Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 680 Magnifying the Shortcomings

Chapter 680 Magnifying the Shortcomings

"Captain Belun, if the army prepares to go to war and kill you, what do you think will happen to your team?"

Bielun was asking Yuan Feiwu a question, but Adam ran out to interject.

"I don't feel bad!" Bielun thought about it seriously, and finally gave an answer that made him feel regretful.

Adam frowned and thought for a while. It seemed that what Bielun said made sense, and he quickly changed his question: "The one who got killed was Brother Wu. What do you think will happen to the team?"

"How can I do that! Not to mention the chaos in the army, the team alone is probably... the team seems to be okay, the team is tightly screwed together by the corporal chiefs and captains. Although it is not pleasant to say, but the source Flying our team won't cause much trouble."

Adam was speechless. He wanted to wake up Bilun in a very cool way, but suddenly found that taking their situation as an example could not be used as an example.The composition of their team was researched and improved by Yuan Feiwu himself, and anyone can operate without it!

"Okay, I understand the meaning." Belun waved his hand, not giving Adam a chance to continue explaining, "If you kill the commander-in-chief without any handover time, there will be problems with the rotation of the team. But even if there is such a problem, We have to take a lot of risks to attack, and I don't think it is necessary to cause such losses."

"Last night, they suffered a disastrous defeat from seeing the giant crossbow for the first time. In the final analysis, they suffered from the lack of information. After a night and a day of research, I think there will be some countermeasures." Yuan Feiwu Pointing to the long phalanx slowly moving towards their city, he said with a smile, "Look carefully, what's more in the infantry phalanx?"

"The big shield," Beren said.

"Yes, near each big shield there are one or two soldiers who wear the same clothes but are obviously slightly thinner, right? Some have bows and arrows on their backs, and some have nothing in their hands." Yuan Feiwu's tone has already made the people around hear a kind of Teaching primary school students the patience to write essays.

"I see! Damn, the other party hides the archers and mages in the cover of the infantry and approaches them. Presumably they intend to destroy our crossbow at all costs." Belun slapped his head and came to his senses.

"Yes, pay more attention to the details and you can see the clues..."

Hearing Yuan Feiwu's words, Bie Lun felt very ashamed, he was already trying his best to fight for himself, but if he could have Yuan Feiwu, why would God beg him every day to take over the position of team leader!Be considerate of mere mortals!

"Okay, so you listen to the command, we will let them taste the evil consequences of beheading the commander-in-chief before the battle."

Yuan Feiwu stretched out his white and smooth fingers, nodded to several generals, and let them go out after a few whispers.

Bielun didn't know if it was his own illusion, but he always felt that Yuan Feiwu was particularly exciting in this battle.

Regardless of whether Yuan Feiwu's move is effective or not, at least the city gate is opened, and after the three cavalry teams rush out, there is also a large square formation of infantry troops stepping out of the city gate in unison, which is enough to scare everyone on the other side. Big jump.

In the face of a large number of enemy troops attacking the city, he dared to go out of the city to fight, is this a brain twitch?

Arnold was in doubt or in doubt, but he was not nervous, and he would not pay attention to the troubles made by the soldiers on the other side.

The lieutenant general who was ordered in danger couldn't be so indifferent!His head was running crazily, and he had to figure out what the other party was up to, otherwise disaster would be imminent!
But how could he figure out what was going on in Yuan Feiwu's mind? Even Lin Beck, who was known as a genius magister, couldn't help scratching his head, let alone a temporary general?

After rushing out of the city gate, the three cavalry, relying on their high mobility, circled around the back of the Fengshou Empire and attacked the magician archers behind the phalanx.Although some infantry were protecting them, they couldn't withstand the charge of the cavalry.And the infantry phalanx walking in front was mixed with many fake infantry, which greatly reduced the power of this kind of real confrontation, and there was no way to turn around to rescue them so as not to confess the archers and magicians in their own team.

After several rounds of harassment, the phalanx of magicians and archers was basically in disarray. Bows, arrows and magic were thrown around, and some of them almost hit their own people.This is because the number of the three cavalry sent by Northway is too small. If the number can be more, it may have collapsed the phalanx of magicians and archers.

"Oh, oh, the cavalry should bring more people, it's a waste, it's a waste!" Bielun had already shouted there.

Just now he was worried that it would be a risk to open the city gate and send troops to fight, but now he wished to throw all the soldiers out, and his face changed so quickly, even Samuel standing behind him felt that Belun was very thick-skinned and shameless.

