Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 667 The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked

Chapter 667 The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked

The changes started little by little, and no one could notice.When the changes slowly accumulate, and when the sand becomes a tower and water becomes a trickle, a qualitative change occurs, the eyes of the fans of the authorities will be able to see clearly.

Belun has been receiving good news in the past two days, although it has nothing to do with the war.

The Northway Legion took in the refugees abandoned by the Fenghuang Empire, and was praised by many parties; it was not superior because it was an invader, and the army did not invade or kill the people, and they lived in peace, which was praised by many parties; they were self-reliant in growing crops locally, and donated food reserves in addition to being self-sufficient Rescuing local civilians is praised by many parties; teaching new planting techniques for free, encouraging people to cultivate and trade, not because people's lives are left to waste during the war, many praises... etc., too many.

After these behaviors that were conducive to shaping the image slowly spread, not only the people in Northway praised it, but even caused huge repercussions in the Bagal Empire and the Fengfeng Empire, which was in a state of war and hostility.On the contrary, a large number of people in the Fengyou Empire began to question the practice of abandoning some refugees in the Fengyou Empire. Northway, who was surrounded and cut off supplies, did not abandon the civilians of the enemy's country. It is really unreasonable to abandon your own people in the territory.

This kind of one-sided praise from all human beings on the Star Luo Continent to a certain country's army has never happened before in history.Even if the Fengyu Empire found something wrong and started to spread rumors and smears, it was too late to stop the real situation from being spread by the common people.

They realized with hindsight that once the change has taken place qualitatively, it is too late to stop it.

Inside the Tianlong Army, after the strategic meeting arranged for soldiers to go to two adjacent cities to spread and teach new planting techniques, Bielun suddenly stepped out of his seat and bowed down to Yuanyuan, scaring the generals into bewildered faces.

"Feiwu, no, General Yuan! I, Bielun, have never served a few people in my life, but you are the one I admire the most! I won't say much about your combat skills, but what you did for the Tianlong Army, or the Northway Empire Things are not just about winning battles, what you have won is the respect of everyone! Everyone! On behalf of Nuo Siwei, I would like to express my gratitude to you first!" Bielun did not give Yuan Feiwu a chance to stop him, and quickly bowed.

Other generals have recently known how much appreciation and support their troops have received. These public opinions may not be of much help in real combat, but most of these soldiers who died fighting for their country have a pure heart and can get The support and understanding of the blockbusters is more touching than winning a battle.

At this moment, they understood Bie Lun's feelings very well, and felt deep admiration for this great man who could be said to have changed everything.

"Please get up, I'm just doing something that deserves nothing."

Yuan Feiwu stood up to help the generals up, but Bielun stretched out his hand and pushed them away.

"Brother still has something to ask, Fei Wu, I hope you can agree!" Bielun suddenly shed two lines of tears, and bowed down again.

"If you have something to say, you can sit down and talk slowly, there is no need to keep kneeling..."

"I ask you to be the leader of the Tianlong Group Army. If you don't mind, I would like to assist you as your deputy leader! I won't misunderstand the person, you can make Nuo Siwei achieve the ultimate glory!" Bielun said desperately .

"General Yuan, please be the head of Tianlong Group Army!" All the generals said in unison.

The rest of the generals did not flatter them, they understood Beilun's intentions very well, and at this time there was no need to sympathize with Beelun's resignation of the head of the regiment.For Bielun, Yuan Feiwu took over his position as group leader, which made him even happier.

"Here again, does it make a difference whether I should be the leader?" Yuan Feiwu smiled, slowly raised his head, and looked at the tactical sand table, "Besides, the battle can be over within two months. Is Captain Yue interested?"

"What, what? The battle will be over within two months? Are we going to retreat?" Belun raised his head in astonishment, "Our situation is not bad, and the problem of food is not a problem anymore. Why are we retreating?"

"No, two months is enough to unify the Star Luo Continent."

"Unification of Star Luo Continent?!" Everyone raised their heads in astonishment.

The unification of the Star Luo Continent... No one has never dreamed of this word, but Yuan Feiwu said it so lightly, it is unbelievable.

"That's right, it will be unified by the Northway Empire." Since the Bagal Empire was successfully suspended in a wait-and-see attitude, Yuan Feiwu's overall arrangements have been completed, "Why are you still kneeling, now we have to race against time and start getting busy. Harvest all the crops in the suburbs that can be harvested, transfer them to the reclaimed places in the city, and give up the rest. Exaggerate the situation and output of the crops in our city that are about to mature three times and spread them out. The crossbows and magicians are on standby at any time , the generals are on rest, and someone must be on duty near the city wall every day. In addition, send a few more scouts to monitor the situation in the nearest enemy city, and keep abreast of the opponent's troop deployment. I can tell you clearly that the enemy will definitely come within three days Siege, as long as we hold on for these three days, the Northway Empire will unify the mainland and the overall situation will be settled. Now I have a friend here, let's go out first."

