Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 681 The Great Magister's Reason for Action

Chapter 681 The Great Magister's Reason for Action

What is despair?

For the new commander-in-chief of Fengshao Empire, despair means that in a siege battle, the army is defeated before it touches the opponent's city gate.

How many people came out of the other party?Twenty thousand?Thirty thousand?
It's not as many as the [-] troops that I am attacking!

As a result, he was played around in the wild. What else is this called despair?
"All cavalry and infantry storm the city gate! At all costs!" The new commander-in-chief issued a new order.

The gate of the city was still ajar at such a time, which gave him a glimmer of hope to survive the desperation.The reason why siege is difficult is mainly because the defender can fight against the wall.As long as one can break into one place, it can be used as a breakthrough point for hand-to-hand combat, and the siege battle is considered half successful.The half-open city gate is naturally the best breakthrough.

But how could Yuan Feiwu ignore this point, he dared to open half of the city gates, naturally he had his own plan.

The opponent was defeated last night, mainly by Juannu, so the opponent will definitely make a strategy against Junu this time, and the opponent suddenly changed his coach before the battle, so Yuan Feiwu sent out a surprise soldier to let the soldiers go out of the city to fight , defeat the opponent.But to defeat is just to defeat the opponent's formation. The number of them is several times that of your own. Even if you stand and let them kill them, it is impossible to kill them in a short time. If their formation is messed up, they can still advance towards the city gate.

But this changed the opponent's originally planned countermeasures.

Originally, the opponent's strategy was to target the giant crossbow, but Yuan Feiwu unknowingly led it to storm the city gate, and directed the targeted formation to carry out other things as the goal. The effect can be imagined.This is also a strategic policy that can be used against the enemy at any time, to grasp the opponent's purpose as much as possible, and then destroy the opponent's plan for that purpose.Although it is not necessarily beneficial to oneself, at least it must have an impact on the enemy.This time, Yuan Feiwu quietly designed the inductiveness as a very high-level tactical technique. No one present, friend or foe, could understand it at all, and they didn't know what effect it would produce.

The effect is that the giant crossbow that the enemy thinks is a serious threat seems to be forgotten by them.Or, in other words, I can't take care of them at all.

The soldiers of the Fengshou Empire received a new order to storm the city gate, and the soldiers of the Tianlong Army on the city wall also received a new order to launch a fierce attack on the enemy below!

The sound of the giant arrow leaving the string immediately boomed, like a hoarse cello out of tune, but it fell into the hearts of the soldiers of the Fengshou Empire, but it was like the sound of death demanding their lives. It was particularly clear and sharp on the noisy battlefield.

The huge crackling sound that followed, as well as screams and screams, was like a horse not leaving the saddle, and it really matched the sound of death.

The giant crossbow is specially selected for archers and mages who have a relatively wide field of view to fight back. The huge power can shoot through the shield even if it is protected by a shield and nail people to the ground. Hold on, every arrow will throw a piece of enemy upside down.At this time, they wanted to target the giant crossbow again, but they had already missed the opportunity and were suppressed to death.

The infantry of the Tianlong Army retreated while fighting, and did not take a step back after guarding the city gate. They used the half-opened city gate as an attraction to attract the opponent's army under the city wall, and were tortured by the magic arrows on the city wall.The cavalry of the Fengshou Empire were helpless in the actual siege battle. They couldn't exert their impact in the crowd, so they could only chase the cavalry running around to vent their anger, and they couldn't help the siege much.

Many samurai masters in the Fengxi Empire's team rushed out to force their way through the city gates. This kind of strong personal ability was used to break the situation. It was a common method in the past, but it was not easy to use on the side of the Tianlong Army.A few masters circled you with the fastest reaction speed, and instantly disappeared in the crowd.These are all small-scale coordinated tactics that the Tianlong Army has practiced. The habit of single-handedly opening up against the masters in the past has been wiped out, and only the most rational ones are left in their minds. best choice.

Playing off personal heroism to snatch military exploits?
This is very common among the soldiers of any team in the past, especially the masters who have cultivated fighting spirit.But since Yuan Feiwu came to the Tianlong Group Army, he has made great military exploits but doesn't even want the position of regiment leader. With such a leader taking the lead and such an example, what credit do they have for the people below?The level of thinking is also different. Their ideal now is not to get promoted and get rich, but now they are running for the great ideal of unifying Star Luo Continent!And they are on the front line, as long as they can win, it is a great credit, do they still need to grab it?

The situation on the field has reached this point. Although there is a stalemate, Arnold can also see clearly that it is only a matter of time before the soldiers of the Fengshou Empire are defeated.

