Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 678 The pouring anger...isn't it too huge? !

Chapter 678 The pouring anger...isn't it too huge? !

"That's right, since deputy head Li Keke knows about this, I won't talk nonsense." Ya Nongjing originally had a Confucian temperament and didn't like to compete with others. After two years of experience with Yuan Feiwu and the others, they became more open-minded. , I was not angry when Li Keke rolled his eyes. He suddenly came to direct others and didn’t show magnanimity, which would only make the relationship stiff. "In addition, I was entrusted by my brother to come here and explain some things to the Great Magister Linbeck."

"Oh? Please sit down and speak slowly." Lin Beck didn't hate Ya Rongjing as much as Li Keke.

At any rate, he had been with Yalongjing for a while, but Lin Beck didn't think that Yalongjing was only lucky. It was just that there were too many people around him that covered up his shining points.

"Then... I'll make a long story short."

Ya Longjing was also polite, and after making sure there were no outsiders, he spoke to Lin Beck for a long time.

During this conversation, the day passed in the blink of an eye, and he came out of the villa almost at night.

The captains outside waited for a long time for Ya Longjing. They were a little curious about what Ya Longjing and Lin Beck could talk about for a whole day.But they also knew that some things were acceptable and some things were not, and no one asked.

After Ya Rongjing left, in Lin Beck's bedroom, Li Keke and Lin Beck stared at each other, their expressions were not very good-looking.

"I don't really believe it. I think he just made up an excuse to fight this war to satisfy his desire to unify the Star Luo Continent." Li Keke chose not to believe it, "That's true, he didn't disclose such terrible news earlier ?!"

"He doesn't need this excuse. His unification of the Xingluo Continent has already been decided, and he still needs an excuse? When the three empires stand together, who believes what he said? As he said, he needs to wait for the Xingluo Continent to be unified, and find a The right time to announce it, otherwise it will only cause panic."

"This..." Li Keke couldn't refute.

That's right, people have already reached this point, so what's the point of making up a story to deceive them?Isn't the title of King of the Mercenary Group more useful than anything else?He came to tell them about this at this time, and they didn't believe it. If he told others before, who would believe it?

"People all over the world say that Lin Beck is a genius, intelligent and unparalleled in the world, but in fact I am inferior to him in every aspect..." Lin Beck's lazy look suddenly became sad, "I only thought about maintaining peace, but I didn't expect his goal It's so grand, and the responsibility it bears is so arduous. He should have told me a long time ago that he shouldn't have taken such a dangerous step. This is a broken plan..."

Li Keke was silent, if what Ya Longjing said was true, it would indeed be enough to make anyone feel sad, and also great.

"Okay, since you have left me with such a perfect layout, then I will help you finish." Lin Beike held back his sadness and stood up, "I would like to turn into your sharp blade and settle this situation for you." Everything. Rest assured to leave it to me."

On the Tianlong Army's side, Bielun lay on the ground for a long time, and finally stood up willingly, but found that everyone was gone.

I'll go, I'm the top leader of the Tianlong Army anyway, it's fine if you don't give condolences after lying on the ground for so long, at least wait for me to get up and give a speech!
Anyway, now Nuo Siwei suddenly subdued a Bagal Empire, unifying Xingluo Continent has been completed [-]% inexplicably, it is worthy of emotion!

Bie Lun thought so, but his face changed back to a more serious expression, and he called Yuan Feiwu's name outside Yuan Feiwu's camp, asking him to come out and chat a few more words.

Bielun didn't want his hearing to be so good, anyway, he just heard a heavenly voice inside saying: That psychopath called you again.

Well, whoever sees a person lying on the ground and letting go of himself for no reason will feel like a psychopath, right?Belen understands.

Maybe it was just a sudden illness?I haven't seen him so serious before... a voice responded.

Well, this is Yuan Feiwu's voice. In Yuan Feiwu's mind, this is the impression I gave him. It didn't seem that serious before... After knowing my real impression in Yuan Feiwu's heart, it was a bit embarrassing.

"What's the matter, Captain Bielun? If you have free time, you should take a good rest. You may not have time to rest later." Yuan Feiwu got out of the camp and said to Bielun seriously.

If it was normal, Bielun would be moved because Yuan Feiwu cared about him.But it is impossible now, because the concern is that he is mentally ill.

