Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 671 The Demon King Is Really Not Chasing Customers, But Hurry Up

Chapter 671 The Demon King Is Really Not Chasing Customers, But Hurry Up

Seeing the three people bowing their heads and whispering something in secret, Yudora couldn't help but get involved, so she hurried over to ask what's wrong.

Chris hastened to make up a reason, saying that the new sacred object sent by the Lord Fire Demon must not be opened to look at the new sacred object that replaces the sacred object.

Yudora's heart was hung on Yuan Feiwu, so naturally Yuan Feiwu said what it was, and said that she would not open it to see it.

Chris let out a long sigh of relief, but when he turned around, he found that Murphy was lying on the ground. He couldn't see his face, but he could see sweat dripping from his face, and the ground was slightly wet. piece.

"Murphy, what's the matter with you? Don't continue to add drama to yourself. After a while, the author loses his temper and will give you a lunch box." Chris said seriously.

"Leave me alone, I'm fine now, I don't understand why the boss's 'beep-' has a higher concentration of dark elements than Lucifer's Broken Blade. It doesn't make sense!"

Murphy didn't want to add drama to himself, but the Underworld Fire Demon Lord seemed to have some relationship with the bloodthirsty poisonous dragon, the beast in the demon world, and then talked about Lucifer like his big brother who lived next door. Yao Zhixing... the more he knew, the more he felt that the smiling guy next to him who was refilling his tea was scary!
Damn, my legs are too weak to stand up again!

"That's right, boss, you are so strong! Your 'beep--' is so powerful! And you have a 'beep--' at the end!" Chris felt that Yuan Feiwu was very amazing when Murphy said it, and his face was filled with admiration. Di Chaoyuan said.

"Don't blame me if you use the meme of 'beep--' again. I will let you have 'beep--' all over your body. Explain, this 'beep--' is not the 'beep--' you said " Yuan Feiwu said with a smile that could instantly kill all angels.

Chris immediately straightened his sitting posture, and Murphy quickly got up from the ground. His waist was no longer sore and his legs were no longer weak, and he was in great shape.

"It's nothing, you go back first, I'm very busy here and don't have time to entertain you well."

It is very rare for Yuan Feiwu to issue an order to evict guests, because it is foreseeable that these funny Bs will get into trouble sooner or later if they stay here for a long time.

"We are not in a hurry to leave, boss, what are you doing here, what can we do to help you!" Chris said faithfully.

"Me? I'm leading troops to fight, and I'm going to unify the Xingluo Continent and stop the chaos between humans." Yuan Feiwu thought for a while, and finally introduced what he was doing in the simplest way.

"Unify the continent?! As expected of Lord Minghuo Demon Venerable! Then, this place will soon be the world of our black magicians? I really want to contribute a little bit of power to Demon Venerable Minghuo!"

When Chris heard this, he was so excited that he wanted to cry again. He hated him so much, hated that his level was too poor. The Lord of Fire was trying to unify the mainland outside the Holy Land, and he could only wait for his good news inside the Holy Land. Alas...

And Murphy and Eudora also looked admiring.

Yuan Feiwu quite understood that these people seemed to have misunderstood something.But Yuan Feiwu could feel their desire to help him.

"Want to help? Okay, do you have the strength of an intermediate warrior?"

Hearing the question from Demon Lord Hades, the two turned their attention to the big Chris.

But although Chris is a big man, he only practices magic!In a real hand-to-hand fight, he would definitely be beaten to death by professional soldiers.

"No." The three of them shook their heads.

"Bow and arrow?"

"will not."


"Plow, plow? What is plow?"

"Then you should go back."

The three seemed to have carefully prepared everything to participate in the interview, but they were so frustrated that they couldn't pass the first round.

"We know magic! I'm the great magister!" Yudora fought for herself without giving up.

"Black magic is cast here. In the next second, both the enemy and the enemy will attack you. How can we fight?" Yuan Feiwu patiently explained.

Hearing this explanation, Yudora felt that her heart was broken. She was so powerful that she couldn't contribute a little more to the Demon Lord of the Underworld Fire.

"Oh, it turns out that Master Minghuo Mozun took advantage of the decent people outside to kill himself, so that we black magicians can dominate the Xingluo Continent without bloodshed! No wonder Lord Minghuo Demonzun is such a powerful master. It takes time to fight. It turns out that I am hiding my strength! After knowing the plan of Master Minghuo Mozun, I feel even more ashamed, hey..." Chris wiped his tears with his sleeve, and was so moved that he fell to the ground.

The other two were also moved, and their admiration was even heavier.

Well, it's obvious that these people seem to have misunderstood more and more... They can't understand people's words, can they?
Forget it, whatever they want, as long as they are happy.

