Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 686 Yes, What If The Oath Comes True?

Chapter 686 Yes, what if the oath comes true?

After being strangled by the neck, the rockets and lava gathered by Arnold also slowly dissipated. His eyeballs protruded due to poor breathing, and his facial features were wrinkled together, which was very hideous.

Arnold couldn't figure out why this fallen angel could see his lava as nothing. It was the profound meaning of fire that he had understood after breaking through the great magister. It had a terrifying power ten times hotter than magic flames. How could he come and go freely in it!
But what scares him more now is not that Yuan Feiwu is not afraid of lava, but that after he passed the smiling face that made his heart chill, he saw two pairs of black wings behind Yuan Feiwu!

Four-winged fallen angel! ?
His mind was spinning rapidly. In his impression, there should only be two fallen angels with four wings in the entire mortal world!Sitting in the highest position in the Demon Palace!

No matter how you look at it, Yuan Feiwu doesn't look like those two!

"Who the hell are you!" Arnold struggled to escape a few words from his throat.

"I am the Demon King of the Demon Realm." Yuan Feiwu said with a smile, "I never thought that the first person in the Mortal Realm to know my identity would be you, Arnold."

"Devil, Demon King? Haha, ha, it was my mistake to underestimate you and be successfully attacked by you, but would I believe your nonsense?! If you are the Demon King, then I am the God King!"

Arnold struggled to speak, and suddenly stabbed the staff towards the source, and the magic power that he quietly brewed gathered on the staff, turning into a flaming spear.

The pointed spear successfully pierced Yuan Feiwu's rib!

Arnold wanted to be happy, but couldn't.

Because the sharp spear touched Yuan Feiwu's body as if it had pierced a steel plate, no matter how hard it was to get into size.

impossible!Even if Caesar, the emperor of the demon clan, is here, it is impossible for him to pierce the flame spikes that compress and compress the magic power!

Whether he can stab into his own body, for the Demon King, it is up to him to control.If he is willing, you can pierce his body with a finger; if he is not willing, the magical flames of the mortal world are still far behind.Only by letting Jiawen take the abandoned sword of the ancient great god to slash at him will it be possible to really hurt him.

"Now, it's time for you to confess. Do you have anything to say?" Yuan Feiwu let go of the hand that was holding his neck, allowing Arnold to speak freely.

"I don't have anything to confess!" Arnold seized the opportunity to wave his staff again, and began to chant magic.

"Then let me confess for you. I'm not as professional as Jiawen in this kind of thing, but I can barely do it."

Arnold's chanting had just begun, and a fist hit his stomach hard, interrupting the fire elemental spirits that gathered again. The pain in his stomach seemed to have been embedded in his body.

The attack source of this strength, Feiwu, was well controlled, and it was still within the range of not being able to kill Arnold anyway.

After eating this punch, Arnold flew out like a kite with a broken string.

This is a good time to escape. Arnold was looking for a chance to escape for the first time after becoming a great magister, but he couldn't fly this time.

He didn't know when there was a black filament on his foot, and there was a strong force immediately, causing his body to fly back uncontrollably.

Actually entangled himself with wires? !At this moment, how he wished that he was really a kite with a broken string!

"Arrogant and domineering, selfish, good and evil, in vain."

Hearing Yuan Feiwu's voice, Arnold judged Yuan Feiwu's position and then swung his staff. When he lost control of his body, he still chanted a series of fireballs and hit Yuan Feiwu. With such strength, he was quite impressive.

But the continuous fireball couldn't even touch Yuan Feiwu's side, because Yuan Feiwu was flying in one direction with the black filaments, and the speed was so fast that Arnold's air machine couldn't lock onto the four-winged Yuan Feiwu at all.

Under the pull, Arnold's body caught up with Yuan Feiwu like an arrow from the string. When Arnold saw the devil-like smiling face in front of him, he immediately took another punch.

The power of that fist was like inserting a stirring rod into his body, trying to stir all his internal organs together and into pieces. The pain made Arnold's staff unable to hold it steady, and it fell from the air.

"If you allow your disciples to bully women and bully people, if you make mistakes and don't correct good deeds and don't encourage them, you will be a teacher in vain." Yuan Feiwu said while catching up with two punches.

Arnold no longer knew his surname or where he was, and was constantly being knocked away by Yuan Feiwu's force, and the scenery around him passed by quickly.Tormented by the great pain, he now just wants to die early and be relieved, so as not to suffer from the pain that is worse than death.

"Slaughtering people's lives and slaughtering the royal family of a country, controlling the government and advocating war, it is in vain to be a great magister."

This time, he was slapped on the face. Arnold thought that the pain he suffered just now was the limit of human pain, but this slap made him feel that the limit was refreshed again.Without looking in the mirror, he could feel the sunken side of his face being beaten.

After this slap, Yuan Feiwu didn't slap Arnold anymore, and Arnold only felt his body fall lightly.It was just a "feeling" of lightness. When he actually landed, he made a small hole in the mud. He bounced like a rag doll a few times before the dust settled, but the mud was flying everywhere.

Perhaps the previous pain was too painful. Even though he fell into a pit on the ground when he landed, Arnold didn't feel much pain.

His sense of pain is normal. Fortunately, he can't see his own appearance. He doesn't know that he has been severely deformed, and he can't see that he is a person anymore.

He raised his head, exhausted his last bit of strength, and looked around.

It looked familiar here, when he lay down powerlessly, he was facing a large gray stone tablet.

Seeing this thing, he knew where it was.

