Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 672 Day and night are different!

Chapter 672 Day and night are different!
Yuan Feiwu sent them outside the city and waved goodbye.

This time, Murphy and the others had a much deeper feeling for Yuan Feiwu, and they were very reluctant.

"Didn't you bring Little Law out this time?" Yuan Feiwu asked suddenly.

"Eh... that..." Murphy was taken aback when he heard Yuan Feiwu say the little law, because the word "small" hadn't been used on it for a long time, "Fengbao has been in the past few years since you were away. He looks stronger than me, so I think it would be more appropriate to call it 'The Big Law' or 'The Law of Fat'... It's too big and it's really inconvenient to bring it out."

"Oh, the food is pretty good!" Yuan Feiwu smiled, "Go back and say hello to it for me."


This time, Murphy didn't complain about Yuan Feiwu and asked him to take a special trip to say hello to the law, because he already understood that the friendship of Minghuo Mozun was regardless of high or low, status or race.As long as you have goodwill towards Demon Lord Minghuo, Demon Lord Minghuo will return your kindness without hesitation.Even if it was just a Tianfeng leopard cub, the hand-licking friendship was also remembered by Minghuo Mozun in his heart.

The three of them were reluctant to return, but they still walked away quickly, fleeing to the distant mountains and forests.

Eudora kept clutching her hat and giggling. Murphy and Chris thought it was good when they saw this. At least it distracted her from wondering what the holy object was.That's good, at least the Holy Land will not perish because of this, it's really good.

After walking a long way, Murphy stopped suddenly, and Chris pushed him for no reason.

"Why don't you leave? Let's go, the boss said that people from the Fengshou Empire may come to attack the city at any time, and it is very dangerous for us to be nearby. At that time, we will reveal our identity and cause trouble for the boss." Chris said.

"No, um, um, I just tried that, but I can't put this 'beep—' into the storage space!" Murphy looked at Chris dully, "So, the boss's 'beep—' -' is also a fetish-level thing? So who is the boss? Is my storage space too watery or the boss' beep--' is too advanced? Or grab your hair and let me see if it can be stuffed Fits into storage space…”

Chris scratched his head and thought about it for a while. He didn't know whether it was the nature of the flying hair that was difficult to determine or he was unwilling to pull out his own hair, so he said, "Go away! Even if it can be stuffed in, it must be treated as a fetish. Respect! It doesn't matter who the boss is, anyway, I will only follow his lead!"

"'s weird, why can't it fit's really troublesome to carry a box around..."

Murphy murmured to himself depressedly and continued on his way.

That night, in the dead of night, the Fengshou Empire launched a sneak attack.

The fields outside the city were the first to be destroyed.The Tianlong Army had already transferred the crops that were about to mature to the city, but deliberately left a considerable part of them, so that the other party had the illusion that they had too much food to recycle.

The generals on the front line of the Fengyu Empire were even more angry and shocked when they received the news. They were so angry that their carefully planned food cut-off plan was inexplicably broken, and they were shocked because the king blamed them for fear of losing their heads!
The general knew that he was to blame for all this. He put all his energy into blocking the opponent's way of coming beyond the three cities, preventing them from supplying them with food through any means, but he did not send anyone to keep an eye on the opponent's situation.

Because I didn't expect it at all!Didn't they all confirm that all the crops in the city had been cut down? It wouldn't last a few days just relying on those damaged crops. Who would have thought that the other party would actually plant a large area by himself!Northway's soldiers still cultivate crops?Even if it does, it doesn't make sense to mature so quickly!What a strange thing!

After the general confirmed the news, while passing the news back to the king, he didn't know if it was right to mobilize all the troops on hand to attack first.

When he thought about it, the other party's crops were still a little late to mature, and it should be when the hunger state was at its heaviest. Otherwise, when the crops were harvested and they were full, the other party would be even more difficult to deal with.Attacking the enemy's emptiness is the most basic knowledge in the art of war, and there is no problem with the general's strategy.But the problem is that people have long expected that they will attack, or in other words, deliberately lure them to attack.

Bielun had been sleepless because he heard Yuan Feiwu said that the war was approaching, so he jumped out of bed when he heard the news of the messenger.

But his first reaction when he received the news was: Feiwu really knows everything like a god!Not to mention three days, the opponent came to attack that night!

