Chapter 676
As a result, just after lunch time, Bielun received the latest news, a news that had to disturb Yuan Feiwu!

This time, Bielun didn't hesitate anymore, and went directly to Yuan Feiwu, because the importance of this news surpassed anything to their Northway Empire.

"Feiwu, King Alexander suddenly announced his abdication and let Yarongjing inherit the throne of Nuo Siwei!"

Bielun called Yuan Feiwu outside the tent and excitedly told him the news.


It's just that every time Bielun wants to say something exciting to Yuan Feiwu, Yuan Feiwu's reaction to him makes him feel like a child making a fuss, looking at him agitated with extremely calm eyes, making him The whole body was depressed to the point of smoking.

"Don't just 'oh'! Did you hear what I said clearly? The Northway Empire has changed its king, and Alexander succeeded Yalongjing!"

Bielun didn't think he reacted too strongly this time, because it was a big deal for them!Yuan Feiwu shouldn't be so cold!

"So... what's the problem?"

Yuan Feiwu took a half step back silently, perfectly dodging the saliva spurted out by Beelun because of his excitement.

"Problem? King Alexander is still in his prime, why did he abdicate for no reason?" Bielun suddenly looked around to make sure that no one was nearby and whispered in Yuan Feiwu's ear, "Is there any problem inside? There have been incidents that were hidden by the dark forces. Besides, the aptitude of Prince Yalongjing is still low, right? Although the king has been working hard to cultivate Prince Yarongjing's own power and prestige recently, it is just in the initial stage, and he will take over the throne now Some have acted too hastily, and the hearts of the people and the army are not stable... Especially now that the war has not stopped, if there are divisions and dissatisfaction within Northway, it will be too dangerous for Northway. Do you think we should retreat first and fight with Feilong The most urgent thing is for the Dilong Army to take back the border and Yonggu City together? You once said that if you want to fight against the outside world, you must first secure the inside."

"Yes, if you want to fight against the outside world, you must first secure the inside, but now I don't think there is any problem inside." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile, "Minxin, the first victory against the Fengyu Empire before, and our Tianlong Army's war without disturbing the people The good talk is all the credit and tone of Prince Yalongjing. There is no problem with the people's hearts. The military spirit, haven't all the major legions publicly declared their absolute support for Yarongjing, and the king has only one son, Yarongjing. It’s not easy for someone with a heart to make trouble, right?”

Beren was taken aback.

That's right, although it was only a short time ago, it seems that Ya Longjing has gained a terrifying support and presence in just a short period of time.

The overwhelming praise for Yalongjing from the first victory is enough to make all the people in the Northway Empire feel good about it. These are the hearts and prestige of the people.And when the Tianlong Army has been praised by all parties, Yuan Feiwu made people respond that it was Prince Yalongjing who set the tone for them, raising the reputation of Yalongjing to another level in the entire Star Luo Continent.

He only realized now that he still couldn't change his impression of Ya Longjing from two months ago, he was really a bit dull.

However, although he himself has made enough efforts to obtain these things in a short period of time, the real reason is not that simple.

Take a look at what Yalong King has now:

The young heroes who have a close relationship with him center on him and are equivalent to his personal influence, including Coleridge, Silas, Xueyue, Nangongfeng, etc., which one is not related to Yuan Feiwu?Bielun has experienced the previous incidents, he knows that these future stars of Northway are actually people who are closely surrounding Yuan Feiwu, and now they are all fans of Yalongjing.

All the regiment leaders publicly expressed their absolute support and praise for Ya Longjing.Then because of whose face is it selling?

Even the praise received by the Tianlong Army brought in Yalongjing to enjoy a wave of direct benefits, and the reputation continued to rise without doing anything. Who is behind this?
Bielun calmed down, looking at the beautiful young man in front of him who looked like he didn't eat fireworks.

Undoubtedly, Ya Longjing pushed him to the peak of his prestige, even the throne may have many reasons and conditions that this person promoted.

So Ya Longjing became the emperor, why is he surprised?What's so exciting?What's so surprising?

The calmness of Yuan Feiwu became very reasonable after Bielun figured it out!Ya Rongjing was almost created by him!

This person actually has the ability to influence the change of the king of the Northway Empire. This kind of influence makes Belun feel a little scary.

"Is Yalongjing's succession to Nuo Siwei one of the important conditions for us to unify the Star Luo Continent?" Bielun said suddenly.

Yuan Feiwu smiled first, Bie Lun is worthy of being the head of the regiment, and many clues can still be found.


