Chapter 673

"The magicians rested, the city gate was opened, and General Murray took people out to clean up the battlefield. The giant crossbow was worn out, oiled and polished, and simple maintenance was carried out. Also, pay attention to the fact that the floating feather arrows are shooting at densely packed places, Don’t waste the consumption of Floating Feather Arrows on other scattered targets. This time, the cooperation of the archers is not up to the standard. Several captains discuss how to strengthen communication to strike the ground, and then tell me.”

Before the Belun people arrived, they heard Yuan Feiwu's calm voice on the city wall, commanding in an orderly manner.

At this tense moment, Yuan Feiwu actually commanded at the front line earlier than he, the regiment leader, really made Bie Lun feel ashamed for worrying about disturbing Yuan Feiwu's good deeds.

People are very clear about right and wrong, public and private!How dirty I think about others!

And listening to it, it seems that a wave of enemies has been repelled. Will this efficiency be too high?

Belun also had the strength of a warrior of the earth, he didn't need to use the stairs inside the city wall, and jumped up after stepping along the wall a few times.

The first time he went up, he called Yuan Feiwu to stop, his eyebrows danced playfully, if he had a mirror in front of him, he might understand that his behavior was completely insane.But there is no way, Jiawen is right behind him, and it is no longer necessary to communicate with Yuan Feiwu, and he can only hope that Yuan Feiwu can have such a tacit understanding with himself.

Beside Yuan Feiwu, many corpses wearing the military uniform of the Fengyu Empire fell down. The blood almost stained the ground under his feet red. Dozens of soldiers watched around vigilantly by his side, fearing that those corpses would crawl again. Get up and attack Yuan Feiwu.Samuel is also here, probably acting as Yuan Feiwu's bodyguard.

Damn, it's no wonder that I always feel that something is missing. It turns out that my guard's deputy head of the long-distance running guard has gone!Well, I have to admit that Samuel did a good job this time, and Yuan Feiwu must be more important than him still running around in the camp.

On the other hand, Yuan Feiwu looked like a normal person, and asked with a smile, "Brother Bie Lun, did you get sand in your eyes?"

Your eyes are filled with sand and your eyebrows are raised like this!You just got sand in your eyes, okay?Bie Lun beat his chest and stepped on his feet, he couldn't believe that the two of them didn't have a tacit understanding at all!

But it's fine if you don't have a tacit understanding, can't you see such a big beauty behind you!Everyone has come to find it, can't it be a long snack!There are usually three things when a woman comes to her, one is to hug when she is jealous when buying a bag!My eyebrows are jumping like this, how can I still hug this option? !

"Feiwu, Big Brother Bie Lun is sorry for you, remember, nothing happened to you this afternoon, don't admit anything, just push it all to Big Brother."

Bie Lun had no choice but to cheat Yuan Feiwu like this, he would feel bad for his conscience, so he could only embrace Yuan Feiwu and whisper a few words in Yuan Feiwu's ear before walking away, and found Adam who was blood-stained and red-eyed beside him to understand the situation.Although the atmosphere here is a bit depressing as a stage for talking about love, but we still have to leave the stage to the two of them.

Ever since Jiawen experienced that heart-opening conversation where even the troubles of the god king were willing to be handled by Yuan Feiwu, every time Jiawen looked into Shang Yuan Feiwu's eyes, it reminded her of the time when her long sword was cut off , lying on the ground watching Yuan Feiwu take her helplessness and heaviness as his own responsibility, and fly towards Athena.

My mind was inexplicably turbulent and I couldn't calm down.

"Why did you come up? It's not your turn yet." Yuan Feiwu greeted Jiawen, seemingly unchanged from before.

In fact, Yuan Feiwu also had a change in his heart. Since Jiawen saw that he no longer studied how to kill him every moment, Jiawen's sense of calm, the faint fragrance of orchid on his body, and the voice of the demon king could not help but be fascinated. , Yuan Feiwu likes staying with Jiawen very much, enjoying the feeling of peace and tranquility both physically and mentally.

"Just come up to take a look." Jiawen glanced sideways at Bielun, who was talking to Adam on the surface but actually listened to their conversation with his ears up. "He is suspicious."

"Brother Bie Lun is indeed a weird person, but he is also a good person. He also said some inexplicable things to me just now. Just ignore his nonsense, and just ignore what you don't understand. It is said that he was arrested for talking nonsense before. The commander of the Marens Legion punished him for washing the toilet." Yuan Feiwu explained to Bielun.

