Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 683 Livia, Alias, Li Ranran

Chapter 683 Livia, Alias, Li Ranran

The group of sky warriors and magisters floating in the sky of Fengshou Empire with such a ferocious force, Livia stunned them all for a while.

A magician dared to single-handedly rush towards more than 20 of their masters. Attention, this person is a magician, not a warrior. Is she crazy?
Even if Livia has been famous among the magisters for a long time, she is too underestimated!

Several sky warriors greeted it with a sneer, and the swords in their hands slashed out a few bursts of magnanimity. The momentum alone was enough to drown the fire phoenix.

It might be crazy for other mages to do this, but Livia must pay attention to it. What she awakened after breaking through the great magister was a brave flame fighting spirit!Fiery flames only have souls that want to burn everything down!

Facing the flying dou qi, the wings of the fire phoenix broke away from its body, and hit it head-on with raging flames.

The two collided in the air to produce huge energy fluctuations, and the flames that should have been submerged by the majestic battle energy finally rushed out of the sea of ​​battle energy, engulfing all the battle energy in the flames.But the luster of the flame wings also dimmed a lot. After all, it was the fighting spirit blasted by several sky warriors together. Even if Livia had the strength of a great magister, it would not be unaffected.

The flame wings dispelled their fighting spirit, and continued to rush towards those sky warriors. Of course, the sky warriors were shocked, and their fighting spirit could be blown away with just a single blow. Could this be an ordinary magister? !

But it was too late for them to retreat at this time, and they raised their swords to meet them.They also saw clearly the flying flame wings. It was just a beautiful flame shield. How powerful could a third-level spell be?
But they didn't think about it carefully, how could ordinary third-level magic flame shields grow wings?

With a loud bang, those sky warriors were all repulsed, with blood spurting from their mouths and terrified faces.

This shock caused them very violently, and they dare not underestimate Livia after this, they are not fools.With such a performance, no one would believe that she is just a magister!


Before the Arnolds arrived, the roaring flame meteor had arrived first.

After the flame shield repelled several sky warriors, it still didn't disappear, but the castration was also stopped, and it bounced into the air and returned to Livia's hands steadily.After the flame shield returned to Livia's hands, the dim light immediately regained its brilliance, and the momentum was overwhelming.

Hearing the momentum behind her, Livia seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and waved the spear of fire that turned into a fire in her hand towards Arnold, and a large flaming meteor burst out from her head almost instantly, blazing across the sky Collided with Arnold's flame meteor.

Arnold's Flame Meteor came prepared, and Livia's Flame Meteor was in a hurry. In addition, although Livia is also a great magister, there is still a gap compared with Arnold, who has broken through the Great Magister for a long time. Livia's After a few rounds, the Flame Meteor was smashed to pieces and couldn't resist it at all.

But Livia didn't panic at all, and waved a fire shield and a spear casually around her. The powerful magic power contained in it easily smashed the flame meteor that broke through her own flame meteor and smashed it.

But the flame meteor is a large-scale magic. Although two flame meteors collide and many meteors are perfectly controlled by the two great magisters, it is amazing, but there are still many flame meteors that are not within the attack range, so there is no special control. Follow their original trajectory.

And what is the place near where they are fighting?
The more than 20 masters behind Livia dodging the flaming meteors shrouded by Arnold are enough, not to mention the second echelon of the Fengyu Empire attacking the city below, these ordinary soldiers can be smashed by any flaming meteors and make them cry Father calls mother.

Arnold knew at a glance that he was reckless in his moves, so he quickly dissipated his magic, and glared at Livia angrily.

"Beautiful! Great Magister Livia, don't stop, torture them to death! Haha, I'm not afraid to attack casually, anyway, I haven't been certified as a great Magister by the Magicians Association!" Belun applauded shamelessly, as if going up The person who blows up other people's circle is himself.

The battle near the city gate resumed. Seeing how fierce Livia was, the morale of the Tianlong Army regained the upper hand, and they beat up the troops of the Fengyu Empire, keeping them away from the invisible city. The door is getting further and further away.

"Elivia's rigid and serious character, this is already the limit." Yuan Feiwu was a little emotional.

With Elivia's character, she must have violated her bottom line if she was willing to intentionally exploit loopholes. It's okay to scare Arnold like this. If she continues, she probably won't be able to convince herself.

"Shouldn't you hit me a few more times?" Belun said gloomily, feeling deeply regretful.

His speech has attracted the contempt of many people. It is a great help for Livia to challenge Arnold. Why is this person so dissatisfied!Would you like someone to help you wipe out all the troops of the Fengshou Empire?

"Livia, you have the strength of a great magister and dare to participate in the battle between countries. Aren't you afraid that we will sanction you!" Arnold said angrily.

This Livia was once an outstanding junior whom he wanted to accept as a disciple, but now his cultivation level has almost caught up with his own. A large part of his anger comes from this sense of urgency.

But he has no other choice but to curse a few words. If there is a serious fight, this guy will definitely stay here and refuse to leave. By then, the magic power will not affect the army of the Fengxiong Empire.And he bears the name of a great magister, so it is absolutely impossible for him to run to the Tianlong Army to act wildly like her. Compared with this, he will definitely suffer a big loss, even if he turns around and kills Yuan Feiwu. Big loss!

"Didn't you just say that Yuan Feiwu and I joined forces to frame your direct disciple Sabo? What, I became a great magister again? If you admit that I am a great magister, wouldn't Sabo's reputation of breaking his promise be confirmed? "Livia sneered.

If the members of the former college exchange team of the Selentis Academy of Magic were here, they would definitely feel very happy.At the beginning, Livia used this disdainful attitude towards Yuan Feiwu all day long, but now she actually challenged the Great Magister Arnold for Yuan Feiwu. The change is really huge!

"You are talking nonsense! It is obvious that the two of you joined forces to set a trap for my direct disciple..."

"In that case, then I am here, and you are welcome to trouble me at any time." Livia flicked his right hand, and the spear of fire flew behind him.

Those sky warriors and magisters didn't dare to greet them, they scattered one after another, the spear of fire burst halfway through the flight, and the flames blazed all over them, which made them suffer a little bit.

"How dare you!" Arnold was furious. No other great magister dared to show such shame in front of him!

"Why don't you dare?"

Livia told Arnold that her violent temper was not vegetarian!

Arnold may not know that Livia is a representative figure in the world of taking soft and not hard, and she will not frown even if she is hard with her. Threats and intimidation will only have the opposite effect.That's why Livia hates Yuan Feiwu so much. This person always smiles and speaks words that make people angry. He can't express his anger, which makes her so depressed that she wants to hit the wall.

The two stalemate in mid-air for a while, and finally Arnold sneered a few times, said a few harsh words at Livia, and flew away without looking back.

Livia can torment their people openly, but he can't. This is his disadvantage as a great magister in this scene.Besides, with such a great magister around, it is not so easy for him to take the opportunity to destroy Yuan Feiwu and the Tianlong Army.

And he thought more deeply, could Livia appearing here be a trap?
When he and Livia are fighting to the death, it is not impossible for that old Douglas to find an excuse to protect his disciples and deal with him.After all, Livia is the closest person to Douglas...

Source flying, Livia.

On Arnold's account book, another heavy stroke was drawn for them, an endless account of hatred.

"Livia, wait, there will only be the names of the four great magisters on the Star Luo Continent!" Arnold gritted his teeth and murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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