is getting worse and the scolding is getting less and less, which shows that they have gradually understood what we do. They have no malice and pay attention to details."

Adam was defeated by Yuan Feiwu's "pay attention to details", but Lin Liqi who was on the side was deeply moved by Yuan Feiwu's words.He suddenly recalled that when Yuan Feiwu came to their Huotou army, it was just like what he said, only doing things and not talking nonsense.Although it was only a few days, the work assigned to him has never been a problem, so he has never been submissive to him. This is his clear conscience, right?

Thinking of this, Linrich felt even more ashamed of what he had done.

"Deputy Captain Yuan, you can do whatever you want. But if I hear them scolding you in front of me, I will fight them desperately even with a spoon!" Lin Rich had to say angrily.

"Go to work, only the umbrellas have to be dealt with, your workload is much lower, take a break."

Yuan Feiwu patted Linrich on the shoulder, and was about to walk out of the kitchen with Adam, when there was a sudden noise outside.

The two of them stopped and watched the noise getting closer and closer.

The noise came from two soldiers, and a figure who gave them a headache walked over while arguing about something.

The person who can make everyone in the Tianlong Army feel headaches is naturally the leader of the old people in the city, the grumpy old lady.

"General Yuan! General Adam! This old lady has something to ask you. I told you that you are busy in the kitchen, but she barged in without even waiting for the notification time. Sorry, we let her out immediately! "The two soldiers reluctantly reported to the two of them to salute.

There was nothing they could do, because Yuan Feiwu and Bielun had issued an order that no conflict with the common people was allowed for any reason, and offenders would be punished severely.Yuan Feiwu's military prestige is very high in the Tianlong Army, and everyone will obey Yuan Feiwu's orders even if they are not punished severely.They also understood Yuan Feiwu's meaning, because the people in the Fengshou Empire were tough, and if some meaningless small conflict broke out, it would probably become the fuse of a big riot, which was unnecessary.Of course, if the other party attacks you, you can fight back, and you will not be punished if you are killed.But the old lady just forced her way in and didn't make a move. They were limited by the order and didn't dare to make too much movement. If they bumped into them, they couldn't explain why.

"Ms. Dage, what's the matter, do you need me urgently?" Yuan Feiwu waved his hand, telling the two soldiers not to stop him, "Go back to duty first, you did a good job of not hurting anyone, but next time you can stop him alone It will be more efficient if one person comes to report first.”

"Yes!" The two soldiers nodded heavily before running back.

"I'm here to ask you guys, what do you want to do to our fields? I'm not here to warn you again, you think we are transparent, right?!"

When Mrs. Dage came, she was in the standard cursing posture with her hands on her hips, which was very familiar to Adam and others.Almost every time she saw people in Northway, she had this posture. If she didn't cross her waist like this, Adam might not be used to it.

"Didn't you say before that you don't want to farm all the land, and you won't plant it? Don't worry, we don't want your land, and we will reclaim our own land. But the food planted on your land this time is ours. I won't do that. Let go." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

"Although I'm not a big shot, I keep my word. These crops were saved by you, so they belong to you! As for the fields, we don't use them for the time being. How can we farm at our age! I'm talking about yours. Soldiers, those who work rough and rough, those vegetables are almost tossed to death! In the future, let your soldiers obey our command, and we will guide them how to do it, so that we won't feel uncomfortable when we see them tossing those crops!" Da Aunt Ge shouted angrily.

"Of course. You said before that you won't work hard for us, so I'm embarrassed to bother you. Of course it's better if you are willing to help. Our soldiers are not very good at farming. It's enough to keep those crops from dying. Super performance, hehe..."

"I know you guys are useless at all, and we old people still have to help! Nothing to do!"

"We will retake the crops you cut down. Do we need to popularize the grafting technology with you?"

"Fuck it, you'll understand that thing after reading it once. It's just that I didn't expect these crops to be able to feed like this. It's a bit interesting..."

"It's even better if you can master it. It should be helpful for you to raise crops in the future. It just so happens that tomorrow we will send some soldiers to the two cities in front to see how well they master the grafting technology, and want to popularize this technology. Your grasp of planting technology should be much better than ours, do you want to go over and help us supervise and explain some technical points?"

