Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 688 Can I choose to give up on the question about Yuan Feiwu?

Chapter 688 Can I choose to give up on the question about Yuan Feiwu?

"You really belong together!" Feng Shao Empire was a little surprised.

From their point of view, the relationship between the other party and this fallen angel has not yet been finalized by them, they are just ridiculed with words.

Because, how can there be human beings who have an affair with the demons? !And is it the entire Northway Empire?When this matter comes to light, even the people of their own country will rebel!
Presumably this black-haired boy should be a spy sent by the Demon Race to the Star Luo Continent, but the people of the Northway Empire are so stupid that they didn't even notice that they were mixed up to the high position of the deputy head.There must be a conspiracy in Northwell. Fortunately, it has been exposed now, so it's time to get rid of it and hurry up!
But now the other party actually comes up to save people, so the situation is very wrong.

However, the people of the Fengshou Empire did not panic, because they had a numerical advantage.

They surrounded Yuan Feiwu and haven't killed them. First, they were worried that the other party would rush out of the encirclement with speed, and it would be very troublesome to chase after him. Second, the speed of the fallen angels was indeed very fast. Fighting against the fast and sensitive fallen angels in the crowd, twenty of them are not as smooth as two of them, and the efficiency is slower.

This wasn't a big problem, even when Jiawen suddenly rushed in, they didn't think it was a big problem. Anyway, it was impossible for this fallen angel to escape.

Nine more?There are enough of them to deal with it!

Maybe after eliminating this fallen angel, he can use the excuse of saving the fallen angel to destroy the masters of the Tianlong Army!
Samuel's strength was indeed a head above everyone else's. After a few rounds, he got rid of the people who came to restrain him and rushed into the encirclement.

Naturally, the masters of the Tianlong Army would not be idiots. This Samuel tore a gap, and they immediately resisted and defended the gap.

"Miss Jiawen, you go first." Samuel rushed in and said first.

"No one wants to leave!"

Several sky warriors slashed at Samuel in a panic.

Samuel couldn't bear this kind of attack alone, but he didn't back down and went head-on.Because he found that because of the opponent's reckless blow, there was a gap in the entire encirclement, a gap that was enough for a fallen angel to escape!

It's a pity that Yuan Feiwu didn't seem to be able to see the gap, his whole body was like a rotating fighter plane, turning sideways several times in a row and circling around Samuel, waving a dark element magic energy to meet the enemy with Samuel.

Then they were knocked out together.

"Haha! Cool!" Samuel's fighting spirit was turbulent, but he was full of pride. He spit out a mouthful of blood and turned to meet him, fighting with the two sky warriors who were chasing up.

He once imagined that one day he could hand over his back to a person he trusted so much, and charge into the battle and fight with blood. This feeling is more exciting than winning a fight!

Today he knew that his wish would definitely come true!
Yuan Feiwu and him didn't even need to make eye contact, so they stopped the two sky warriors approaching from behind and guarded their backs.

Both of them have the same meaning, if you want to attack his back, you have to step over my dead body first!
The other masters of the Tianlong Army are approaching the inner circle of the battle, but they are at a disadvantage in numbers, the closer they are, the greater the pressure.Especially there are four magisters among them. It is really not what they are good at.

Soon even several masters of the Tianlong Army surrounded themselves and couldn't protect themselves. People in the Fengshou Empire felt that a big pie had fallen from the sky. A fallen angel was enough to ruin the Northway Empire. Now they are given an excuse to kill these masters. Get rid of it, and kill it in one fell swoop!
Then a big pie actually fell from the sky.

The flaming fire phoenix flew across their air, and the screams pierced the eardrums of all of them.

"Livia! Even you have joined forces with the demons!" shouted the Fengshou Empire.

"No one here has joined forces with the demons." The phoenix flames dispersed, and Livia flew to stare at everyone outside the battle circle. The blazing flames on the spear of fire seemed to be flowing, ready to move at any time, "But this fallen angel Knowing that Northway has too many secrets, there must be many secrets about his appearance here. Why should we be arrested and interrogated? This matter has something to do with the human beings on the entire continent. I guarantee that Northway will give the world a Confession."

