Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 668 It's okay, Yu Wei is still there, and I haven't forgotten the days when I was

Chapter 668 It's okay, Yu Wei is still there, and I haven't forgotten the days when I was dominated by fear...

Yuan Feiwu sat in the tent for a while, and soon soldiers brought in three people who were completely covered in black cloaks and couldn't even see clearly.

"Are you here?" Yuan Feiwu happily greeted the three of them.

Even though the three of them were shrouded in black cloaks, they could tell that they were in agitation, their whole bodies were trembling, and the wide cloaks were trembling slightly.

The one in the middle was about to calm down and say hello to Yuan Feiwu, when the one on the left suddenly jumped out, making him jump back a step in fright.

"Master Minghuo Mozun! Hearing your call, we rushed here without stopping. If there is anything else, please let me know. I will definitely die!" The man lifted his cloak and hat, and lay on the ground with tears in his eyes. Chaoyuan Feiwu said.

"Chris, I didn't expect you to break through to the mid-level Magister so soon? It seems that you played well before..."

Yuan Feiwu helped the cloaked man up, flattering the cloaked man.

"Master Minghuo Mozun, the slave family has also grown a lot, don't you take a closer look?"

The one on the right was even more exaggerated. Seeing that the tall Chris and the beautiful Yuan Feiwu were supporting each other, there was something inexplicably right, and the jealousy in his heart was about to set the tent on fire.Quickly kicked Chris away, and opened the cloak slightly, revealing the obscene clothes with little fabric inside, and the seductive snow-white skin looming.As she speaks, she keeps her chest high, making it easy to wonder what she means when she says "grow a lot".

"It seems to have grown a little bit, Elder Yudora." Yuan Feiwu smiled slowly, and let the stunner sit aside without looking sideways.

It's obviously very polite to keep your eyes straight, but when you come to Yudora's place, it's even more rude than being insulted by swear words.

The plan I had prepared so hard to "seduce the Demon Lord of the Underworld Fire to steal the forbidden fruit" plan failed just at the beginning!So sexy and not able to tease him?How miserable!
Eudora's self-confidence was hit hard, and she re-shrouded the cloak and circled lonely on the seat.

The person in the middle is a little lucky now that he didn't rush out too quickly. Didn't he see Chris rolling around while clutching his belly? Elder Udora's jealousy and possessiveness are terrible, even though the Netherfire Demon Lord has been It's all meaningless to her.But this witch is really ruthless, her feet seem to have an automatic positioning system, as long as she kicks out, she will hit someone's vital point, poor Chris.

"Boss Minghuo Mozun, we have delivered the holy object to the Prince Yalongjing you mentioned, is there anything else you want to order?" Murphy took off his cloak and hat, and said respectfully.

Seeing Demon Lord Minghuo again, Murphy had mixed feelings in his heart and his eyes were blurred.

Demon Lord Minghuo hadn't been back to the Holy Land for several years. A while ago, someone suddenly sent a message asking him to take the holy object out as a gift, and Murphy felt a lot of pressure.

Although he is an elder, he knows it well. With his strength, he can sit firmly on the elder's position, thanks to this Demon Venerable Underworld Fire.Without his support, he might be killed by the people below before the chair warmed up.

But having his backing doesn't mean Murphy can sit back and relax!
The Holy Land is a place where people cannibalize people. Only when one's own strength is strong is the real strength. If one cuddles under the wings of others, one day one will suffer.

In particular, Demon Lord Hades didn't come back for several years, and when everyone gradually forgot about being beautiful... no, the fear of being ruled by the king of the Holy Land was the day when he, Murphy, would die.

In such an unstable situation, Demon Lord Minghuo actually made one of his eyeballs able to look to the left and right respectively. The scary wretched uncle sent a message and asked him to give away the holy object. Didn't he want him to die earlier?

That thing is holy!Treasure of the Holy Land!fetish!Brother, you thought it was fried rice noodles, you can order it and you can have it delivered!

Well, although based on the expression of Demon Venerable Minghuo when he saw the sacred object for the first time, it is likely to belong to the level of fried rice noodles for him, but I would like to trouble you to come and get it yourself!I, an elder of parallel importers, haven’t even made a breakthrough as a magister, and I propose to everyone to take out fried rice noodles... No, I propose to take out holy relics to send out, and my life is worrying every minute!