I can't be happy, and even want to find a place to draw circles.


Belun really wanted to continue his unfinished question, but he seemed to have figured out the answer himself.

Why did Ya Longjing become king during this period? Does it have something to do with the unification of Star Luo Continent?
Because he is about to become the king of the mercenary group, wouldn't leading all the mercenaries be the same as leading the Bagal Empire?With the help of mercenaries, the unification of Star Luo Continent is almost a certainty!

It was a bit superfluous to worry about his lack of personal power before.

Besides Yuan Feiwu and these young generals, he also has mercenaries from the entire Star Luo Continent!

When such a person becomes the king, it will truly allow people to see the dawn of unification of Star Luo Continent. No wonder Alexander can abdicate so cleanly.

"So we need to defend this place better, attract the attention of the opponent, and let the mercenaries of the Bagal Empire invade the Fengshou Empire from the flanks, right? This is what you mean by unifying the Star Luo Continent within two months. "

A character like Bielun, who is a general in the army, of course already knows how to play such a good game of chess.

"That's right. But this matter has already been exposed. I'm afraid the Fengshou Empire's counterattack will be more terrifying than imagined. Make all preparations, including the preparation for retreat. If you can't beat it, just retreat!"


Bielun understood Yuan Feiwu's words quite well, because they would directly face the huge anger caused by the reversal of the situation in Fengshao Empire!

But Bie Lun is not afraid, the overall situation is already one-sided, even if the Tianlong Army is repelled, it doesn't matter, the big deal is that as Yuan Feiwu said, the unification of Xingluo Continent will be a few months later.Now, like Yuan Feiwu, Bielun can talk about the unification of the Star Luo Continent in a few months, without any awkwardness at all!

In the evening, the sun was about to set, and Belun had already received the news from the scouts and stood on the city wall to welcome the army of the Fengshou Empire that came again.

The army of the Fengyu Empire stopped in the open space outside the city, and they lined up neatly. At the rear, twenty or thirty sky warriors and magisters flew in the air, looking at the city in front of them coldly, without restraining their fighting spirit and spirit at all. The magic power and the huge coercion made the ordinary people in the city who were declared to stay behind closed doors feel oppressed.

Bielun was very psychologically prepared. He originally wanted to put a chair on the city wall in a very pretentious way, sit on it with his legs crossed, watch the other party come over and express his disdain.

But at this moment, he opened his mouth wide and stood up.

Not only him, but all the generals opened their mouths.

Not for anything else, just because of a red-robed man who flew slowly behind the opponent's phalanx.

Arnold's great magister known as the great melting magister!

It is estimated that no one knows that the king of the Fenghuang Empire is Arnold's disciple, so when Arnold appears here, Bielun can say with certainty that he is definitely not here to help Northway!
Although Yuan Feiwu made him mentally prepare to fight against the opponent's outpouring of anger, but how could he do such an exaggerated psychological preparation!Great Magister!

He couldn't help but look at Yuan Feiwu at the side to see if his face changed from being frightened, it was the first time that Bielun saw something different.Although this guy still had the same gentle smile on his face, the moment Bielun saw that smile, he felt his heart was as cold as falling into an ice cellar, and he was so uncomfortable that he unconsciously took a few steps back.

"Killing intent." Jiawen didn't turn his head to look at Yuan Feiwu, but just said a voice transmission that only Yuan Feiwu could hear.

"Huh? Sorry, maybe I didn't control it well, haha." Yuan Feiwu smiled.

Bielun suddenly felt that Yuan Feiwu seemed to be back to normal again, only then did he realize that his palms were full of sweat.

But he thought that these sweats were scared out of Arnold.

"Is that okay? He belongs to what you said, one of the main forces in the Xingluo Continent to fight against the Chaos Demon King?" Jiawen asked curiously.

"Yes, he is considered to be one of the strongest fighting forces in the Star Luo Continent, the main fighting force in the Mortal Realm to fight against the invasion. However, I have some personal grievances with him, and I will find a way to make up for losing his part of the fighting power. I think Willful once." Yuan Feiwu said.


Jiawen doesn't care who is missing in the world.What he had so-called was that someone could make Yuan Feiwu unable to hide his murderous intent.

This person is also considered remarkable, at least he has done something that he has never done before.

(End of this chapter)

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