"Hmph, let's just say that you are as stupid as that, and you don't understand such a little thing! How about it, the sixth aunt, Uncle Yuan, and the others happen to want to go over there to visit relatives, so let's take them along. With their help, you can do anything." Enough is enough, if you still don’t know how to learn, you can only blame your poor comprehension!”

"That's a good thing. No wonder there is a saying in our hometown that 'an old man is like a treasure'. Although old people are not as physically strong as young people, their experience and learning ability are incomparable to young people. We must not underestimate the old people. "

Yuan Feiwu nodded. With the help of these people who know how to farm, although they don't go to the fields in person, just giving them a little advice will be of great help.

At least he doesn't have to travel around the three cities in person.

"Nonsense! But the nonsense in your hometown is quite reasonable!"

Adam listened from the sidelines, feeling more and more inappropriate. Why did this look more like two grandchildren singing together, a little dumbfounded.

Although what Aunt Dage said is still so ugly, the meaning has completely changed from the beginning!
Adam suddenly felt that what Yuan Feiwu said was becoming more and more reasonable. Do more and talk less. Others are not blind, so they will naturally understand what you have done... Mrs. Dage came here this time, obviously not to find fault.

"I will go to visit the sixth aunt, Uncle Yuan, and other friends who are willing to go to Lincheng. I will also give orders to the soldiers and listen to your instructions." Yuan Feiwu smiled and sent Aunt Ge out, Although Mrs. Dage looked disgusted, she didn't put her fingers on her hips anymore, and she seemed to be a little closer, "But Mrs. Dage, look, our soldiers guarding the barracks is their mission as soldiers, and they don't want to hurt You common people, how difficult is it for them to rush in like this? They will be punished by military law for failing to guard the gate, and they will be held accountable later. How pitiful were those two soldiers just now? "

Aunt Dage pondered for a while with some hesitation, and after reflection, she realized that she was a bit savage, so she said: "Okay, okay, next time I will wait for the announcement outside the door, I will tell everyone to behave better, okay! Don't blame those two soldiers, what a big deal."

"Have you promised? Well, I'll let you off the hook a little bit once, only once." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile, under that friendly smile, even Mrs. Dage couldn't hold back her face when she saw it, and the corners of her mouth couldn't be suppressed. The place of residence rises.

"Okay! I promise you!"

"You don't need to tell everyone, just take care of yourself, you're the only one who messes up like this, okay?" Adam whispered, rolling his eyes.

"What are you talking about!" Unexpectedly, Mrs. Dage could hear her, and she immediately turned her head and glared at Adam, "General Yuan, you'd better not hang out with that red-haired kid, he doesn't look like a good person!"

Wow, I am old but my hearing is not bad!Adam had no choice but to keep his mouth shut, lest Yuan Feiwu's hard work would be harmed by him again.

"He looks a bit bad, but he has a good heart. I'll send you here, and I'll look for you later."

Does it look bad?Brother Wu, do you mean you have a problem with your appearance?Can't you match Xiao Wu?Yuan Feiwu took advantage of the situation and shot Adam, which broke Adam's heart.

"Get lost, as if I don't know the way home." Mrs. Dage waved her hands in disgust, and walked outside by herself, but she turned around step by step, "Also, we can't eat so much when we are old, you don't have to I brought so much over here, let’s cut the portion in half. Look at you, you’re as thin as a piece of paper, you should eat more, there’s not enough food, let that red hair give you some, why is he tall and big? starve you into skin and bones..."

Tall and big?Adam scanned himself from foot to head several times, but couldn't see where he was as strong as a cow or a horse, so he could only scratch his head. It seemed that Mrs. Dage was full of malice towards him.But it doesn't matter, anyway, he can see that these old people have changed from hating them to being grateful, and he is satisfied.

Yuan Feiwu is really a person who can change people's hearts... Adam feels that what Yuan Feiwu has achieved now is more difficult and more precious than winning a hundred battles.

(End of this chapter)

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