Chapter 670 Substitutes

"I know, of course I know, everyone can talk for three days and three nights every time!" Murphy said cheerfully.

For the mortal world, the Twilight of the Gods is like Romance of the Three Kingdoms, even a child can tell you several opinions, what is the strength of which archangel, what kind of tricks will it have, how handsome it is to take the lead , It's a pity that such a powerful archangel as Lucifer actually rebelled, there are various legends and small stories.

"Later, the legion of fallen angels brought by Lucifer was driven out of the heaven by Michael and fell into the mortal world. The sword was cut off and the blade flew away."

"Yes, yes, tsk tsk, that Michael's strength is really quite good. But to drive Lucifer and the others out of the heaven, the strategic deployment of the law angel Uriel is also very important, and he can fully attack his former direct boss. It's amazing to suppress his army." Murphy sighed.

Although he is a black magician, he is not lost in Lucifer, but he is a fan of Uriel.Murphy didn't reveal much about this little secret, because he was very relaxed about Yuan Feiwu, and he didn't mind expressing his preference at this time.

"Yeah, that's it."

"Hmm...what? Which?" Murphy nodded, and found something was wrong when he nodded. Did he suddenly become deaf for a while and didn't hear the important content of the [-]-character uttered by Demon Lord Minghuo, so he just skipped the listening Is it the end?
What is that?

"So, what's next?" Murphy continued to ask.

"Nope!" Yuan Feiwu smiled.

Laugh at your sister!Why do you use the big trick of "just smile" every time you reach a critical point!I didn't understand!Can you repeat the [-] words I missed?So what the hell is Lingjue Magic Stone?
Murphy was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

But Chris quickly put down the water glass in his hand, splashed a lot of water, and his face was pale: "Master Minghuo Mozun, is what you said true?"


"Don't play charades! Chris, I don't believe that I, the number one younger brother (a few hours earlier) who first took refuge in Lord Minghuo Demon, that is, you can understand things that your seniors didn't understand, my boss and I Tacit understanding is the best! So what are you talking about?" Murphy had to pull his face down and asked Chris.

Because even Udora looked surprised, it is estimated that they all understood, only she did not understand.At this time, if you ask Mr. Minghuo Mozun again, he will make Mr. Minghuo Mozun feel that he is mentally retarded, which will have a great impact on his image, which is not good.

"Lucifer's sword was cut off and fell into the mortal world. The meaning of the Underworld Fire Demon Lord is that the Lingjue magic stone is Lucifer's broken sword blade!"

Murphy stood up from his chair in fright, covered his mouth and took a few steps back.

All of a sudden, my eyes became moist.

The so-called sacred object is actually Nima Lucifer's broken blade of the Morning Glory Star?
The Broken Blade of Excalibur, isn't this the most ingenious fetish in the mortal world? !

Damn, Murphy regretted it, now go to Heya Longjing to get back this Lingjue magic stone, and then go away and fly high? !
There was once a peerless fetish placed in front of him, but he didn't cherish it properly. Now his mood is only loss and annoyance.

"Mozun Minghuo, it's too wasteful for you to give this kind of fetish as a gift."

Chris sincerely regards himself as Yuan Feiwu's servant. From the day he was given the practice medicine to him, he believed that his life belonged to Yuan Feiwu.

At this moment, what he thought of was not to take the fetish as his own, but to feel sorry for Yuan Feiwu who gave away such a powerful thing casually.

"Don't waste it, it's useless to me, even if I take it back to Lucifer, it's useless. The sword was cut off when it had just been washed and quenched into dark power, and it would cost a lot of money to recast it. A lot of energy and time. Besides, Lucifer can use the broken sword very smoothly now, so there is no need to waste time repairing it."

Yuan Feiwu's words made Murphy and Chris silent for a while. They didn't know how to answer the common statement that Lucifer was his next-door neighbor.

