Chapter 669
"You seem to have misunderstood the point, but if you care about this issue, I can only say that the appearance is only the surface, and the real beauty is the beauty of the heart." High-quality life values.

It's a pity that ordinary people certainly don't have such awareness.

"I'm sorry, Boss, the words from your mouth are not convincing at all, and there is a sense of looking directly at you without back pain when you stand and talk." Murphy couldn't vomit quickly.

Can handsome not be eaten?

If Demon Lord Minghuo is willing to sell his beauty, not to mention the eager Elder Udora next to him, even a random human being from three years old to three hundred years old will not give him food? !The living God appreciates the food and looks good!
"Is that so? That's a pity." Yuan Feiwu really showed some regret.

Murphy was even more saddened by the "caring for the mentally handicapped middle-aged" appearance of Demon Lord Minghuo, so he simply changed the subject.

Let's not talk about unpleasant things, let's talk about something that makes me happy!
"Boss, speaking of it, you still don't know how much risk I took to help you bring out the sacred object! My strength is limited. Although Chris is assisting me, you also know that Harris is only a little stronger than me. ..."

"Chris is much better than you. You practiced next to the sacred object. After a few years, you haven't seen much progress. Your comprehension is very poor."

Yuan Feiwu interrupted suddenly, and the second half of Murphy's words got stuck in his throat.

Minghuo Demon Lord, you have a disease that will kill you if you are dishonest, right?
"Okay, okay, let me correct you, Chris is much stronger than me, so you are happy!" Murphy broke the jar, "But compared to other elders, we are far behind the two of us, right? This boss you No objection?"

"No objection, you're right, adding one piece to you is not enough for someone else's hand." Yuan Feiwu nodded and said affirmatively.

Murphy burst into tears, why did he feel like he was humiliating himself when he wanted to do some work.

"So, since you haven't come back for so long, everyone has almost forgotten about you, and I still want to send you the holy object. What a risk I have taken."

"I think you seem to have done it quite easily? You see, even Eudora is willing to protect you and go out to run errands."

Yuan Feiwu simply reasoned based on what he saw, and immediately found out the truth.

"It's not easy. At the time of the voting at the meeting, there was really an undercurrent. The five elders had to get three votes of consent to pass this matter. Of course I was the first to raise my hand in agreement. The moment I raised my hand, I I feel a strong killing intent, my behavior seems to be in conflict with the interests of many people, and my strength is too weak, I am afraid I will become the target of public criticism." Murphy sighed, raised his head slightly, showing that he had put life and death aside "But as the younger brother of Demon Lord Minghuo, how could I lose the face of Demon Lord Minghuo? I yelled at that time, 'You guys, you all forgot the improvement in cultivation that Demon Lord Minghuo gave you back then. Have you taken the medicine? Have you forgotten the defensive magic circle taught us by Demon Venerable Netherfire? It’s just a mere holy object, Demon Venerable Netherfire just needs to use it. Wasn’t it planned to give it to him as a gift at the beginning?” , I was ready to sacrifice at that time."

Chris finally got up from the ground, watching Murphy talking there with a dull expression.

As a passer-by, did the author give him so many roles and lines?It seems that the time to say these lines is enough for them to take out the sacred objects from the forbidden area three times.Chris still remembers the speed of voting at the meeting and taking the sacred object, how fast it was like a courier boy picking up the goods and leaving in one go.

"Elder Udora has to be mentioned here. After hearing what I said, she immediately recalled the goodness of Demon Lord Minghuo. She was instantly influenced and raised her vote of approval. Boss, I think Elder Udora It's really good, boss, you can, ha, think about it." Murphy pointed to Yudora, and Yudora heard Murphy say good things in front of Yuan Feiwu, and seized the opportunity to look at Yuan Feiwu, her eyes almost charming When the water came out, there was no time to talk about Murphy's nonsense story, "Ahem, and Elder Fierce Fang also voted for it later, which made me barely get the holy object."

"Elder Fierce Fang is actually quite easy to talk to." Yuan Feiwu said.

Murphy's head froze for a moment, and he was speechless looking at Yuan Feiwu.

Ever since Elder Patrick, the strongest king, was defeated by Yuan Feiwu, Elder Fierce Fang can be said to be the most vicious person in the entire Holy Land, so what is there to talk about?
Could it be that the person I know is the elder of the false fierce tooth?
"But I'm a little curious. If the elders vote against taking out the holy object, what will you do, boss?" Murphy shook his head and asked, shaking his imagination.

"Then I have to find another time to go there again and take it myself. But this is too much time wasted, and the wasted time should be made up for by the elders. Replace those elders who are not very cooperative, so as not to waste time next time. Yuan Feiwu thought for a while and said with a smile.

It's just that the beautiful smile at this time looked terrible in Murphy's eyes, what are you going to change, boss? !
Forget it, I don't want to know!

"So, apart from you three elders, the other two voted against it this time?" Yuan Feiwu asked Murphy curiously.

No vote?
Actually, no, because not long after the vote was announced, there were three votes in favor, and the two of them could even save the time to express their opinions, and let it go.

But Murphy swallowed hard. If he said that they voted against it now, Demon Lord Hades might go over and "replace" them someday when he is free!Suddenly, they felt that they had received the entrustment from Demon Venerable Netherfire before, and it was simply a proposition!If I had flinched back then, I would have killed myself if I was not careful!
Scary, super scary!Murphy was glad that he put aside his distracting thoughts and decided to hold on tightly to the thigh of Demon Venerable Netherfire, otherwise he wouldn't know how to die.

"No, they have three votes before they have time to make a statement." Chris saw that Murphy didn't make up any more stories, and his face was still blue, so he simply ignored him and said.

"That's pretty good, thank you for your cooperation." Yuan Feiwu gave another big smile, which made Chris blush and tongue dry, and he didn't know where to put his hands and feet.

My boss is so beautiful that sometimes people don't know where to look.

"Yes, they are very cooperative. It's just that I'm a little curious. Boss, you once said that the Lingjue magic stone is a sacred object. May I know what it is?"

Murphy came back to his senses, this invitation seemed like death, and it would always make him feel uncomfortable, so he decided not to take any more credit.

"It's okay to tell you. A long, long time ago, there was a great battle of 'Twilight of the Gods' in the heavens. Do you know this?"

Yuan Feiwu conveniently filled a glass of water for several people, and everyone took it flattered.Yudora even took the opportunity to touch Yuan Feiwu's hand, and smiled at her hand like a nympho, quite scary.

All of a sudden, the few of them felt that getting along with Demon Lord Minghuo was not as depressing as they imagined.

This person has bottomless strength, which is so deep that people are afraid, and Murphy also feels that he should be afraid.

But every time I was separated from Demon Lord Minghuo, I felt a little reluctant to part, and I really couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. Wouldn't it be better to be as far away from fear as possible?

Now he understands a little bit, because he is with Demon Lord Minghuo, he has completely abandoned all the scheming and precautions necessary to survive in the Holy Land.You don't have to be afraid of Demon Venerable Underworld Huo playing tricks on you behind your back. On the contrary, you can give your back to him naturally, because if he wants to do something to you, it's just a matter of moving his fingers, and he doesn't need to do it secretly.In this way, getting along with each other is more like a heart-to-heart friend, and there is always a sense of dependability that makes people feel at ease in Demon Lord Minghuo, which makes people want to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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