Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 682 I Don’t Want The Name Of The Great Magister

Chapter 682 I Don’t Want The Name Of The Great Magister
But Arnold's three fireballs, two of them are too far away.

The three finished fireballs flew towards Yuanwu, only the upper one hit Yuanwu accurately, and the lower two looked more like they were about to hit the city wall.

Whether the fortified magic circle of the city wall could hold up to Arnold's two fireballs, Bielun didn't know. Calculating this result may involve too much professional knowledge about magic, and Bielun has absolutely no way to calculate it.

Belun didn't know, but how could Arnold not know.There is a limit to the attack power that the consolidated magic circle can withstand, and Arnold is very confident that he can exceed that limit as soon as he makes a move. This is also the reason why the great magister is admired by all people.Because strong!No one can match it!Even the Juggernaut did not dare to resist the powerful magic of the great magister!

His wishful thinking was crackling, and the three fireballs extinguished Yuanwu and smashed the city wall to pieces. It was so wonderful in one fell swoop.

The generals on the city wall were in a mess, and they even forgot to escape.

Only Jiawen and Samuel reacted quickly, and ran forward a few steps, with grudges glowing on their bodies, as if they were going to defend Yuan Feiwu from the fireball.

Yuan Feiwu knew at a glance that if Jiawen didn't use the power of angels, Samuel wouldn't be able to take this fireball by force.These fireballs were probably the ones that Arnold had chanted and charged since before they came here, and their power was actually a bit more terrifying than they looked on the outside.

Do you want Arnold to succeed?
the answer is negative.

Yuan Feiwu's hands were lowered quietly, and his figure was also lowered, and black silk threads of fighting spirit began to be wrapped between his fingers.The overall situation in Xingluo Continent has been decided, and it doesn't matter if he reveals that he is a talent for dark elements now. Anyway, he will come to this step sooner or later, it's just that exposing in this way is not part of his original plan.

Jiawen also seemed to have noticed the tiny energy fluctuations emitted by Yuan Feiwu, and looked back at him.But I didn't say much, anyway, everything Athena in the mortal world has already said, and Yuan Feiwu has full authority to handle it.And she herself believed in this man more than anyone else.

Arnold also looked at Yuan Feiwu a little strangely, and he also noticed some strange fluctuations, but before he could figure it out, the fluctuations disappeared.

Because the black threads on Yuan Feiwu's hands suddenly disappeared.

Because someone did it for you.

A crisp scream woke up all the soldiers on the field who had forgotten to fight, and stunned everyone on the city wall, and then a phoenix with a long and beautiful flaming tail circled over.

The fiery red phoenix carried raging flames, stopped the three fireballs in time, and swirled around the fireballs for a few weeks, bringing up countless flame tassels, turning into a fire whirlwind and rolling the three fireballs into the sky.

The fireball was carried by the fire whirlwind to continuously climb to high places, and then burst, lava, sparks, and flint erupted in all directions, and it was very powerful when viewed from a distance.But they can only be swept away helplessly, and there is no way for the world to see their horror.

"Livia, what are you meddling in!" Arnold's face turned livid.

How could this guy run out at this time?However, she has already blocked her own magic, which is actually enough to explain why she came here.

The fiery red phoenix finally stopped in front of Yuan Feiwu and the others, and the flames dissipated, revealing the real body of the fiery phoenix: a spear of fire transformed into a flame shield in his left hand and Livia in a red robe in his right hand.

Livia's high-profile appearance almost made Bie Lun and others cry. They thought about many possibilities, but they never expected that Livia's way out would be unfair!

She is the vice-principal of Landis Academy of Magic, shouldn't she be busy in the academy at this time!
Anyway, she saved their city wall, saved them, and saved their Yuan Feiwu, which was enough to move them to tears!
"I just don't understand your fallacies, Grand Magister Arnold, so I'll come here to ask for your advice. Back then, your personal disciple uttered wild words at the student exchange meeting, and he made a vow but didn't fulfill it. How did you blame Yuan Feiwu? If you said that day, your apprentice and Yuan Feiwu bet against me, do you mean that I am also a despicable person, and partnered with Yuan Feiwu to deceive your personal disciple?"

As soon as Livia finished speaking, an invisible aura erupted suddenly and knocked Arnold's aura away. Suddenly, everyone felt that the air was no longer so oppressive, and they quickly breathed a sigh of relief.
When it comes to the character of domineering and bad temper, Livia will not lose to Arnold at all.