"No, the cavalry are only harassing and fighting, and require extremely high mobility. If there are too many cavalry, the mobility will decrease, but a lot of sacrifices will be made at the hands of magicians and archers." Yuan Feiwu explained.

He was also sure that the infantry mixed with magicians and archers did not dare to go head-to-head, so he dared to use such a small number of cavalry to harass the enemy, otherwise it would be impossible to send such a small number of cavalry to harass the enemy.In a real army confrontation, the impact of such a small number of cavalry is too low to break through, and it is easy to be dumped.For example, the cavalry of the Fengyuan Empire can be more than [-] at random, and the real ten thousand horses are galloping. Only such an impact can be rampant.

How could the commander-in-chief of the Fengshou Empire watch his team being teased by the opponent, so he quickly sent the cavalry team to fight.

Originally, there was nothing about cavalry in siege battles, but in order to be on guard against going out to fight, you still have to be prepared.

Now is the time for them to shine!When it comes to cavalry, who can resist the cavalry of their Fenghuang Empire?As soon as their cavalry came out, how could Northway's cavalry be so arrogant? !

Indeed, after the cavalry brigade of the Fengshou Empire rushed out, the cavalry of the Northway Empire ran faster than rabbits.

Seeing such a situation, the commander-in-chief glanced at Arnold above his head, and saw that his face seemed not so dark anymore, so he dared to breathe a sigh of relief.

beat!Drive away all the opponent's cavalry!Then go back and make those infantry look good!

The commander-in-chief issued such a new order.The group of infantrymen were also quite thieves, but they were stuck near the city gate, otherwise the commander-in-chief would have ordered the cavalry brigade to rush in from there while the city gate was ajar.

Their cavalry obeyed the order, but it soon became apparent that something was wrong.

The opponent's cavalry has been circling around their infantry brigade, harassing them with arrows from time to time, which is very annoying.He also ran so that the ground was flying with mud, and the scene was in a mess.

What's worse is that the command of the cavalry was chaotic. They followed the orders assigned by the commander-in-chief, but they didn't arrange in detail which team to chase which opponent's cavalry. The generals who lead the team themselves should distribute the teams evenly.But the opponent was three teams, and they didn't have time to arrange them evenly. Everyone simply chased them based on their feelings. This caused a certain Northway cavalry who was relatively close at the beginning to follow a large group of Beacon Empire The cavalry of the other two teams chasing behind was a bit in disarray.

The shortcomings of the commander-in-chief being cut before the battle were gradually magnified by Yuan Feiwu.

The new commander-in-chief realized that the scene was chaotic: in the past, the commander-in-chief was in charge of the overall situation, and the deputy general was in charge of the details.

Now he was suddenly promoted to the position of commander-in-chief, not to mention whether he was doing well in leading the overall situation, but his energy was exhausted in the general direction, and it was difficult to arrange the details properly.If the commander-in-chief is still there, the scene will definitely not be like this!

But can he blame Arnold for such a pot?
Obviously neither public nor private!

He could only grit his teeth and resist!

But something even more tragic happened. The cavalry of the Northway Empire, which was being chased by a large number of cavalry from the Fengyu Empire, gradually drifted away, taking the cavalry of the Fengyu Empire to nowhere.Obviously, this is to separate their main cavalry unit from the main battlefield!

Just when the commander-in-chief was shouting "It's going to be bad", the infantry of the Tianlong Army had already taken advantage of the chaos and killed them.

The timing of their shot was also bad enough, just as the soldiers of the Fengshou Empire had entered the shooting range of the archers and mages on the city wall.The infantry raised their large shields to resist arrows and magic, and had to block the passing Northway cavalry who wanted to take advantage of it from time to time.

The line of sight has been blocked by large shields, and is also confused by the cavalry running around them, forgetting that there is a large group of infantry waiting for them.

The infantry rushed forward at this time, and rushed directly into the enemy camp, which was three times larger in number than them. A chaotic battle immediately killed the infantry of the Fengshou Empire and lost their way.

Five people form a small team, and these soldiers of the Tianlong Army have already been familiar with it. Taking advantage of the opponent's magician archers who are not good at hand-to-hand combat mixed in the team, it is more advantageous for them to rush in and disrupt the opponent's formation.

Less than an hour after the two armies joined the battle, the commander-in-chief discovered that the other side had just used very simple means to defeat them.

He was already feeling hopeless.

(End of this chapter)

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