Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 684 In fact, this is the dark history of the devil, please don't be so excited

Chapter 684 In fact, this is the dark history of the devil, please don't be so excited
As for the siege of the Fengshou Empire, Arnold has lost sight of it.

With everything like this, is there any hope of winning?

Seeing Arnold flying away with a face full of anger, the new commander-in-chief didn't dare to say anything.Could it be that he dared to stop Arnold and ask him why he ran away without even being able to settle Livia?Maybe Livia can at least take care of Yuan Feiwu, who is responsible for the wisdom of the Tianlong Army?Speaking like this, Arnold will indeed come back, but he will be wiped out when he comes back.

The great magister who was close to him was easily dismissed by others, and the new commander was very helpless, but he needed to arrange the next offensive, which was even more helpless.

Now that the masters invited from the palace and the masters of our own army are all here, do they still want to use the highest combat power to fight to the death with the opponent?
"General, let's retreat. Livia, who rushed over just now, is already stronger than the great magister, and she still bears the name of the magister. There are no rules for the great magister to restrict her. I'm afraid we are just asking for trouble. Ah." Seeing the commander-in-chief waving to them, those masters flew down one after another to communicate with the commander-in-chief.

Livia's reputation has spread far and wide before, and she is known as the strongest magister who "half stepped into the realm of a great magister".Being able to get such a name is enough to prove her strength, and her strength is also recognized among the masters.She is strong, she is Douglas's direct disciple, and she is also the vice-principal of Landis Academy of Magic. It is impossible for such a celebrity to have stories and legends about her, so everyone knows her temperament.She did not take the opportunity to continue to suppress them, which shows that she has not planned to bully the small, especially after Arnold left, she flew back to the city wall, as if nothing happened, which means that she only targeted Arnold for you Get off your horse a bit, don't be ignorant.

Even Arnold should be a sensible person, so as not to let the highest combat power of the Fengxiong Empire suffer losses. At this time, they still have to find trouble with the Tianlong Army, which is courting death!
What else can the commander-in-chief do? It is not an option to continue to watch his troops being tortured. The second echelon does not need to go up, and directly announces the retreat, which is decisive.

The retreat is in progress, but the commander-in-chief of the Fengshou Empire hasn't found out yet. The saddest thing is not that he retreated.It's that they retreated, and the Tianlong Army didn't care.

As the soldiers of the Fengyu Empire gradually retreated, the infantry phalanx of the Tianlong Army retreated back into the city. They also suffered a lot of losses, and many wounded needed treatment.In addition, a group of infantry came out to clean up the battlefield.The Fengyu Empire tentatively sent some soldiers to clean up the battlefield and their wounded soldiers. Seeing that the Tianlong Army was not in trouble, they relieved themselves to help the wounded.Everything is quiet and paced, unhurried, calm and natural.

At the same time, there was cheering on the city wall. This cheering was not cheering for a victory, because as long as Yuan Feiwu was there, the victory was basically never lost.What they cheered was the return of Livia. At this time, she was a great hero who had returned in triumph!
Seeing Livia coming back, Yuan Feiwu was the first to go up to her.

"Vice-principal Livia, I remember that after the exchange match, the Magic Association asked you to go through the test and rating procedures? Why is it still registered as a magister?"

After Yuan Feiwu went up to meet him, he asked this question directly, which made Livia think a lot about how to greet him just now so that he would not misunderstand that he cared about him.

Livia hasn't felt this feeling of being suddenly suffocated for a long time, and now she feels it again. I'm sorry, but I don't feel any nostalgia at all.She really can't like this person, sometimes she feels like she's deliberately contradicting you when she speaks, but it's all bloody facts. vomiting blood.You know this kind of thing, don't you still wonder why?Do you have to ask?

"No time, postponed." Livia had to say so.

"Delayed for many years..."

"Because I've never been free!" Livia came up angrily.

Belun and the others next to him cheered halfway, but they were all embarrassingly quiet when Livia yelled at them. They raised their hands in mid-air and didn't know whether to put them down or not. Depressed, why do these two people seem to have a bad relationship?Livia, are you sure you didn't save the wrong person?
"Actually, it's not necessary. The favor was paid off early in the morning." Yuan Feiwu said something to calm down Livia's anger.

He knew that Livia hadn't officially announced the breakthrough of the Grand Magister, so that he would not be restricted by the Grand Magister's rules in the future and had the opportunity to return a favor to him, whether it was from Monster Beach or Genocide.

"It's not that I want to come. The teacher asked me to come. I'm afraid that guy Arnold will trouble you. The teacher said that you have done a good job. I can only do some hard work in exchange for the greatest peace with the shortest war time. And that's all. , If I don’t come, you were going to do something just now, right? Reckless!”

"Thank you, go back and say hello to my teacher." Yuan Feiwu changed the topic noncommittally. He knew that Livia was worried that he would expose his true elemental physique, but that was something he was already mentally prepared for.

