Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 674 Playing with the opponent's siege

Chapter 674 Playing with the opponent's siege

In any space, attacking a city is definitely more disadvantageous than defending a city, and the same is true for all realms.

In this world where hot weapons are outdated, of course the ones who destroy the city gates rely on fighting spirit and magic.Therefore, every grudge user above a mage and an earth warrior is a siege cannon.

Blast the city walls and gates with magic vindictiveness, and smash the gates or walls. This time the siege is half successful.

But the defenders of the city are not fools, especially the city walls and gates, which have been added layer by layer to strengthen the magic circle from the beginning of construction, otherwise they will be like bubbles in the face of magic and fighting spirit.It can be said that all the city walls and gates are the brainchild of money and resources.

In this way, it is not so easy for the city wall to be crushed by magic or battle qi, but it cannot be allowed to be bombarded by the opponent. The accumulated scars of the reinforced magic circle will rupture if there are too many, or even shattered to lose its effect.

One side has magical grudges, and the other side has solidified magic circles, and after a long time it becomes a war of attrition.Therefore, in most siege battles, commanders will not use force to force them.Sun Tzu's Art of War said it well, ten is to encircle it, and five is to attack it.Only ten times the enemy's strength can encircle the opponent, and five times the enemy's strength can make a storm.This still refers to fighting in the wild. For a siege battle, there must be more than this number. If there is no disparity in the strength of a hard siege, it will not be enough to die.

Therefore, several cities that the Fengyu Empire took down Northway before used lightning-fast sneak attacks, especially Yonggu City. Sacrifice is hard to estimate.

The same is true for the Tianlong Army's counterattack against the Fengshou Empire. It also took advantage of the tricks to sneak attack and seize three cities, and none of them were captured by force.

Siege will always pay attention to a method, head-to-head is definitely the last resort.

Now the generals of the Fengshou Empire don't want to lose their heads, so they can only make this bad move.

The number of troops attacked by the Fengyu Empire this time is quite large, at least three times that of the Tianlong Army.But even with this amount, it is still whimsical to think of besieging the city and attacking from multiple sides. It is more likely that the scattered siege will be defeated one by one.The generals of the Fengshou Empire were not brain-dead, so they mobilized their forces to concentrate on a fierce attack, which is reasonable in the art of war.

However, the Tianlong Army is not a miscellaneous army. It is the main force of the First Army. It is not a big problem to defend this level of siege attack, let alone have Yuan Feiwu in command.

It's just that Belun was surprised that the speed of repelling the opponent was too fast!
After listening to Adam's report, Belun also understood the key.

Once again, the super weapon developed by Yuan Feiwu played a powerful role!

This giant crossbow is a secret weapon developed by Northway Weapons, and it is said that they were only equipped with it by the Tianlong Army.And when you bring it, there are a lot of parts, just find a magician to pack it up and stuff it in the storage space.It's not a big deal even if you ask soldiers to carry it on your back. When you need to use it, you can quickly assemble it, which is very convenient!This exquisitely assembled weapon is already a work of art to Belun, not a weapon!

Bielun looked at the giant crossbows that had already been set up beside him. There was a great fire magician on the side of each giant crossbow, casting time-delay magic on the arrows of the giant crossbows.

Moreover, the operation of the giant crossbow is not difficult, and ordinary people can control it. It has a large momentum and a range almost twice that of ordinary bows and arrows. Coupled with the magic of the magician, the arrows will directly knock down the whole area.With such a strange and powerful attack, if Beelun were the opponent's general, he would choose to retreat without hesitation. The magician is an important resource, how can he not retreat and follow the opponent!

The magician and the archer were contained, and no matter how much the charging team charged, they would die. It was the most correct way to retreat recklessly.

God King!Or the Demon King!Please don't let yourself become Yuan Feiwu's enemy!As long as this wish can be fulfilled, Belun can pray to anyone!

It's too scary to fight against such a ghost!The longer he gets along with Yuan Feiwu, the more he can feel the fear of being almost omnipotent!
"Report! General Yuan, soldiers from the Fengchu Empire have jumped over the wall in three directions from east to west, north to east!" A messenger ran over and reported the news of the sneak attack, but he didn't rush.

"Are the undercover generals Rosti and the others ready?" Yuan Feiwu took the words and replied.

Seeing that the messenger seemed to be transparent as the leader of the regiment, Bie Lun was not angry at all, and stepped aside with a smile. He wished that Yuan Feiwu could take the initiative to take over all the affairs of the Tianlong Army!

"Get ready! It was General Rosti who sent me to report, and let you rest assured by the way!"

"Okay, wait for your good news."

The orderly retreated quickly.

Being attacked unexpectedly, none of the present Yuanfei Belun Adam panicked.

Because Yuan Feiwu had made this prediction earlier, and because the opponent's food depended on logistical supplies, the troops currently gathered nearby were not enough to storm the city guarded by the Tianlong Army.Since they can't attack, they can consider a feint attack. They also understand that the reason why their plan is shattered is that the opponent has grown crops by themselves, so they send a few expert teams to mix in from other city walls to harvest the crops that are about to mature. Just burn it.

This possibility has already been predicted by Yuan Feiwu, how could Yuan Feiwu not make arrangements.