As soon as Yuan Feiwu finished speaking, an orderly came over in a hurry. Judging by his sweat, he must be in a hurry.

"Reporter, I just received a big piece of news, which actually happened a day ago, but it has nothing to do with the military situation. If I disturb the regimental commander and the deputy commander to discuss the business, I will retreat and avoid it!" said the messenger.

Don't look at their Tianlong Army's intrusion into the three consecutive cities of the Fengshou Empire, which seems to be a bombardment, but the actual situation is surrounded by the Fengshou Empire, and the time to obtain outside information will be somewhat delayed. This messenger reported The news is only one day late.It took them two days to receive the important news of Ya Longjing's succession!

"It has nothing to do with the military situation? It has nothing to do with the military situation. What are you doing in such a hurry? You have already rushed over, let's talk." Bielun said a little angrily.

Anyway, he needs some time to digest Yuan Feiwu's words, so let's hear what other news there is.

"The mercenary union's top SSS mission was completed yesterday!"

"The mission of the Mercenary Guild has been completed, how excited are you?!"

The current situation of the messenger is similar to when Bielun and Yuan Feiwu were talking just now. The messenger shouted the news excitedly, but Bielun rolled his eyes.

But Bielun wasn't Yuan Feiwu after all, he realized after three seconds.

"What? What did you say?! The task of finding Lucifer's Broken Blade has been completed?" Belun rushed over and grabbed the shoulder of the messenger. The messenger couldn't step back quietly like Yuan Feiwu, and was directly caught Spraying spittle on his face, "That is something from a god, can it be a task that mortals can complete? Who completed it, the sword masters of the Dawn Mercenary Group?!"

"No, no, it was done by a mercenary group called Wufeng Nongyue! Several sword masters from the mercenary guild had awarded rewards to Wufeng Nongyue mercenary group yesterday, and Wufeng Nongyue became a mercenary group King, you can give orders to all mercenary groups! However, the Dawn Mercenary Group was the first to issue a notice, because they, as Juggernauts, cannot participate in the battles of various countries, so they will not fulfill any orders related to war. See other mercenary groups The Shuguang mercenary group has fulfilled their promises, so there is no one who refuses to obey, one after another expresses their obedience!"

"My God, where is the Wufeng Nongyue mercenary group?!"

Bielun couldn't bear to receive two consecutive news that the Xingluo Continent was about to change, so he took a few steps back and took a few breaths to calm himself down.

Turning her head to look, Nima, Yuan Feiwu still had that indifferent smile.The only change is that Jiawen came out of the camp, and stood beside Yuan Feiwu, looking so pleasing to the eye that Bielun thought he was in Two-dimensional, so beautiful that it was distorted.

Brother, everyone in Xingluo Continent should excitedly grab the people around them and talk about it for three days and three nights, can't you give a little more intense expression!
Bielun couldn't help it, he wanted to grab the messenger and talk about it excitedly!Lucifer's broken sword blade!None of the Juggernauts of the Dawn Mercenary Group could find it!Just pinch a detail and you can talk about your full opinion!

"Brother Bie Lun, calm down. If more exciting news comes later, I'm afraid you will be overwhelmed with your current physical condition." Ren is mentally prepared.

"Can there be new news of this level? Just one is enough to make this day recorded in the annals of Xingluo Continent! Do you think these things are just as common as shopping and grocery shopping?" Bie Lun felt that Yuan Feiwu's joke was not at all. Is not funny.

"Report! Urgent information!" Another messenger arrived, his light armor was soaked in sweat just like the one before him, but he was obviously more excited than the previous one, and he just looked after himself without waiting for Bielun to give a signal Said, "The latest information came, the Wufeng Nongyue mercenary group was formed by Prince Yalongjing! He came to the Bagal Empire Mercenary Guild Headquarters yesterday under the strongest rank of all the captains of the Royal Guards. , accepting the rewards from the three sword masters, almost all the mercenary regiments successively issued their willingness to obey the mercenary guild’s regulations on the king of the mercenary regiments! Later in the day, the king of the Bagal Empire announced that the Bagal Empire was willing to become A part of the Northway Empire, he himself swore to die allegiance to King Yarongjing! In other words, that is to say, the Bagal Empire has surrendered to us! We, Northway, have already occupied the Star Luo Continent. Two-thirds of the plate!"

Belun really couldn't accept the bombardment of the third news, and fell to the ground with a bang, lying on the ground, looking up at the scorching sun, unable to get up.

Now he just wants to look at the sky quietly and let himself relax for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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