Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 677 Super shit luck?

Chapter 677 Super shit luck?
"Boss, do we also want to publish news to obey the Wufeng Nongyue mercenary group? Although it is Xueyue's mercenary group, but the head of their mercenary group is that Ya Longjing, and he has almost all the benefits , I feel very inappropriate."

Li Keke came to Lin Beck's bedroom and paced back and forth.

Before, he was leading mercenaries to camp on the border between the Northway Empire and the Bagal Empire. When he entered the Bagal Empire from Yalongjing under the leadership of more than a dozen sky warriors, Li Keke I feel strange.

The war is coming, what is your new king doing here?Aren't you afraid of being killed by them? !
But he never thought that Ya Longjing came here this time because he completed that SSS-level task!
Who would have guessed that Lucifer's Broken Blade was just something like unofficial history or legend, but he actually found it!
Maybe it can't be said that they found it, but they can only say that they found something that made the mercenary guild believe that it was Lucifer's Broken Blade!

Li Keke still doesn't believe that Ya Longjing found Lucifer's Broken Blade. Even the Shuguang Mercenary Group couldn't find that kind of fetish, so how could he get it casually.It's just that he can figure out something that can fool the mercenary guild to complete the task, which is also considered his skill.

"In my opinion, Yuan Feiwu and the others probably did something good again, right? Don't look at Yuan Feiwu as a harmless, good-natured baby, who has a lot of evil ideas!" Li Keke continued.

"Yes, since you also thought it was their ghost idea, so you don't think about why you did it?" Lin Beck stood up from the sofa and walked to the window.

It had just rained in the Bagal Empire, and the air had a faint earthy smell. After the rain, the birds chirped very loudly, and there were constant chirping calls from an invisible distance.Lin Beck looked into the distance through the window, and took a deep breath in the particularly refreshing scenery.

"I've been thinking about how to construct an environment in which the three empires can achieve balance for the peace and stability of the Star Luo Continent, restraining each other and guarding against each other, then there will be no war, and that will be peace. But what Yuan Feiwu obviously did was to Thoroughly than me, wouldn’t it be more peaceful to unite the three empires into one? I also understand this truth, but I failed to do it. Now, Yuan Feiwu is about to do it.”

"You mean, a few of them want to unify the Xingluo Continent? No wonder they joined the army and started working with the Fengshou Empire..."

"Go ahead, make it public. Then notify all camped troops to pack up and transfer as quickly as possible." Lin Beck turned around and said with a smile.

"Transfer? Where to?" Li Keke was confused.

"Where else can we go? Go to the border between the Fengyu Empire and the Bagal Empire! Nuo Siwei is in the north of the Star Luo Continent, the Bagal Empire is in the southwest, and the Fengying Empire is in the southeast. Everyone is close together. You Didn't realize that our team has not moved far to the south, will we soon reach the border adjacent to the Fengchu Empire? Nuo Siwei's army has almost restrained all the troops of the Fengchu Empire. From this place, if we want to directly take the capital of the Fengshou Empire, even if we encounter stubborn resistance from the local troops, I don't think it will take two months, right?"

"Boss, do you mean that Northway will send us to attack the Fengshou Empire?" Li Keke asked.

He asked, but he knew the answer himself.

As Lin Beck said, the troops of the Fengyu Empire were basically restrained. Although their mercenaries were located on the border with Northway early in the morning to target Northway, in fact, the location shifted. It only takes one day to attack the Fengshou Empire!With such a transfer, the Fengshou Empire would definitely not have time to resist, and would suffer a great loss!

Although it is said that as long as Ya Longjing gathers the power of the two countries, it is enough to suppress the Fengshou Empire and make him breathless.But with the current situation and opportunity, as long as their mercenaries seize the time to attack, the war will end at an unexpected speed.It's okay to end it soon, ordinary people don't need to experience displacement and homelessness, and casualties can be reduced.

Those soldiers who died in battle did not fight for their own intentions. They died in wars only as victims of high-level politics and desires of the country.They drove straight into Huanglong, and resolving the war in this way can reduce many unnecessary casualties.

"How come it happened to be such a good time for Northway! It seems that even the God of Creation is blessing this kid, what luck!" Li Keke continued to sigh.

"What luck? I don't know if the Creator God is blessing him or not. I only know that everything is a design. Even our response is calculated by Fei Wu's ghost spirit. It is estimated that the completion of the SSS task Things, they have already prepared, wait for our team to be deployed, let the Fengyu Empire ignore us, and we will use all our strength to deal with Nuo Siwei and fight together, before handing in this task. At this time, the place where our team is camping The location is the key. From here to attack the Fengshou Empire, it is absolutely as fast as lightning and cannot be guarded against. After a long time, it turns out that the killer weapon he wants to use is our gun!" Lin Beck's name as a genius magister is not in vain , based on the current situation, he already understood everything. Yuan Feiwu didn't get along with him at all, but he believed that the other party would not want the flames of war to spread and have other plans, so he always followed his own way It's just what I should do. "The most critical step is the misstep of the Fengshou Empire. The fierce confrontation with Nuo Siwei at the border caused us to not need to attack, otherwise we would not be able to get to this point. The Fengshou Empire really helped Northway is doing you a favor! This is also good, let the war end as soon as possible, and let the people of the entire Star Luo Continent enjoy the arrival of a truly great era of peace sooner!"

"Well, they have only been fighting for more than a month, and they have come to this point. It only takes so little time to unify the Star Luo Continent under the condition that the strength of the three empires is similar. It is indeed good news for the people of the entire continent. Not to mention that the king of the Bagal Empire is also a guy who knows the current affairs, and he immediately announced his surrender, hehe."

Li Keke said with a smile, while going to open the door that was knocked, a younger brother said that Ya Longjing from Northway came to see him.

"Boss, you really came here to let us go to work. Damn, I'm a little upset, if Xueyue came and said something, I would feel better..." Li Keke complained.

"Let him come up." Lin Beck interrupted Li Keke's complaint, and said with a smile, "You don't have to follow, if I want to attack Ya Longjing, you can't stop me."

For the latter sentence, Lin Beck used his magic power to pass it out of the villa for Ya Longjing and the others to hear.

Those captains really felt a little angry and helpless when they heard it.

If they fight together, Linbeck should be jealous of them, right?After all, more than a dozen sky warriors are no joke.

But if they really want to do something, it's really hard for them to say that they can keep Yalongjing.

After all, there is still a gap in strength.He is one of the four major magisters on the Star Luo Continent, and this is the source of his confidence.

"It's fine for me to go up, captains, don't worry, Lin Beck is not a dangerous person who wants to attack me at any time. Besides, if a great magister wants to kill me, what can I do?"

Ya Nongjing let go, and explained to the captains before going up.

"What? You want us to help attack the Fengyu Empire, right? That's fine, I knew this would happen a long time ago, and I'm about to go back and tell everyone to leave." Seeing Ya Longjing walk in, Li Keke said angrily explain.

Involved in the war, Linbeck stayed away from the outside and did not intervene, at least he claimed that he would not intervene externally, and everyone did not know whether he had made suggestions inside, and it was difficult to get a handle.

At this time, Li Keke will be in charge of all matters of the Jagged Mercenary Corps, so it is only natural that Li Keke stood up and said this.

He doesn't like this prince very much. He feels like an ordinary person. After he left, he didn't know what shit luck and met Xueyue and others. Only then did he become the king of the lord of a country and the king of the mercenary group. The strength of the empire.

Maybe in the near future he will be the king of the entire human race in Xingluo Continent!Isn't this called shit luck?
(End of this chapter)

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