Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 685 Let's settle the score

Chapter 685 Let's settle the score

Arnold flew in the direction of the Imperial Palace of the Fengshou Empire, feeling resentful in his heart.

The more I think about it, the more I feel aggrieved. When has he ever been so aggrieved by the great magister?Well, except for the one time when I was teased by those three sword master old ghosts.

After thinking about it, he found that every trouble he encountered recently was related to that black-haired brat!

Suddenly, as if there was a traction in the dark, he stopped and flew towards the undergrowth, because there was an aura of surprise and surprise over there.

The undergrowth is sparse, and there is a slow stream of water passing through it.

A seemingly otherworldly black-haired man wiped his hands carefully with the water by the stream, then took out a small bunch of plants with white stems and blue flowers from the storage space, and gently washed them in the water.

He seemed to see the reflection of Arnold's landing in the stream, smiled faintly, raised his hands from the water and waved them, simply shaking off the water droplets on the plants and his hands.

"You..." Arnold didn't know whether he was mostly surprised or surprised. He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

And the good thing that the fool himself delivered to the door?

But how did he get here faster than himself, isn't it weird?
Arnold actually began to think about the possibility of having twins. The one here and the one he hates are just similar?
"It's much quieter here, and there aren't many people around here. You can do a good calculation of the accounts between us."

The black-haired man stroked his hair with a little wet hand, and then re-tied the waterfall-like smooth black hair into a ponytail. For a moment, Arnold was also distracted.

No wonder Sabo's favorite Princess Athena was so fascinated by this guy that he couldn't get it. No matter how much Arnold hated this person, he had to admit that it was the first time he saw himself willing to use the word "perfect" to describe a person. appearance.It was a kind of pure beauty, but it was also a kind of calm and natural beauty. There was no worldliness, no mediocrity, no show off, it was just so indifferent, but it couldn't be forgotten.

But even so, Arnold will not soften his heart.Anyone who dares to challenge his authority should not live in this world!
"Yuan Feiwu, I really can't guess what you are doing here, but I can let you choose a way to die. Don't worry, I will leave your whole body back to give Sabo a whip to vent his anger." Arnold sneered.

"What are you doing here?" The bouquet in Yuan Feiwu's hand disappeared in a blink of an eye. He looked up at Arnold and said with a smile, "I want to pay homage to a friend's tomb. It will take some time for you to come, so I washed mine in advance." hands and prepared offerings, as a sign of respect."

"Wait for me? Do you think it's great that you know some magic?"

Arnold frowned, Yuan Feiwu had obviously used the storage space just now, and the tiny fluctuation of magic power disappeared before he even felt it clearly.

He recalled that when his three big fireballs hit the city wall just now, he also felt a strange wave of magic power, but it was also very weak and disappeared suddenly. It must have been caused by this guy.

Only then did Arnold think seriously.Among the three disciples of Douglas, the first disciple, Livia, is of course the most powerful one. He personally confirmed that he is at the level of a great magister; The teacher began to move towards the magister level, and the speed of cultivation was very impressive.But this Yuan Fei Wu, he really doesn't know where his level is.

That's why he felt that this guy was weak, so weak that he didn't even know what level this person was, so weak that he took it for granted, so weak that he could burn it out with a light wave of his hand.

He had been heard a long time ago that he was a high-ranking warrior, but Arnold wouldn't be so naive as to think that Douglas had taken a warrior as his protégé.So what is the level of Yuan Feiwu's magic?Great Magister?Or a magister?He didn't know that the person in front of him seemed to be a black shadow, full of mystery.

But even if he became a magister at a young age, with extraordinary talent, he shouldn't be so stupid as to challenge him as a great magister, right?

"I really only know some magic, and in order to keep a low profile, I won't use magic today."

After Yuan Feiwu finished speaking, he slowly flew up and looked at Arnold.

Now Arnold was even more surprised. This guy, who has always been protected behind him, actually has such strength? !

Then he was even more surprised. Yuan Feiwu slowly spread a pair of black wings behind him, and Arnold's eyes almost popped out.

"You, you turned out to be a fallen angel? Haha, Douglas, a pious guy, actually accepted a fallen angel as his disciple. He is destined to lose his reputation!" Arnold quickly recovered and laughed.

"Douglas is different from you. He doesn't care about fame and altruism." Yuan Feiwu flapped his wings violently, and disappeared from Arnold's eyes in the next second.

So fast!From the moment they successfully cultivated into fallen angels, they possessed these enviable talents: swiftness and concealment!
Arnold is not afraid. Although he is not the oldest one among the four magisters, he has become famous very early. He has quite a lot of actual combat experience. It is not that he has never fought against fallen angels. The highest level is only the first level of the great magister, and Arnold has never been afraid at all.

The fire elemental sprites restlessly moved around Arnold, and quickly gathered into several rockets, shooting towards the back locked by the air machine without pausing.

Although the fallen angel is fast, the spiritual power of the great magister is not a joke, and he caught him in an instant!

Bang bang bang!
Three rockets popped and Arnold knew it had hit.

However, such a low-level magic can cause very limited damage to the fallen angel, and all he wants is to hinder his actions a little bit, and strike later!

He turned around and waved the staff in his hand again and again, more and more rockets were formed in the air, flying towards the source like a machine gun, and the flames almost formed a line in the air.Arnold didn't chant big magic, and planned to use small magic to nail the opponent to death in the air first.Although the rocket is just a small magic, the rocket cast by the great magister is still very painful even if it hits the fallen angel!
"A two-winged fallen angel just wants to trouble me, isn't it a bit too good?" Seeing that the other party was submerged by the rocket, Arnold sneered, "Thank you for revealing your identity in front of me, so I killed you It’s not just as simple as letting me breathe, I’m killing harm for the people! No wonder you never made a move, Douglas is playing a big game of chess! Tell me, when did Douglas hook up with you demons!”

As soon as Arnold spoke, he suddenly found that the sparks from the rocket's explosion were getting closer and closer to him, so close that he almost burned his beard!
Is this guy going on his own rocket?

Isn't he so stupid that he is afraid of fallen angels when he gets close?

Arnold's rocket didn't stop, and the staff in his hand started a new round of chanting. The fire elemental spirits gathered around the staff like a thick liquid, frantically trying to dissolve everything in the world.

But at the same time, a hand with five fingers like onion roots pierced out of the lava and grabbed Arnold's neck without warning. cry.

"Hush, you make such a big noise, if you attract other people, I will have a headache."

Yuan Feiwu's body also passed through the newly formed lava, and the lava flowed around his body, but he seemed to be fine.Yuan Feiwu's smiling face suddenly magnified in Arnold's eyes. At this moment, when he looked at the smile, he no longer felt warm and gentle, but instead revealed the chill that made Arnold's heart shudder everywhere.

This guy actually made him bring the word "fear" to mind.

(End of this chapter)

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