Livia's expression was still so serious, she waved her hand casually to show that she understood, and then ran to exchange a few words with Belun and the others.After all, she came this time with the intention of helping the Tianlong Army. She and Douglas also maintain a good relationship with many Northway officers, so they must be polite.

After a few formal conversations in a somewhat serious but still harmonious atmosphere, Livia was about to leave.As for Arnold, he failed to make trouble today by pulling his face down. The Tianlong Army's life-saving food and grass will be harvested immediately, and he will not come here in the future. At most, he will trouble her in private.

Come on, she's not afraid anyway.

"Grand Magister Livia, are you leaving now? Why don't you sit for a while? You solved our big crisis and left without taking a sip of water. It seems that we are rude!" Bielun said.

"I need to report the matter on Arnold's side to the teacher clearly. It is inconvenient to stay. Thank you for your kindness. Oh, by the way, my little brother is young and ignorant, please take care of me."

Livia finished speaking and flew away.

"Okay, of course!" The generals looked at Livia's flying figure and responded repeatedly.

Don't say take good care of your little junior brother, let you take good care of... eh?Junior brother? !
The generals looked at each other, and they all saw confusion from each other, and finally all focused their eyes on Bielun.

Who is the junior brother Livia mentioned?Just now they took it for granted that Livia said "take care of XXX", and X was Yuan Feiwu's name, because it was very reasonable.Now that I realize it, the pronunciation is completely inconsistent!What people say is the junior brother!

"Wait, wait, wait!" Belun suddenly seemed to have realized something, and patted Adam's head vigorously.

No way, Adam's head is eye-catching and smooth.

And Adam didn't dare to say anything more at this time, fearing that Belun would think of something crucial and lose his memory.

"Have you all forgotten?" Bielun said after gathering his thoughts, "One time Silas came to our conference center to get mad, and that bastard Hodge offended everyone who could be offended. At that time, Yuan Feiwu said that he was A personal disciple of the great magister of light!"

"Is there such a thing?! Brother Wu is so big?!" Of course Adam didn't know, he hadn't been transferred to the Tianlong Army at that time.

As soon as Bielun said it, everyone recalled that what surprised them the most was the name Yuan Feiwu.It's just that after getting along with Yuan Feiwu, he was quickly attracted by Yuan Feiwu's talent one after another, covering up what should have been the brightest name.

Not to mention them, even Bielun himself forgot that he still has this identity!He can recall it now because he was scolded a lot by Marrence and Silas at that time, so he remembers such a thing more deeply.

This shows how dazzling Yuan Feiwu's personal talent is, and it can make them forget this level of identity.

"No wonder Livia came all the way here to help, so it's to help my little brother!" The generals wanted to cry, but just now they misunderstood that the relationship between them didn't seem to be good, Livia just came to help their Tianlong Army by the way The one who rescued Yuan Feiwu seems to understand now that he is here to help his junior brother, so they are the ones who rescued by the way, "The direct disciples of the great magister of light are so scary, Livia is already a big The magister, the princess is the light element elf, so the future should not be underestimated, and now there is a low-key ghost who has never given such a great name, the great magister of light has an abnormally high vision for accepting disciples!"

If we let them know that one of Douglas's personal disciples is a god king and the other is a devil king, I don't know if they will be surprised and doubt their lives.

"Of course, otherwise, why do you think cats and dogs can be the direct disciples of the Great Magister of Light! This person is really better than a dead man. Look at what kind of rubbish the disciples of the Great Magister Arnold are. Fabi."

Amidst the cheerful discussions, the generals looked back tacitly, but suddenly found that Yuan Feiwu had disappeared.

"Where's Feiwu?" Bielun could only ask Jiawen who was watching their lively discussion with cold eyes.

In Jiawen's eyes, what these mortals are discussing is as ignorant as a frog in a well discussing how big the sky is.

What's so exciting about being the direct disciple of the great magister of light?Although Lord God King also has such a name, it is only to better achieve his own goals.If you really want to compare them with their real identities, these names are simply black history.

"Leave something." No matter how disdainful Jiawen was, he still wanted to find an excuse for Yuan Feiwu's sudden disappearance.

"Ah? Go away?! Where are you going?" Bielun was surprised, and a little panicked, "Samuel, why don't you follow! What if the enemy does something wrong to target Yuan Feiwu and cause Yuan Feiwu to go wrong?" , What face do I have to go to see Arch Magister Douglas!"

Samuel was no more surprised than Beelun. Although he was also amazed by Beelun and the others just now, Yuan Feiwu was a direct disciple of the great magister of light, but he didn't notice that Yuan Feiwu left the city wall, which is incredible!
Could it be that the sensitivity of his sky warrior is getting less and less sensitive?
(End of this chapter)

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