As for Arnold, I always look down on all sentient beings, and I am the most insidious temperament; while Livia keeps a straight face all day long, with the temperament that if you are wrong, I will kill you to death.All in all, each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

But now Belun and the others really love this stern-faced Livia, even though she is generally quite young and has overly serious facial features.Well, although I would be happier if I didn't add anything after the two words.

"Since you're here, I'll settle your debts too!" Arnold quickly adjusted his mentality, deliberately put on a disgusted expression, as if Livia was some disgusting thing, "Isn't that day Did you partner with Yuan Feiwu to deceive my personal disciple and all the audience at the scene! He said that letting you break through the great magister is simply a joke. If you pretend to be a magician at the scene, you are the great magister? The biggest loophole of this lie is The reason is that up to now, your Livia registered as a magician in the Magic Association is still only a magister! So there are still only four great magisters on the Star Luo Continent, not the five great magisters, you liar! "

Arnold also made a lot of preparations for Sabo's breaking his promise back then. Among them, the point that made him most confident that he could clear Sabo's breaking his promise was that he had investigated Livia's name in the Magic Association is still only Magister!

Arnold's accusation caused everyone's eyes to look at Livia.

The story of that exchange match was widely circulated, and many people in Star Luo Continent had heard of it.However, those who were not at the scene listened to it as a story. After all, it didn’t take long to make a bet to break through the great magister. This matter sounds as unreal as a fairy tale.

Now, based on what Arnold said about the level of magicians registered in the Magic Association, the possibility of Yuan Feiwu and Livia cooperating to deceive the audience and Sabo on that day is quite high.Otherwise, how could it be possible that in the past few years, the next student exchange competition is about to start, and Livia's magician level is only recorded as a magister?If it were them, how could they not immediately go to the Magic Association to do a test and modify their own files after breaking through the great magister?Impossible!

Having said that, Arnold still has some scruples about Livia.

Originally, his thoughts were the same as what he said, thinking that Livia and Yuan Feiwu had lied to Sabo, and Douglas was the mastermind behind it.

But just now Livia easily broke his three huge lava fireballs, which made him change his mind a bit.

Ordinary magisters can't deal with it as easily as Livia, so does this Livia really break through the great magister?But he didn't go to formally revise the record, and he didn't publicly announce his breakthrough. He couldn't think of any reason, could it be some kind of conspiracy...

"If you like to think that way, then you can think that I cheated your disciple." Livia sneered, "That's right, my record in the Association of Magicians is still just a magister. Don't you think that I have the name of a magister? Is it good? At least... I can join the war in a fair and honest manner, and I don’t have to worry about finding any excuses.”

Arnold immediately felt bad!
He is quite sure now that this guy is not a great magister who is not strong enough, but deliberately concealed from the Magicians Association and did not file a record!

As she said, once she publicly becomes a great magister, although she can get the top reputation and status, she also has many responsibilities and restrictions on her!
"For example, now, I can do it without any burden."

After Livia finished speaking, she immediately flew towards the sky warriors and magisters in the sky of the Beacon Empire in the distance. The fire spirit spear and the flame shield with flame wings turned into sharp beaks and wings in the air again. The sound of breaking through the sky was like a phoenix screaming!

Arnold turned around and chased after seeing it.

Yuan Feiwu smiled wryly and shook his head again and again, Jiawen and Samuel beside him looked at Yuan Feiwu suspiciously, the moment just now was very dangerous, Livia saved his life, why would he shake his head.

"The great magister of Livia has learned badly." Yuan Feiwu laughed at this naturally.

If it were Livia who just met before, she would definitely go straight forward, how could there be such a small talk!

"Big, big, great magister?" Belun could clearly hear Yuan Feiwu calling Livia the great magister.

After hearing Arnold's words, he also thought that the two of them were his direct disciples who partnered to cheat him, but after getting along for a long time, Bielun understood that Yuan Feiwu was actually super honest, and he had never seen him tell a lie!He called Livia the Grand Magister, so Livia must be the Grand Magister!
"Hmm. Unexpectedly, there are people who deliberately do not register their true strength, right? And this person is actually Livia." Yuan Feiwu spread his hands, expressing his helplessness.

Belun felt his legs go weak, and he sat down on the ground.

I was fortunate enough to see two great magisters participating in the battle. I was really surprised and terrified!And it seems that it is because of the handsome black-haired guy next to him, how much more fright can this guy give!It's endless, right?

(End of this chapter)

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