After Yuan Feiwu finished speaking, without waiting for the kneeling generals to respond, he walked out of the meeting hall quickly, just in time a messenger ran outside the door saying that someone was looking for General Yuan.

"I see, take them to my tent." Yuan Feiwu said, walking quickly to his tent.

At such a moment, the messenger passed through the open meeting hall door and saw a group of generals in the council kneeling on the ground, their heads and necks turned ninety degrees to look at him, and he was stunned.

Embarrassment followed.

Did you see something you shouldn't see?What are so many big men doing kneeling there!Although I am very curious, if I find out, I will probably be silenced!It will definitely be silenced!I don't want to know, but I feel worse if I turn my head and run now?Will he be chased and silenced?It must be silenced, right?

"What are you looking at, why don't you go back and do your work! I didn't hear General Yuan asking you to take his friend to his camp!" Bielun was the first to react, stood up and reprimanded him.

The other generals also came to their senses and stood up one after another, looking at the orderly with embarrassment.

You kneel when you say kneel, why not kneel to the person you admire!But it happened that the person who was kneeling ran away in a hurry and didn't get up yet. Such a scene was really embarrassing.

"Yes!" As soon as the orderly heard it seemed that he didn't need to be silenced, he turned around thankfully and left.

"Wait! Come back!"

Damn, do you really want to silence it? !

The messenger ran back with a sad face, and Belun had already arrived at the door, staring at him with majestic eyes, which made him feel guilty for no reason.

The problem is that when I think about it carefully, I don’t know why I feel guilty!In fact, he did nothing wrong!

"Um, uh, General Yuan's friend came to see him?" Bielun coughed a few times before asking in a low voice.

"Report to Commander Belun, yes!"

"Who is it? It's not easy to find here, right?"

"Yes, the three of them are all wearing black cloaks all over their bodies, so they can't be seen clearly. But...but..."

"But what?"

"However, I saw a little girl who seemed to be a very beautiful girl. I only saw the eyes, and the eyes were very charming!" The orderly was a little distracted when he recalled looking into those eyes again.

"Oh, that's it, charming, then it's not the little wild cat in the city last time, hehe... No, what is charming! Since you have a close relationship with General Yuan, then it's General Yuan's that, you boy Want to seek death, right?"

Bielun patted him on the head to make him regain his absent-minded appearance.

"I understand, of course I understand! I will never be disrespectful to General Yuan!" The orderly immediately stood upright and gave a military salute to Bie Lun.

Yuan Feiwu is the person most respected by all the soldiers of their Tianlong Army, he doesn't dare to commit infidelity, he doesn't even dare to think about it.

"Just understand, hurry up and invite General Yuan's friend to his camp. You're just wasting time here, what are you doing..." Bielun pushed the messenger and told him to go quickly.

The messenger is depressed and wronged, the delay is not caused by you, the commander!

"Oh... oh... Sure enough, the hero is still sad about the beauty pass. This, this romantic account one after another, and they all went directly to the barracks. It's really amazing. It doesn't lose my youthful demeanor back then! But there is no way, Even men can't handle Fei Wu's looks, let alone those girls, I understand, I understand, haha..."

Bie Lun was cheerful, rubbing his hands secretly, while returning to the conference hall, when he turned around, he saw a group of generals eavesdropping with their ears together, showing an expression of "I understand".

Shit, why do I have a group of gossiping subordinates?
Bielun was upset, but he didn't think of a word, saying that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

"What are you gossiping about? Ah? Didn't you understand the deployment ordered by Deputy Head Yuan? The orders given by Deputy Head Yuan don't need to be approved by me, they can be executed directly. Didn't you say it earlier? You still do it in a daze What? Unify the entire continent within two months, if you are late because of your delay today, you are the only ones asking!" Bielun straightened his chest, pointed and shouted at the generals inside.

The generals had nothing to say, Yuan Feiwu's words about unifying the mainland within two months made their blood boil, and they had nowhere to spend their energy, so they immediately packed up their materials and went to work.

Bielun walked back to his seat, and while packing up his materials, he coughed a few times, attracting everyone's attention in a hurry.

"Cough, and, um, um, General Yuan has been busy with military affairs recently and is very tired. If there is nothing important to do today, don't bother him. Let him rest for a day, understand?"

"Of course I understand, one day is not enough, three..."

Everyone answered in unison but in low voices, and some of the more vulgar ones even let out a hey laugh.

The scene was indescribably weird.

If this scene was seen by the messenger, it is very likely that it will be silenced.

(End of this chapter)

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