Usually, Murphy already felt that he was an elder, and he was proud enough to put an X in front of his subordinates from time to time.It was only now that I found out that Nima is the strongest in the X version, and he said it as if Lucifer and him were brothers without any sense of disobedience.

This kind of thick skin is called strong!I can only call it food!

"However, this thing is still somewhat useful to you. Without the existence of the Holy Land, it loses a considerable part of its attractiveness. Many black magicians among you may come out to harm the outside world again." Yuan Feiwu was very serious said.

Brother, what is a scourge?Don't make us sound like cockroaches are going to crawl out of the sewer, okay?You also use dark elemental magic, no matter from a strict or tolerant point of view, you are also a black magician, so you have almost been outside to harm the world!
Also, Comrades Chris and Udora, please don’t keep nodding solemnly along with the Lord of Fire, even if you are described as a cockroach, can you please uphold the dignity of a cockroach?
"How about this, I have prepared something that is only stronger than the holy object and brought back for you, just treat it as a new holy object."

Hearing Yuan Feiwu's words, Murphy's annoyance suddenly changed by more than 800 degrees, and his expression of gratitude to the great kindness was bathed in the holy white light that he imagined emanating from Yuan Feiwu. .

Yuan Feiwu didn't talk too much, he took out an unpretentious box and put it in front of Murphy and Chris, and he knew that he had already prepared it.

They felt it carefully, and found that the concentration of dark elements emanating from this thing was no worse than that Lingjue magic stone before!
They looked at Yuan Feiwu with adoring eyes, and it turned out that this Demon Lord of Fire is not simple!He took out another treasure casually, no wonder he looked down on the sacred object at the beginning!
And they respected the Underworld Fire Demon Venerable even more.

With the strength of Demon Lord Minghuo, bullying them to hand over the holy objects should actually be the style of black magicians, and they have nothing to say.

But Demon Lord Minghuo didn't intend to take advantage of them at all. He asked for the holy object, but gave another item that was more expensive than the seemingly holy object instead.

A word that is not found in the world of black magicians appeared on Demon Lord Minghuo: noble character!
"Master Minghuo Mozun, can we take a look at what the new holy object looks like?"


Yuan Feiwu put the box on the table as a gift, and waved his hand to signal them to take a look.

It's not a big box, there is no place for Murphy and Chris to move their heads together, and Eudora doesn't join in the fun, and concentrates on flying and winking there.

After they opened the box, they gasped together.

"Boss, isn't this thing yours..."

The black and translucent strips tied into a handful...

"Yes." Yuan Feiwu picked out a part of his ponytail with his fingers, a small part was obviously missing, "It's mine..."


Murphy and Chris put their fingers to their mouths together, and looked back at Eudora in unison, while Eudora looked over with a question mark on his face.

They both looked at each other, seeing what they were thinking in each other's eyes.

The holy land, which was originally happy and peaceful, was stolen on a certain day. Several sects were suspicious of each other and fought to the death. None of the black mages could get out, and they were drawn into the whirlpool and faced with the catastrophe.And Yudora hid in a certain corner, doing all kinds of indescribable things to the hair of the Phantomfire Demon Venerable with an idiot expression...

God, it's terrible!They can already predict the future of the Holy Land!

"Boss, please, don't say those words! From now on, this thing will be replaced by 'beep--', and you must not let others know the true face of the holy object." Murphy wiped his cold sweat, and used this The most serious expression in his life sent a request to Yuan Feiwu.

"Yes, don't mention it in the future." Chris also solemnly said.

"Um... Do you have to play Voldemort's meme that can't mention names? Forget it, you can call them whatever you like."

Yuan Feiwu spread his hands and expressed that he didn't care, he just thought it was a bit weird that his hair suddenly turned into the sound effect of swearing.

In contrast, Murphy and Chris breathed a sigh of relief. They looked like unsung heroes who saved the world and were reborn after the catastrophe. They were heroic and exhausted.

(End of this chapter)

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