"Hmph, I hope you can explain clearly."

The people of the Fengshou Empire responded coldly, and then left without making any further embarrassments.

Livia came to intervene in this matter, and if they wanted to be embarrassed, they had to ask about the spear of fire in their hands.

But this matter is definitely not over. They must rush back to the palace immediately and tell King Sabo about this. This will become a key point for them to reverse their current disadvantage.

After all the people from the Fengshou Empire flew away, the people from the Tianlong Army asked Samuel, "What should I do?"

"Take it back and we'll talk about it." Samuel didn't even think about being able to save Yuan Feiwu, so he was a little confused about what to do afterwards. He rationally suppressed the idea of ​​letting him escape, and said to Yuan Feiwu, " General Yuan, I won’t offend you, please be conscious and come back with us.”

He didn't run away even when the people from the Fengyu Empire stopped, and stood by them like one of his own. Of course Samuel didn't want to embarrass him anymore.

"It was on the way back." Yuan Feiwu smiled and flew back in the direction of the Tianlong Army.

Samuel and the others looked at this, which seemed to be the same as usual, except that Yuan Feiwu, who had an extra pair of wings behind him, was flying slowly, feeling full of contradictions in his heart.Shouldn't this demon clan be in a hurry if his identity is exposed?Why does it feel like Yuan Feiwu from before!Shouldn't you throw away your mask and reveal your true nature?
With so many thoughts in mind, everyone was silent on the way back.

There was a shock in their hearts and a battle to help with the transition, but Belun and the others didn't.

When they watched Yuan Feiwu gently land in front of them and folded their wings, they couldn't react for a long time.

Yuan Feiwu saw them stunned for a while without speaking, so he walked to his tent by himself.

Now Bielun and the others immediately came to their senses, stopped Yuan Feiwu: "Don't you have anything to say? Fei... Fallen Angel!"

"What do you want to say? The finishing work is done well? If there is no other arrangement from Captain Belun, I will go back to the tent to complete the information on plant grafting for the convenience of dissemination. Come to me if you have anything to do." Yuan Feiwu waved his hand, no head back.

"Go back to the tent? You should be locked in a prison!" Adam said angrily.

He felt a strong sense of betrayal. This person who was so familiar with them and whom he respected so much was actually a fallen angel?This gap made him unbearable!

"Okay, you go to close it."

Bielun knelt down covering his head, and now he felt like his head was going to explode.

He would rather the city be captured than face the current situation.

"Damn! I'm too lazy to deal with such trivial matters!"

Adam took a few steps left and right, but he couldn't take a step in the direction of Yuan Feiwu, and finally ran away irritatedly.

Why did Adam want to face the current situation?

Asking him to take Yuan Feiwu to prison, he has no confidence at all.That is one of the few people he has truly respected in his life!
The other generals touched Belun at this time, and they proposed a more terrifying thing.

"General Yiyuan... With the cunning of this fallen angel, if he wants to target us, we are afraid that we will be played around with the applause. How should we deal with it? Killing... It seems that killing is not good..." Ren Feicimu , everyone is somewhat resistant to take the worst step, even if they are facing a fallen angel.

But they are also very helpless, and it's not like they haven't enjoyed the feeling of letting Yuan Feiwu lead them invincible!Having had this kind of experience, I know how terrible this person is!
Bie Lun just wanted to swear, what was he doing squatting on the ground covering his head, defecating?Just be troubled by these troubles!These people don't think about how to solve it by themselves, and they come to annoy him!
At this moment, it suddenly occurred to him that Livia hadn't left yet, and Belun said to Livia as if grasping at a straw, "What should we do? Grand Magister Livia, he's your little brother, right?" ? How could the personal disciple of the Great Magister of Light be a fallen angel? Is there some misunderstanding here?"

"You can do whatever you want. The teacher and I don't know about this matter. I will interrogate the teacher first. You must keep him under strict supervision. If he disappears, it will be a huge blow to the current momentum of the Northway Empire." A huge blow, you know?" Livia said seriously.

"Understood!" Belun replied with difficulty.

It's unbelievable to use words like "strict supervision" on Yuan Feiwu, Bielun sighed deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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