Well, even though I asked Yuan Feiwu to throw all the blame on herself, but what did Yuan Feiwu really do? Bielun still feels a little sad, err...

"Punishment for washing the toilet?"

The corners of Jiawen's mouth twitched slightly, and all he could think of was Beelun flushing the toilet in Marens's house in the commander's light armor with cysts all over his body.That picture is really unbearable to look at.

"You look good when you smile." Yuan Feiwu stared at Jiawen for a long time, perhaps because it was so rare and so precious, Yuan Feiwu couldn't take his eyes off that little smile, and Jiawen's snow-white face was immediately covered with a blush.

Bielun shook his head lightly, and he knew that his worry was unnecessary after hearing this.

Yuan Feiwu, Yuan Feiwu, the ability to seduce girls is MAX, even an iceberg can be easily split, no wonder there are so many lovers!

"But you have a bit of a weird smile." Yuan Feiwu scratched his head and added a terrible sentence, because he didn't understand what was so funny about Beelun being punished by Marens for washing the toilet.

As soon as Jiawen heard it, that smile disappeared without a trace.

Does she have a weird smile?

Not far away, Bie Lun fell hard, causing several nearby soldiers to rush over to help him up, asking what was wrong with him.

Brother, don't call me brother, I'll call you brother, okay!My sister is so excited by you, what does it mean that you suddenly poured a pot of ice water?Do you play with girls' hearts like this!ah! ?

I can't take it anymore, what are you doing, as a senior gossip, the more you eavesdrop, the more you get angina, you will end up alone sooner or later!
"Captain Belun, did you listen to my report on the battle situation just now? Can you concentrate!" Adam said dissatisfiedly after Belun was helped up.

Listening to his report, he could hear falling down. Is this mocking himself with his body?
"I didn't understand, please say it again. Ouch, I'm getting older, and my heart can no longer withstand such torture."

Bielun clutched his chest and kept sighing.

Adam was a little confused. Didn't Bielun fall on his butt just now? Why does his heart hurt?
Forget it, anyway, this person is a bit weird, otherwise, the dignified leader would not be fined to clean the toilet at his house.

When a major stain occurs in a person's life, this stain may become a label of a person, and Bielun is an example.

"You didn't see how wonderful it was just now. Brother Wu calmly commanded everyone, the magician rumbled, the giant crossbow bang bang bang, and the climbed up clang clang clang, wow ha ha ha, beat them back!"

Adam said it again vividly, the body was still special, but Belun just slapped him on the head.

This bastard was excited just now, but he hasn't recovered yet, right?What are you talking about!

"Why hit me!" Adam was depressed.

"Speak human! Let's see how I can deal with you! You can't even do the reporting work. Believe it or not, I will transfer you to the logistics! The son of the commander of the Marens Army doesn't have face, let me tell you !"

Bielun vented on Adam the depression he had suffered at Yuan Feiwu just now, and he immediately felt much better.

"It's just that you didn't listen carefully. How could there have been bang bang bang?" Adam rolled his eyes, and had to abandon the abstract school and replace it with the real school to express again, "The opponent's all-powerful troops are attacking, and Brother Wu is directing very rhythmically. The enemy army brought siege equipment into a dilemma, and then let the magician and archer attack down, and it made them feel uncomfortable, I can’t say! Then the archer and magician on the other side thought that our long-range firepower was destroyed. The infantry was attracted, and they wanted to get closer for support, so it was a trick! Even if Brother Wu made a quick attack and entered the Fengshou Empire, he still used the fifty heavy crossbows brought by the logistics, and put one on the city wall. Add time-delay magic to their arrows, directly blasting their magicians and archers to death!"

Adam took a breath, and then continued: "The opponent's general is not too stupid, so he immediately let the team retreat. It's just a pity that some soldiers who passed the ladder and let the warriors of the earth rush up were killed by us before they could retreat. Turn over. But even if they don’t retreat and let the soldiers attack the city wall desperately, they are doomed to be unable to fight. Without magicians and archers to support them, they can only die, and it’s not like we don’t have land warriors!”

After Adam finished, Belun's mind slowly emerged the picture at the time. The rumbling bangs that Adam just said, and it was very good at the scene, and it was quite a scene.

(End of this chapter)

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