The second reaction was: the opponent's army came to attack, and after being used to relying on Yuan Feiwu, if Yuan Feiwu was not around, to be honest, I really didn't know what to do!But I'm afraid Feiwu is very busy tonight, so it's too ignorant to interrupt rashly!
But business is business, private business is private business, Bielun gritted his teeth for the last time, and went outside Yuan Feiwu's camp in person.

"Fei Wu! General Yuan! Are you there? It's me, Big Brother Belun. The southern city of the Fengshou Empire has sent a large number of troops to attack. The situation is urgent! Fei Wu, if you don't have time, you can continue to work, but can you tell me what to do? "

After Bielun shouted, he paced back and forth outside the tent in embarrassment. He was already very unprincipled, and he had already settled for the next best thing to the enemy. He didn't need Yuan Feiwu to go out in person, all he needed was to give him a direction.

As a soldier, he feels that his current connivance has violated the bottom line of a soldier, but because the other party is Yuan Feiwu, he feels that Yuan Feiwu has been researching and developing equipment, making suggestions, leading the army and working hard recently. It's a good thing, but it offended the bottom line of his conscience.

"Yuan Feiwu is not here."

The door of the tent was suddenly opened, and a nimble body leaned out.

When Bielun saw this silver-haired beauty, he was startled, and he took a few steps backwards, almost slipping and falling.

"You, why are you here, Miss Jiawen? Could it be that the princess is here too?!" Bielun's eyes were wide open, and he forgot to close his mouth in surprise.

"Entrusted by Yuan Feiwu, come to support. The princess is in the palace." Jiawen said flatly, with indescribable indifference in his eyes, "He said it's not my turn yet, just let me rest."

"Ah? Ah! So that's how it is!" Belun swallowed hard, "Damn, did the orderly's eyes come out of the window? What kind of winking eyes are like silk, they are obviously cold... Oh, Miss Jiawen is also winking Silky, winking like silk!" Bielun almost said what was in his heart, and quickly changed his words.

"What messenger?" Jiawen looked at Bielun, his sharp eyes startled him.

What orderly?Why would you ask this question?

Bielun suddenly felt a little bad. Didn't he mess up something?

"May I ask Miss Jiawen when did you come?"

"Just arrived for a while." Jiawen's eyes became sharper, and Bielun was sweating coldly.

Knew it!Nima is not a gang!
The ones at noon are the ones at noon, Miss Jiawen is Miss Jiawen!On the contrary, I poked out the people at noon, no wonder Miss Jiawen's eyes became sharper and sharper!
It's just that it's not his fault, who would have known that Comrade Fei Wu had a tryst with three of them at noon, and there would be one more at night!And she is also the princess' personal bodyguard, the genius girl Jiawen!But it makes sense to think about it, this big iceberg can only be handled by a god like Energy Flying Dance!And looking at Jiawen's natural and casual appearance in Yuan Feiwu's camp, it looks more like a palace!

"No, there are no messengers! There are no winks! And there are no three beauties in black! Nothing! It's been a long time since I saw you. Uncle Bie Lun is just talking nonsense because he is excited, ah ha ha ha! Since Fei Wu If not, I will go to work first!"

Bie Lun ran back with a haha, looking directly at him as if he wanted to run after doing something bad.Speaking of which, this was the first time he had talked so much with Jiawen. He, the leader of the Tianlong Group, had only met Jiawen a few times. In fact, they were not familiar with each other at all. A girl who rejects people thousands of miles away.

But now he has a good impression of Jiawen, maybe it's Aiwujiwu, he can't hate anything that Yuan Feiwu likes!Otherwise, wouldn't it be the source of suspicion?
"I'll go take a look."

Jiawen's voice was very similar to Tian Lai, although without a trace of emotion, it rang softly in Belun's ears.Belun was startled again, it turned out that she followed, as expected of a sky warrior, he couldn't detect her voice at all.

But at this moment, Jiawen's words were like a sharp knife stabbing into Bie Lun's heart.

Damn, Yuan Feiwu got into trouble!The smell of Zhenggong vinegar is coming out to find the main explanation!

Feiwu, Big Brother Bie Lun is really sorry for you!But don't blame Big Brother Bie Lun for talking about you, you already have three at noon, and it doesn't seem easy to mess with another one at night. I know you are handsome, but you have left too much romantic debt!Playboy Adam is no longer your match!
(End of this chapter)

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