Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 687 To save or not to save?

Chapter 687 To save or not to save?
Because this place is now the Fengyu Empire, how could Sabo still pay attention to the Tost royal mausoleum in the past, and lost most of the guards guarding the mausoleum, the guards are very weak and there is no master.

The imperial tomb of the Tost Empire is not too far from the imperial palace, but most of the masters of the ring guards were transferred to the front line. There was a lot of energy fluctuations in the imperial tomb, but Sabo, the king of the magister, was the first I felt it, so I lazily asked people to go and have a look.

If there is a problem, it will be a problem, anyway, it is not the tomb of their Fengshao family, so why worry.

It didn't take long for the guards to come back nervously and report: a broken corpse was found in the imperial mausoleum. Judging from the clothes, it looked very much like the great magister Arnold Arnold!

"What?!" Sabot stood up suddenly, and even the chair as heavy as the throne was skipped a small step, "I'll go and see!"

On the other side, Bielun and the others had arranged everything to clean up the battlefield, but they still didn't find Yuan Feiwu, so they couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

Samuel, who had just walked away, suddenly found Beelun, and there was a big movement in the direction he said was the Fenghuang Empire.

"What happened over there?"

Belun was a little panicked in his heart. Livia was sure that Arnold would not kill a carbine, so he flew away, but he was always worried that what if Arnold was so shameless?Livia, why don't you sit here for a few more days!It's not that you don't include room and board!

Now there is a big commotion over there, could it be that Arnold came back with someone to find a place?This time he comes again, they have no way to parry.

"I don't know, but I sensed the aura of dark element magic energy." Samuel said with a frown.

That's right, what Samuel felt was the energy fluctuation of Yuan Feiwu becoming a four-winged angel Hai Bian Arnold.

The geographical location of Yuan Feiwu's hands is a bit far away, but the energy fluctuations of the four-winged angels are not small, and experts like Samuel can feel it even in the city, let alone the closer Fengyu Empire Masters.

The masters of the Fengshou Empire rushed over at the first time, but they were all in vain. At that time, Yuan Feiwu was taking Arnold towards Tost Imperial Tomb with punch after punch at super high speed.

But Yuan Feiwu didn't change the trajectory when he flew back...

"Can you detect the aura of dark element magic energy here? This is a bit exaggerated. Could it be a trap of the Fengshou Empire, trying to lure our sky warriors and magisters out?" Bielun thought.

"This possibility is not ruled out, but it is impossible to imitate the fake dark element magic energy breath." Samuel said.

"I don't worry about you going there alone. Let's bring our highest combat power with us, at least we have someone to take care of us."


"Hey, wait." Belun called to Samuel who turned around and left, "Call Jiawen too?"

"Miss Jiawen flew over just now."

"Damn it, you didn't say it earlier! You won't stop her... well, you can't stop her either, she belongs to the Royal Guards. Hurry up and don't let Miss Jiawen have any problems!"

Samuel rolled his eyes a few times, maybe it was because he was in a hurry, so the other sky warriors and magisters had already shouted that they were ready to leave at any time, but he just wanted to come over and report to Beelun, but all the time was wasted by Beelun of.

Samuel and other nine masters swiftly flew towards the hinterland of the Fengshou Empire. The more they flew, the more they could feel the strong fluctuations of the dark element magic energy, and other energies were violently spreading out. It was obvious that a fierce battle was going on at the other end. .

Seeing a group of people fighting in a group from a distance, Samuel and the others quickly approached, seeing the situation in front of them, they were suddenly surrounded.

Twenty masters from the Fengshou Empire are besieging the two people who take care of each other, one is Jiawen, and the other is Yuan Feiwu!
Yuan Feiwu with a pair of black wings on his body!

"Impossible! This is impossible!" "How could General Yuan..." "Fallen Angel?!"

Several masters of the Tianlong Army were stunned, their heads blank.

They had only been with Yuan Feiwu for more than half a month, but Yuan Feiwu's status in their hearts was already very high.It can be said that without Yuan Feiwu, their Tianlong Army could not have survived, could not have become the sharp knife of the Northway Empire and pierced the heart of the Fengshou Empire, and it would have been impossible for the Northway Empire to have the best conditions to unify the Star Luo Continent!They have already engraved the greatness of Yuan Feiwu in their hearts.

But this person is actually a fallen angel?A fallen angel who is at odds with human beings and commits all kinds of evil?
Such two extreme existences appeared on one person at the same time, how could they react!
"I didn't expect you to join forces with the demons!" The Fengshou Empire was the first to shout when they saw Samuel and the others.

The emergence of demons has surpassed the seriousness of wars between countries. Whenever something involving demons or orcs is involved, the three empires should be united as one, and internal fighting should be put aside, and racial struggle should be placed First.

Collaborating with the demons is like rebels of a race, and will become the enemy of all human beings, so they are also messed up when they are scolded by the other party.

They didn't join forces with the demons!
But their deputy head is a fallen angel!Any fallen angel has a considerable status in the devil world, if he didn't join forces, how could he be on his side!
"We have nothing to do with the demons!" A master behind Samuel yelled back.

He couldn't bear to be said to have contacts with the demons. His people were slaughtered in the battle with the demons, and he hated the demons to the bone.

This kind of hatred is not limited to him, all human beings have been instilled since childhood, so it is very uncomfortable for everyone to look at Yuan Feiwu who is struggling to support.

"It doesn't matter? Then why don't you help kill this fallen angel?" A person from the Fengshou Empire sneered.

To prove his innocence, it is very simple, kill this fallen angel.Regardless of whether he is innocent or not, this person is very important to the Tianlong Army, and his death in anyone's hands will be beneficial to the Fengshou Empire and will not cause any harm.

"Samuel, what should we do?" The master of the Tianlong Army leaned over and asked Samuel.

Samuel didn't have a special rank in the Tianlong Army, he just followed Belun with the name of a chief guard, and he didn't actually have any rights.But he has the highest personal strength in the Tianlong Army, and the masters are quite convinced of him. At this time, everyone was at a loss and simply asked Samuel.

"At least...rescue Jiawen first." Samuel said calmly.

"That Jiawen is really, didn't you see that he is a fallen angel? Why did she save him!" the man behind Samuel said angrily.

"Shut up! You...forget it." Samuel was angry, but after drinking from the person behind him, he found that he had no reason at all, so he gritted his teeth hard.

Of course he knew what he was angry about. He was angry with the guy who used to develop new equipment for their Northway, painstakingly trained and reformed for their Tianlong Army, and made suggestions for them to create such an advantage. Now he is scolded by his own people for saving him. .

But didn't he himself say that he wanted to be saved?He also only planned to save Jarvan first... because there was no reason to save a damned fallen angel!

But he knew that from the moment he walked into the kitchen that night and met that dazzling smile, he couldn't ignore this person's life and death!

He has never seen such a pure smile and eyes, he believes in his intuition, a person with such a smile and eyes must have an extremely pure heart!
Intuition wrong?Then he also confessed!

"You protect Jiawen to leave first, leave me alone!" After finishing speaking, Samuel rushed towards the opponent's encirclement.

(End of this chapter)

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