However, when Murphy calmed down and recalled the night when he fought bloody battles with Demon Venerable Netherfire (his legs were weak and he didn't have time to run away), the two voices that had been fighting in his heart instantly decided the winner.

He obviously said that he was afraid of death, but he still made this choice.

The big deal is just death, grass!
Murphy gritted his teeth and made up his mind, and immediately asked Ma Zai to call the other elders for a meeting.

Of course, I don’t forget to tell Chris that if something goes wrong, you should find a way to block it, and I will live to find the boss to avenge you!Chris has black hair, didn't you say that the big deal is just death, can you be bolder!
When Murphy tremblingly proposed the takeaway request for the sacred object at the meeting, the result was a bit unexpected. Elder Udora and Elder Fierce Fang immediately voted in favor without any hesitation.

He knew that Elder Udora had been drooling at Netherfire Demon Lord, so he was quite sure about Udora's vote for Murphy, and he wondered if he could use Udora to block him if something happened.

But Murphy was a little surprised that the usually most vicious Elder Fierce Fang agreed without hesitation. His biggest worry before was that he couldn't handle this big boss.

After thinking about it, I can think of some reasons.

Demon Venerable Minghuo had left for a short time before and came back again. He asked him for directions, and he didn't know what he was doing at the fierce tooth gate with a murderous look.A lot of gossip came out, such as robbing women, the son of the elder fierce tooth flirting with Mozun Minghuo as a beautiful woman, and so on.But Murphy has no interest in learning about it. He has long understood that sometimes it is better to be a fool than a fool. Those who spread gossip will not know how they will die if they offend the Lord of Fire. .In short, it is enough to know that Demon Lord Minghuo has gone crazy over there.

It is estimated that the experience of that time is the reason why Elder Fierce Fang supported the request of Demon Lord Minghuo without saying a word.

The meeting ended quickly. Three of the five elders voted in favor, and the other two had nothing to say.Sacred objects are very precious, but no matter how precious they are, they are not as precious as their own life!The minority obeys the majority, and even if you are in the minority, you have to fight with the three elders. Isn't that courting death?
Then Murphy slipped out of the forbidden area as if in a daydream, and there was an extra box on his body, a box containing holy objects.

Murphy didn't want to hold a conspicuous box like this, but there was no way, this thing wouldn't fit into the storage space!
Fei finally understood why the holy land didn't fight for the sacred object, and all of them were bloody and dead, because this thing can't be stuffed into the storage space!The dark elements it exudes are so thick, is there any difference between putting it in my house and other places in the Holy Land? !An analogy is the difference between a full WIFI signal and three and a half bars. Three and a half bars is very smooth. Is it necessary to toss to death for the half bar signal?So grab it and fuck it!Besides, the location of the full grid signal was given to the elders, so it's okay!
Then Murphy took Chris and Eudora as bodyguards and walked out of the Molot swamp forest.

What?Why is there suddenly one more person?Illusions, all illusions, do not exist.

He wouldn't tell anyone that Yudora threatened him to kick his balls if he didn't take her to the Demon Lord of Fire, absolutely not.

"Very good, just deliver it safely." Yuan Feiwu still had the same smile, which made Murphy miss him very much. "Is the other side of the Holy Land okay?"

"Very good, with your new formation, boss, no one can get in except people like us!" Murphy said happily, "It's just that the outside has changed a lot, there are many people and it's very lively, We are not used to walking out, and it took a lot of time just to find the way to the Northway Empire. Fortunately, we were dressed in airtight black cloaks so that nothing happened. You must know that we have been pointed out by those ordinary people for dressing like this Point, if you don’t cover up well, I’m afraid you will be discovered and killed by those so-called decent families on the road! Just thinking about it makes me afraid for a while!”

"Uh... You guys are still able to come here safely in this look. To be honest, it is enough to surprise me. Please dress normally, and don't wear clothes that seem to have the words 'Black Mage' engraved on your body, okay?" You can show your appearance with confidence, I can say with certainty that no one will take a second look at your face as a passer-by."

Yuan Feiwu felt a little speechless very rarely.

Murphy pondered for a long time, and finally asked a serious question: "Boss, did you say that I am ugly in your words? Although it is very tactful, I feel that my heart is still greatly traumatized."

(End of this chapter)

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