Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 675 Even the Demon King Has No Plan to Deal With It

Chapter 675 Even the Demon King Has No Plan to Deal With It
The first wave of siege failed, and the generals of the Fengshou Empire had been mentally prepared for this early in the morning.

But the defeat was so fast and so fragile, and the opponent's attack was a brutal weapon that people had never seen before. The defeat made the general of the Fengshou Empire feel half cold.

It doesn't matter, he still has a real backhand.

In the middle of the night, news came from the scouts in front that all the teams that had sneaked into the opponent's city lost contact.

His backhand had already been expected by the opponent.

His offensive to take the blame and make meritorious service also failed, and the king's blaming him would definitely not yield good results.

Another desperate siege?

He gave up.

He might be bestowed to death by the uncertain king, but he didn't want to drag so many soldiers under him to be buried with him.The opponent has such brutal weapons to suppress their own mages and archers. Before there is a way to crack them, it is impossible to take down the opponent's city by relying on ordinary rushing, unless he is given five times more troops and piled up with corpses.Such a sacrifice, not to mention that he doesn't have it on hand now, even if he did, it would consume most of the remaining troops in the Fengshou Empire.It is not a sensible approach to consume a lot of troops within the Fengshou Empire just for one of the army groups of a legion.

"General, send sky warriors and magisters to cooperate with the soldiers to attack, there should be a fight!"

The lieutenant general saw that the general did not speak or give orders for a long time, his face was pale, and he immediately understood what the general was worried about.

"That's the only way to go. However, our sky warrior magister doesn't have much advantage compared to the opponent. I will immediately ask the king for help. Today, let's withdraw first." The general murmured.

"This...failing to run out of food is already a big mistake, and I still have to ask the king for support. I'm afraid the king will be furious and blame me..." the deputy general said worriedly.

"Stop talking, just withdraw." The general's voice was a little desperate.

He was terrified, their highest-level combat power had a slight advantage in numbers, but with that advantage, he was very afraid that the opponent would come up with some inexplicable moth, and in the end it would be another blow to the head.The highest level of combat power is the foundation of the country, and it can never afford any losses. The general dare not take such unknown risks.

The former general was beheaded and he was promoted to a general; he followed King Sabo's plan to limit the Tianlong Army by cutting off food, and watched the Tianlong Army fall into their trap step by step; when the other party almost ran out of food, they actually planted a new crop A large number of crops; he devised a surprise plan to burn food and grass, but failed miserably... During the confrontation with the Tianlong Army for more than a week, he experienced the most intense ups and downs in his life, and the original high-spirited spirit looked like two hundred years old now. .

The Tianlong Army had been preparing for the battle with trepidation all night, but it was unexpected that the Fengyu Empire did not launch another attack and really retreated.

When it was daytime, Belun arranged for the rest of the soldiers to take turns, and then he said to the handsome men and women who had been standing on the city wall as if enjoying the night breeze and watching the morning: "Feiwu, Miss Jiawen, you stayed here all night last night, go back and rest. Let’s wait a while, if there is any enemy situation, we will definitely notify you immediately.”

"I'm not tired." Yuan Feiwu turned around and smiled.

"It's not a question of whether you're tired or not, it's an order! Only a good rotation and rest can guarantee the quality of our defense. Didn't you say that?" Bielun slammed his face once in a while.

"Okay." Yuan Feiwu said, since Belun is the head of the regiment, he, the deputy head of the regiment, sometimes has to do a good job of giving face to the head of the regiment.

Anyway, the other party's further offensive has not appeared since last night, so it is estimated that the fastest offensive will not come until after the afternoon.

Jiawen saw that Yuan Feiwu was going back, and there was nothing wrong with her staying here, so she also wanted to leave.

Adam, who has now become Yuan Feiwu's follower, has been acting as a light bulb on one side, and Bi Lun wanted to kick him off the city wall all night, but everyone clearly moved away from this circle, and he was the only one who was still glowing and glowing.

At this time, Adam took the initiative to share Yuan Feiwu's worries and said, "Miss Jiawen has also gone back to rest? Brother Wu will rest when he is tired. I will ask someone to arrange a tent. Wait a moment..."

Bielun's reaction was already very fast, and he kicked obliquely before the thunder could cover his ears, causing Adam to roll over there covering his feet.

But Adam couldn't hold his tongue fast, he couldn't stop Adam from finishing his speech so quickly.

Well, now that I've finished speaking, and people have heard it, do you think it's embarrassing? !Although she is a genius warrior, she is still just a girl in her 20s, so she has to be shameless. After you say that, she can still say: No need, just me and Fei Wu...? !Can? !
Can you give me a wink?Although Adam didn't know that Jiawen was found by Beelun from Yuan Feiwu's tent, but you didn't see Jiawen standing on the city wall with Yuan Feiwu all night, can't you see the relationship between them?For no reason, there will be beautiful women who are willing to stand with you on the city wall all night?
Bielun had the urge to give him a sword!