"You have helped me a lot, don't blame yourself. This place is not far from the Molot Swamp Forest, but now the Fengfeng Empire is in a period of war and martial law. Don't go into the city, find a path to go back. Remember not to wear this again The black cloak is on, take it off."

Although these few people didn't know what kind of shit luck they had to wear to be able to bring the sacred object to Ya Longjing safely, but Yuan Feiwu was still worried that they would be taken away as crazy on the way back.

Once a conflict arises, a great magister, Udora, and a magister, Chris, start to rush, and it is estimated that the movement is terrible.At that time, the seven great sword masters and four great magisters will all be involved, and things will be more complicated.It's better not to make any surprises when he carefully arranges it to this juncture.

Murphy and Chris took off their cloaks, but Yuan Feiwu was a little surprised inside. They were dressed very ordinary, like ordinary people.I thought they would wear a weird outfit that fit their black mage inside.

However, the two of them seemed to be used to wearing a cloak, and taking off the cloak was as uncomfortable as being naked.

One grabbed his right hand vigorously and muttered to himself: The power of dark elements is hard to control, evil energy, please calm down, don't start boiling just because you lost the envelope.

The other covered his face and sneered with unknown meaning: Hmph, it seems that the dark breath I radiate must be suppressed. Ordinary human beings had better not make eye contact with me. I am afraid that the magic power in my eyes cannot be hidden. Yes, hehehe...

If the current mental state of these two people is placed on the earth, they are directly two severe patients with the second disease.

Unexpectedly, the only one who was most normal was Eudora.

Her cloak didn't bother to take it off, because it looked like she was wearing it.Of course, if Yuan Feiwu was the only person in the tent, he would take it off as soon as he entered the door.

Regardless of the fact that Eudora is practicing the dark elemental magic that is similar to mental power enhancement, which is also known as charm, she looks particularly charming and slutty.But that's just the body and temperament that I specially learned the day after tomorrow to match the use of magic. After taking charge of the Liu Zemen, there is a kind of domineering queen. In fact, everyone is deceived by her appearance. She is actually a very conservative woman. I haven't talked about more than 100 love affairs, and I still have a girlish heart inside.

In front of the one she loves, she dares to take the initiative to be charming and charming, but she is shy when outsiders are around, and she doesn't want to be seen by others with her lightly dressed body.

"Don't cover your face with your hands. I'm afraid you are too bored after not being in the sun for too long? Go out and bask in the sun!"

Yuan Feiwu dragged the two out of the tent without saying a word, leaving Yudora in a daze.

Why Yuan Feiwu did this, she figured it out when she came back to her senses.She didn't expect Yuan Feiwu to be so careful and gentle, and she couldn't help but smile shyly after thinking about it, so it also shows that he at least treats himself as a woman, right?As long as there is, I am afraid that he will treat everyone equally...

Murphy and Chris were like two vampires, babbling and waving their claws to the sun outside the tent, as if they were about to be melted by the sun.

It's normal to say that, after all, they live in the holy place where the sun doesn't shine all the year round, and it's extremely uncomfortable to suddenly look at the sun without seeing the sun all year round.

But such an exaggeration is quite like a neurosis, which made many soldiers passing by in the distance of the camp keep looking here.Yuan Feiwu greeted them one by one as if nothing had happened, there was no way, if he didn't say hello, he might rush up to escort them.

After a while, Yuan Feiwu felt that it was almost done, so he brought the two of them in.

Yudora changed into simple plain clothes, probably because she had listened carefully to Yuan Feiwu's instructions just now, and didn't dress naked and sexy anymore.

But the charm on his face seemed to have been carved into his bones, and it was still amazing without a cloak to cover it up.

Yudora lowered her head, without the cloak as a shield, showing a rare girlish posture, looking at the floor, wondering what Yuan Feiwu would think of her now.

Suddenly, she felt her eyes go dark, and she stretched out her hand to touch it, and there was something on her head.Hastily took it off and saw it was a gray fur hat.

"I used it before, the gray one is quite suitable for making myself inconspicuous, I'll give it to you." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile.

"Thank you! The servant's house will take good care of it!"

Yudora hugged the fur hat in surprise, and couldn't help but bury her face in it.

There was no way, her face was burning hot, she didn't want to leave a strange impression in front of Demon Lord Minghuo!It's just that it's strange to suddenly bury the hat given by the other party and pant at a distance.

And she seems to have forgotten that the first time she met Yuan Feiwu, when she picked Yuan Feiwu's chin and said that she would accept him as her man, she already left a very strange impression on others...

(End of this chapter)

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