The imperial tomb of the Fengshou Empire... No, it should be the imperial tomb of the Tost Empire. Only the dead of the Tost family are buried here.

It was just a few punches and a slap, and he was beaten to a place that would take half a day to fly?The power of this beating is also exaggerated!

No wonder it was so painful that he just wanted to kill himself!

"As a demon king, I strictly abide by the rules of the game. In the mortal world, I only use the power allowed by the mortal world. I never use overwhelming force to force people to change their true beliefs and thoughts. You, a great magister, should have been in Star Luo Maintaining peace on the mainland, but participating in it and making waves and causing the people to suffer, do you think you deserve to die?"

Yuan Feiwu's voice sounded above his head, but he didn't have the strength to raise his head anymore, he just sneered and said inarticulately: "Rules? Aren't the rules made by the strong? If you are the devil king, the rules should be up to you." Come and decide; if I am the strongest in Xingluo Continent, I should set the rules! If you are doing something to me now, isn’t it the so-called forcing me with overwhelming force? Hahaha, what kind of rules are you following now? ?ridiculous!"

"Yes, it seems to be my wishful thinking to restrain you with the moral high ground."

Yuan Feiwu sighed, from Arnold's point of view, he was right.

However, he considers himself not a saint, and he also has his own likes and dislikes. If he wants to ignore everything without blood and flesh, he can't do it.

"Then I'll end it with you with a personal grievance, so it should be easier for you to accept?"

Yuan Feiwu raised his foot and kicked, and finally gave Arnold a good time.Hatred also draws a full stop here.

The blood that flew out from Arnold's body dyed all the surrounding tombstones bright red, and Yuan Feiwu took out the bunch of star grass that had been carefully cleaned from the storage space, and placed it on the tombstone in front of Arnold's body.

"I'm sorry, I'm only here now. Is this sacrifice satisfactory? I met you by chance, but the kindness is unforgettable. I will take good care of your children and your wife. May you rest in peace."

Yuan Feiwu touched the tombstone, then turned and left.


That year, on the highest snow peak in the Tost Empire.

"I swear in the name of the God King that I will never participate in the battles between the empires, and I swear to the death to maintain the stability of Xingluo Continent!" A group of thin old men turned their eyes to the red-robed man with a black beard next to him, "It's your turn .”

"In the name of the Demon King, I swear that I will never participate in the struggle between the empires. I swear to the death to maintain the stability of Xingluo Continent. If there is any violation, the Demon King is welcome to come up and tear me into pieces. Of course, if the level of the Demon King is not good, I will not Mind killing him." The black-bearded red-robed man arrogantly made an oath, cast a glance at the skinny old man, turned his head and walked away, "If you make an oath, you have to be more ruthless..."

"This Arnold is really fucking dragging!" "That's right, it's as good as 250, and you can't kill him if the level of the devil is not good", what kind of onion is he?" "Everyone else swears by the god king, he He likes to be special, and it’s cooler than swearing to the devil, right? I really don’t know who gave him the courage to go crazy there!”

A bald man with red fighting spirit all over his body, a scruffy man with blue fighting spirit all over his body, and a fat man with light yellow fighting spirit all over his body, watching Douglas leave before announcing the end of the meeting The man in the red robe said coldly.

This person is always so maverick, very arrogant, as if he is invincible and others are all scum, and every word is ridicule, which is really annoying.

The man in the red robe heard a sneer in his ears, and thought that one day, he would be the one who announced the opening and closing of the meeting here, not Douglas!He should also be the one they respect and worship!

"It's a good thing to make an oath to be tough, but it's best to remember that, don't break the oath, otherwise the retribution will be harsh enough." The man in the red robe was about to fly away, a young voice said.

The red-robed man looked over, and there was a stern-faced and serious red-robed woman standing beside a childish young man. He knew them all, and once he even wanted to accept one of them as his personal disciple.They are recording everything today with pen and paper. The three great magisters and the seven great sword masters have sworn not to participate in the war or fight among themselves. All the content is recorded by them. This is a moment that is enough to be recorded in human history.

These two appeared here, and it was said that they were the closest to becoming the next great magister on the Star Luo Continent, so they were invited to be witnesses and recorders.

It's a pity that one of these two is a personal disciple of Douglas, and the other is a young man whom Douglas values ​​so much... Who would believe that there is no personal relationship?Douglas is ridiculously sanctimonious.

"You are not qualified to stand here, but you are here, then you should learn from Livia, shut up and do your own business and don't talk. You are not even qualified to stand here, let alone be able to comment on me Qualified. Your so-called genius name, if I want it, I can already have it. You should thank someone for building up momentum for you and achieving your unique 'genius' name. I hope you can really stand on the same level as me , boy."

After the man in the red robe finished speaking, he got up and flew away, bringing up a large expanse of flaming lava, which melted the corner of the mountain peak, avalanche, and formed an avalanche below the mountain.Even the other samurai, who were out of sight, couldn't help but glared at him with this tone.

"Oath? How hypocritical..." the man in the red robe murmured and disappeared into the sky.

"Don't read, don't forget every word, just write it down." The woman with a serious face pushed the young man who hadn't recovered from watching the red-robed man disappear into the sky, "What if his oath comes true? "

"Senior..." The young man quickly picked up the pen and wrote quickly, his eyes didn't need to look at the paper, but the handwriting was still beautiful and clear. He looked at the woman and said with a smile, "I can't see that you are a high-end black! This junior is convinced!"

Yes, what if the oath comes true?

(End of this chapter)

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