Yuan Feiwu was rather interested.

The scene of Adam fluttering and dancing on the ground is quite familiar, and I have mixed feelings for a while.Even he, when he met Adam for the first time, never thought that he would meet him in the future, although until now Adam still thought that it was Yuan Xiaowu who he met back then.

"No, it's gone. There are no spare tents. I'm really sorry..." Bielun couldn't help looking at Yuan Feiwu and Jiawen in embarrassment, and immediately came to the rescue.

"Yes, there are still many more, or you can borrow a residential house, there are so many empty houses..."

"Shut up!" Belun simply kicked Adam off the city wall, "Please Yuan Feiwu, please make some arrangements. The people you invited will share the same camp?"

Yuan Feiwu nodded indifferently, anyway, Jiawen had something important to discuss with him during his trip.

Seeing that Jiawen did not object, Bielun breathed a sigh of relief, filled with a sense of happiness.

Without such a bad guy, Belun suddenly felt that the air on the city wall was filled with a sweet smell, and that was the smell of love, right?

It's nice to be young...

Halfway through being intoxicated, Bie Lun suddenly thought of the scene last night, if the bastard from the Fengshou Empire made some kind of plane later and wanted to disturb Yuan Feiwu's good business, that would be wrong!

So now it is time to ask clearly about the next step strategy, Yi Yuan Feiwu's ghost must have already made the next step arrangement, and he will be able to make decisions by then, without having to bother Yuan Feiwu.

Damn, why am I so smart!

Bielun was amazed by his ingenuity for a moment!

"Wait, Feiwu, might there be any big moves from the Fengyu Empire in a while? Do we have any plans to deal with it?" Bielun called Yuan Feiwu who turned around and was about to leave, and asked eagerly.

"The other party is eager to destroy our crops, so there must be a more aggressive offensive within the next two days. They didn't attack again last night, which shows that they know that they just gave up in vain, so they should be asking for help from the rear." Yuan Feiwu gave a detailed analysis to Bie Lun listen.

"Two days, you can't gather many troops. Even if there are a large number of troops deployed nearby, it will take a day or two to gather. It's too late, you idiots of the Fengshou Empire!" Bielun laughed.

"Yes, the troops were previously used to block all the directions where we asked for food, and the division was relatively fragmented. Two days was not enough time to gather. So in my opinion, the other party's request for support will be the highest level of combat power. They flew here with all their strength, and it took more than half a day. Enough? The highest-level combat power in the army can’t take advantage. As a last resort, the master guards in the palace are transferred to the front line, so that we can use the numerical advantage to suppress our highest-level combat power and burn food and grass. And If I were the commander of the opponent, I would definitely take advantage of this opportunity to see if we can kill our highest-level combat power here. Eliminate the opponent's core strength through local advantages and play the biggest blow to the overall strength."

Bie Lun was still smiling leisurely just now, but after listening to Yuan Feiwu's words, he couldn't laugh anymore, even his palms were sweating.If this is the case, their current situation is too dangerous!
"Isn't this cheating? We didn't call the captains of the Royal Guards to the front line either! And half a day is enough for the opponent to fly over. It's been a night and we still haven't grasped the time to attack, shouldn't it be? ?" Bielun didn't want to believe Yuan Feiwu's judgment from the bottom of his heart.

"The fastest way to request support is to let the sky warriors fly back, or fly to a suitable distance where you don't worry about being intercepted and use voice transmission. It will take half a day here, so the enemy's reinforcements will be the fastest after noon. Let's arrive." After Yuan Feiwu finished speaking, he and Jiawen continued to go down the tower.

"Then what should we do?!" Belun lay on the edge of the city wall and yelled at Yuan Feiwu's back, and now he was a little panicked, because Yuan Feiwu's tone was so determined.

He once thought that if he didn't believe Yuan Feiwu's words, he wouldn't say how tragic the end would be, so he wouldn't commit the same stupidity again.I would rather believe it than believe it!

"Resistance. If you can't bear it, just retreat, at least keep the revolutionary fire, anyway, they don't dare to deal with our ordinary soldiers and continue to ruin their reputation. Don't expect us to send the Royal Guards or other forces Not to mention that the imperial guards are already responsible, and the border is still strictly guarded by the other side. This is also a kind of restraint on the main force of the local area, so they can't catch up. This is the home ground of the Fengshou Empire Well, they must have a home court advantage! For example, the guards can despicably leave the palace to support the front line, which is one of the home court advantages!" Yuan Feiwu said as if he had seen through Bie Lun's mind, and then walked away without thinking.

Watching Yuan Feiwu and Jiawen walk away, Bielun was still lying on the wall in a daze, without the image that a leader should have.

Hard resistance?Even Yuan Feiwu didn't have a good solution?

Well, after knowing such important information now, Bielun really dare not say that he can not disturb Yuan Feiwu when the opponent attacks.

Coupled with the number of sky warrior magisters in the ring guard, they will usher in the most difficult battle!
(End of this chapter)

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