He couldn't stand anymore, so he flew higher, exuding a powerful aura all over his body, and the fire elemental spirits gathered around him, emitting a faint red light, and flew towards the city with all of them.

Belun and the others have always focused part of their attention on Arnold.

Considering that the great magisters had vowed not to participate in the struggle between countries, they shouldn't be so shameless to come to help the Fengshou Empire. At most, they came to stand on the platform to cheer or something.But you can't ignore him completely, who knows if he will really be shameless?

But now that they really saw Arnold flying over with malicious intentions, Bi Lun and the others had to face the shamelessness of the great magister no matter how unbelievable they were.

They wanted to comfort themselves, maybe it was a misunderstanding?
Misunderstood strips!The fire element spirits are all around him, and they are completely ready for battle. You said that he came here just to say hello, and ghosts believe it!

"Grand Magister Arnold, the oath of the Grand Magisters and the Sword Masters, are you going to break your promise!" Belun plucked up his fighting spirit from a distance, and shouted out the question, hoping to stop the great Magister by attracting everyone's attention. The magister is shameless.

"Doubt me? What the hell are you? Go away." Arnold sneered.

Beelun's yelling just now did attract a lot of attention, and even many soldiers on both sides who were fighting fiercely underneath put down their weapons and looked towards the sky.

After all, the great magister is one of the most powerful people in the whole Star Luo Continent. A person who is at the peak of human beings can't let people not pay attention to his every move.

Bielun was scolded by Arnold in public, his face was flushed with anger, but there was nothing he could do.What can he do?If you are not convinced and go up to fight, you will die, and it is even more incomparable to compare the status with the other party. Is his status beyond the national scope comparable to that of a military officer?At this time, I can only suppress my anger rationally, so as not to provoke the big Arnold even more, which is even more detrimental to the Tianlong Army.

"Yuan Feiwu, get out!" Arnold gave Bielun a contemptuous look before continuing to speak.

When Arnold called out to the Sky Army, all the people in the Sky Army became nervous. They didn't expect that the person Arnold wanted to target was Yuan Feiwu!

Here I have to feel a little heartbroken for Bielun. When Bielun was despised by Arnold just now, the soldiers of the Tianlong Army were not so nervous.

"General Yuan, you leave first." Samuel quickly took a step diagonally, protecting Yuan Feiwu.

With Arnold's attitude of looking for someone like this, I am afraid that Yuan Feiwu will not end well after he stands up. It is the best policy to simply leave before being found by the other party.

"Do you think he didn't find me? I have some relationship with him, and I can't hide from it."

Indeed, although Arnold said to let Yuan Feiwu get out, in fact, the air mechanism was locked on him early on.

Yuan Feiwu pushed Samuel away, walked out, and looked up at the high-spirited red-robed man in the air.

Even if he suffered a big loss at the hands of Nangongfeng's three masters, this person still hasn't changed his indomitable character.

"Boy, there is a kind!" Arnold increased his volume, as if explaining something to everyone present, "I am here this time, and I am not participating in your war. I am here to find this beast! He once used My personal disciples who have been framed by various tricks have been wronged for breaking their promises, and secretly provoked the relationship between me and several sword masters and great magisters. This kind of evil person must be eliminated as soon as possible!"

Bie Lun and the others were startled, then turned to look at Yuan Feiwu.

Of course they don't believe in Arnold's nonsense, and there is nothing wrong with accusing them of crimes. They are just looking for an excuse to trick their people to influence the war.They were in a daze, what should Arnold ask Yuan Feiwu to ask them to do?If they help, wouldn't Arnold have more reason to attack them?But is it okay not to make a move?Let them sacrifice Yuan Feiwu in exchange for Arnold not having a chance to intervene in the war, they can't do it either!
Several generals on the city wall fell into chaos.

Yuan Feiwu made a gesture of not interfering with them, looked at Arnold with a smile, and did not reply.

Arnold knew early on that this kid was smart enough to see through his own schemes, and it might be difficult for him to pull the members of the Tianlong Army into the water.

But it doesn't matter, Arnold had expected this, how hard would it be to cause them some trouble?
"Since you don't have a last word to say, just accept death obediently!"

Arnold sneered a few times, raised his hand slightly, and the fire elemental elf behind him became restless, forming three big fireballs and smashing towards Yuan Feiwu.

But this time the fireballs are not like the small fireballs that killed the commander-in-chief before. Each fireball is extremely huge. When the fire is rolling, you can also see the dark red molten lava churning inside, and you can feel the heat even from a distance. temperature.This kind of fireball doesn't need to be hit at all, it will melt people if you get closer!

Even Samuel, who was the strongest among them, weighed it, but he was not sure that he could resist any of the fireballs!
(End of this chapter)

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