Chapter 679
With the addition of Arnold at the scene, the soldiers of the Fengshou Empire showed the most energetic appearance in their lives, standing upright and dignified.

"Who is the commander-in-chief?"

Arnold waited for the team to line up, and suddenly spoke.

The voice blessed with magic power spread far away, and Bielun and the others could hear it clearly, and their expressions changed dramatically.

"I am." The generals of the Fengshou Empire's army came out and looked at Arnold in the air respectfully.

Unexpectedly, this time he asked the palace for help and the king was so generous that Arnold even came over!
Belun on the other side of the city wall also took a step forward with his head held high, but suddenly he retreated in embarrassment.

He just thought that what Arnold was asking was the commander-in-chief of their Sky Army!

Damn, you ask who is the commander-in-chief of your army, can you keep your voice down, do you need to shout so loudly?Thought your old man called me!

But because of this, Bielun is even more in awe of Arnold, because this is the self-confidence and arrogance of the strong!He speaks without concealment or even makes it obvious for you to listen together, and he doesn't care at all!This kind of indifference made it even more obvious that Bi Lun and the others felt small.

Arnold gave the general a cold look, and stretched out his hand. The sky warriors and magisters around Arnold could feel that the magic power around Arnold suddenly became stronger, and then a fireball flew out of his palm, and the small ball was very dim.

The small fireball shot at the commander-in-chief at an extremely fast speed, and the commander-in-chief was melted before he could even scream.

That's right, melting.

After the fireball hit the general, everyone realized that it was not an ordinary fireball at all, but lava that was much hotter than fire!It's not a process like burning people to death, but melting people directly!
"You made such a good situation like this, and you still have the face to live? Your king wants to take him back to behead him for questioning. I don't think it's so troublesome. I can do it for you." Arnold's voice resounded again. world.

In fact, just yesterday, Sabo and Arnold were very angry when they received the news from the front line that the Tianlong Army had cultivated their own food in the palace.They spent a lot of time trying to cut off the other party's food. How did the front-line commanders do it, and they didn't even find out that they had grown food in the city?It's rubbish!

Just as Sabo's face was flickering and killing intent was rising, Sabo's face turned green when he received the news of Yalongjing's succession to the throne and the surrender of the Bagal Empire.

Not to mention Sabo, even Arnold's killing intent was burning.

The undercover agent in Northwell told them that the Bagal Empire would take action to restrict Northway. As a result, the mercenaries on the border of the Bagal Empire made a lot of noise and didn't say anything. Now they are still surrendering to Yalongjing. thing!He can't wait to fly to Northway immediately and burn that guy who pretends to be a ghost all day long to ashes. Nothing he said is true.

"Yuan Feiwu must have messed it up! He brought an army stuck at our throat, causing us to focus on them, so we didn't notice the changes in Nuo Siwei and the Bagal Empire! Master, You must help me this time, if you don’t take action, our country will be ruined!” At this moment, Sabo no longer had the arrogant expression after becoming a king, and quickly knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Arnold.

"How do I do it? The great magister must not meddle in the wars of the empires, do you think I will be accused by thousands of people!" Arnold shook his hands and turned his face away.

"Master, you have already made a move on the Tost Royal Family and broke your principles. If you give up at this time, wouldn't it make what you have done before come to naught?" Sabo said with tears in his eyes.

Without Sabo's reminder, Arnold was not convinced.He felt that his identity had been compromised by intervening in this matter, and at the beginning he silenced all the people who saw it, but he didn't expect that even if he intervened, he would not be able to gain much advantage for the Fengxiong Empire!Doesn't this make his meddling even more insignificant?

He doesn't bother to care about which empire is killed by which empire. All he cares about is his own influence. Does his influence have no power at all?

"King Sabo, the frontline general asked me to come back and ask Sabo to ask the masters of the sound guards to help, and use the advantage of the highest combat power to destroy the enemy's food and grass. They launched an attack in the middle of the night and returned in a big defeat, but the opponent's food The harvest is imminent, and it will be too late if we don’t attack.”

The two masters and apprentices knelt and sat in the side hall. The depression continued until the next morning, and another sky warrior flew in to report new news to them.

"Trash! Tell that general to come back, don't interrogate him, just behead him for public display!"

Sabo stood up quickly, and was very annoyed when the samurai in the sky saw him kneeling, but he didn't want to get angry at the samurai in the sky, so he directly vented his anger on the frontline general.

Arnold stood up suddenly at this moment, flicked his sleeves and walked outside.

"Master, where are you going?" Sabo hurriedly chased after him.

"Even if Nuo Siwei and Bagal cooperate, it is not that easy to take down the Beacon Empire!" Arnold snorted coldly and walked out.

Sabo was overjoyed when he heard that, what can't be solved if Grand Magister Arnold is willing to intervene?Quickly called out ten experts from the sound guards, and followed Arnold to the front line to support. As for the reason Arnold used to intervene, Sabo didn't care.

Arnold's self-esteemed personality naturally couldn't tolerate sand in his eyes, and when the team was lined up, he directly killed the commander-in-chief.

He also had an idea in his mind that killing the commander-in-chief under such circumstances would be enough to spread the king's anger and urge the three armies.

Indeed, seeing that the commander-in-chief was melted by a lava ball from Arnold, all the soldiers were more focused because of nervousness, and did not dare to be distracted in the slightest.

"Who is the deputy commander?" Arnold asked again.

"I-I am!"

The lieutenant stood up tremblingly, his armor covered in cold sweat.Who knows if it will be his turn to be reduced to ashes in the next second?
"You are now the commander-in-chief, responsible for leading the army's attack. If something goes wrong, the one just now will be your example." Arnold said.


The deputy general breathed a sigh of relief, at least he still had a chance to perform, unlike the commander-in-chief just now, who died suddenly without even a chance to explain, even though he was mentally prepared to be sentenced to death, but Still scary.

"Then what are you doing in a daze? This city was originally your city, and you can't find a way to break through such a familiar city. Are you still soldiers of the Fengyu Empire?" Arnold shouted.

The lieutenant didn't dare to talk nonsense, and quickly started to organize an attack.

The sky warriors and magisters flying in the sky didn't move. Arnold folded his arms and looked like he was watching the show. The lieutenant didn't dare to order them to move after seeing this, so he had to send his ordinary troops to charge first. !
"Arnold's move is really ruthless. It has reawakened the morale of the Phoenix Empire that has fallen to the bottom recently. The team looks quite energetic!" Bielun frowned and said worriedly.

Logically speaking, only experienced a near-desperate blow last night, even if Arnold's morale improvement is relatively limited.Now it is obvious that Arnold killed the commander-in-chief and stimulated these people.

"Killing defeated vanguard generals before the battle is indeed a good strategy to boost the morale of the army. But killing the commander-in-chief before the battle...Although the morale is up, it's just picking sesame seeds and losing watermelons." Yuan Feiwu shook his head, and then Turning to the side, he said, "I need three teams of 3000 cavalry and [-] infantry to go out. Who wants to go?"

"Me!" "The last general is willing to take orders!" "Let me go, General Yuan!" "I'll go!"

Belun's side included Adam, and several generals rushed out to ask Yuan Feiwu for orders, making a lot of noise.Seeing such a situation, Bielun knew that his family's morale hadn't lost at all.

"Fei Wu, why do we have to go out of the city to face the battle? Isn't the defense of the city more advantageous?" Bielun had his doubts.

They have such a great advantage in defending the city, there is no need to go out of the city and fight each other to death!

(End of this chapter)

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