Several important cultivated lands are guarded by great earth mages, and they have set up delay magic circles, waiting to catch these masters all at once.Those who dared to break through the city wall and sneak in were not land warriors but at least high-level warriors. The destruction of such elites would do more harm to the Fengshou Empire, and of course it would be easier to defend the city in the future.

When Yuan Feiwu mentioned this possibility and asked everyone to think about what to do, the generals were so annoyed that their heads ached. Once the battle started, how could they divide their troops to guard against those masters who sneaked in? Not useful, how to prevent?
Everyone thought of a lot of strategies, and they didn't need Yuan Feiwu's advice once they put it out. They all knew it wouldn't make sense, and there was silence in the end.

Why do all the walls prevent death?Compared to the defensive troops who sneaked in to attack us, those crops that we are busy defending the city and left unattended are more attractive to them, right?As long as the ambush is done on the cultivated land, it is enough to wait for the rabbit. This kind of targeted defense requires much less manpower.

Yuan Feiwu's words awakened the dreamer, and all the generals were amazed.It's such a simple matter that can be solved, but they can't think of a solution after thinking about it. It's really annoying to compare people to people.

"Brother Wu, after this group of people also failed, I'm afraid the other party will be forced to use their trump card? That's why you invited Miss Jiawen to help, right?" Adam suddenly said to Yuan Feiwu.

Adam, as an amorous species, basically sees a beautiful woman and will get his sperm in his head. This situation has improved a lot since Qing Ding Yuan Xiao Wu.

But this is not the reason why he was so serious when I saw Jiawen this time, it also has a dark history.When he saw Athena and Jiawen for the first time, his male hormones were still flooded, and he turned three times and four times looking for opportunities to strike up a conversation.At that time, Jiawen's strength was already at the peak of the earth warrior, and he could stab ten Adams to death with one finger. At that time, he thought it was annoying, so Jiawen planned to kill Adam.

For her, killing Adam is a matter?
The naked murderous aura that made Adam unable to resist shook Adam's heart heavily.He clearly felt that this long-legged beauty really wanted to kill him, ignoring his identity, ignoring his status, ignoring who he was, it was just pure killing intent!
If Athena hadn't discovered it and stopped it in time, he would have known that he would have died in Jiawen's hands!
From that day on, wherever Jia Wen was, he would act as a decent person, all because of this shadow of a boy from the past!
"That's right, if you use your brain more, you can think of these simple things." Yuan Feiwu praised.

Yuan Feiwu is convinced that Adam has a strategic vision and an absolute talent.Although he is slightly inferior to Silas, but Silas is a strategic talent that is rare in a hundred years. Adam is much better than many young generals in horizontal comparison.

As Bielun listened, he realized that he was belatedly aware again.

After thinking about it carefully, he can also deduce the possible offensive of the opponent, but he only needs some hints like this to think of it.

Conventional methods failed to destroy their food and grass or cities, so the opponent will use unconventional weapons in a short time!Use sky warriors and magisters to forcibly destroy their food!It was predictable!

Because this has not reached the point of violating the unspoken rules, if the sky warriors and magisters are used to forcibly break the city, it is considered a violation of the bottom line.

In the highest level of battle, Jiawen can be invited to come and help. Although it is only a sky warrior, it is also a big help. After all, every country has a rare resource for this level of characters. One more is one. There will be too few people.

Although they thought about it now, judging from the fact that Yuan Feiwu had already made arrangements to invite everyone over, they were still far from Yuan Feiwu!
But Jiawen glanced at Yuan Feiwu at this moment, because Yuan Feiwu didn't invite her to help her at all when she came here this time.However, it seems that Yuan Feiwu used such an excuse to explain why he appeared here, otherwise he, a princess' personal bodyguard, appeared on the front line inexplicably, it would not make sense.

"Don't you need to ask the rear to call in more experts? We have less than ten top-level fighters here, so there must be more opponents?" Bielun was a little worried.

"No, most of the highest-level combat forces of the Fengshou Empire are also at the side of Yonggu City, and they happen to be restrained by our people. As long as our people monitor whether there is any sign of the top combat forces of the Fengshou Empire leaving, there will be no signs of leaving. Our people just put some pressure on them so that they can't do it. I don't think there are more than a few of us in the opponent's top combat power here. We can still bear it just for defense, but the pressure will be relatively high. After a few days, it will be enough. Good." Yuan Feiwu smiled.

"What will happen if we can't hold on any longer?" Bielun couldn't help asking.

Yuan Feiwu thought for a while and said, "Then the time to unify the mainland will change from two months to more than half a year."

Bie Lun showed a demented look again, before Yuan Feiwu said that the unification of the mainland within two months was not a joke!It's actually pretty cool to be able to unify after more than half a year!
Ever since the opponent's main force retreated to Yonggu City to defend the border, Yuan Feiwu knew that the progress of this unification war would be much faster, and could be shortened from one year to two months.

It can be seen how stinky Sabo's move is.

But the most important thing is that they must defend the city, so as to divert all the attention of the opponent.

After all, they are just a group of MTs who pull hatred, and the real DPS is yet to come!
(End of this chapter)

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