Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 67 Wine and Beauty

Chapter 67 Wine and Beauty
Ophelia touched the sword subconsciously, but the only reason she had left told her not to do it.

Moqin Winery is well-known in Northville, and has unusual relationships with many dignitaries.Although my father will not be able to suppress the other party, but he will definitely be the one who will be unlucky in the end if he acts so unreasonably.

Be patient!

Harrington poured two small glasses of wine. The delicate glasses contained orange liquid, which was a type of wine that people in the mortal world often drank.The method is similar to that of red wine, but there are no grapes in the other world. They use other grape-like fruits in the other world to make it, which is called Zhenjiu.

Push one of the poured cups to Ophelia first, and Ophelia understands the meaning very well - buy and send!

Then he held the other cup in his hand and gently shook it skillfully, the orange liquid in the cup swirled rhythmically a few times, and Harington gracefully brought the cup to Yuan Feiwu's body.

"This is Zhenjiu specially made in the Miliqi area. The orange fruit flavor over there is more intense, and the aroma is locked in the wine after it is made. Shake it like this, and the aroma will be released. Take a sip lightly, you can drink it." Let the nose and taste buds get double enjoyment."

While introducing, Harrington touched Yuan Feiwu's hand by passing the cup, and the silky feeling was unforgettable.

Yuan Feiwu didn't care about these, his attention was all on the wine.

It's not that Yuan Feiwu has never drank alcohol, he drank it at the age of eight in Yuan's house, and what he drank was the centuries-old wine that Yuan Lao had treasured.Those fine wines were hidden in the ceiling of the old warehouse, and Yuan Feiwu found them by accident, directly killed the two jars, and then slept for three days and three nights before waking up.

The first thing I did when I woke up was to tell Yuan Lao, who was in front of me with a livid complexion, that the taste of the thing was really not good, it might be rotten, so after drinking two jars, I poured out the other three jars to prevent others from drinking it badly .

fall down?Mr. Yuan secretly hid these treasures to drink. This night, he came to find a drink and found Yuan Feiwu lying on the ceiling. Except for two empty altars, the remaining three altars were missing. He thought Yuan Feiwu was naughty and hid them. up.

Unexpectedly, all TMs were poured out!

Yuan Yuan was so angry that his roots stood up and almost killed his relatives on the spot.

Suddenly recalling these past events, Yuan Feiwu smiled knowingly, looking at the orange liquid in his hand, he felt a lot of emotion.

It's a pity that he will never be drunk now.

Yuan Feiwu gracefully raised the cup, took a sip, and put it down gently.

The beauty, with bright red lips, and the fine wine, crystal clear and fragrant, the combination of the two is like a pleasing work of art, and Harrington is lost in it for a moment, forgetting everything around him.

"Not bad, very fragrant, with a bit of sweetness." Yuan Feiwu laughed.

Yuan Feiwu's words awakened Harrington, and Harrington's self-cultivation was not simple, and he just nodded with a pretentious manner to cover up the embarrassment just now.

"It's been a long time since I've had Milic's Zhenjiu, so I'll try it too."

As soon as Harrington finished speaking, he reached out to take Yuan Feiwu's wine glass and took a sip.

It was too late for Ophelia to stop it. There was no other way. Harrington was too close to Yuan Feiwu, so she could only watch Harrington quietly turn the cup to the end that Yuan Feiwu had just drunk, and greedily tasted it. a mouthful.

wipe!Ophelia almost spat out swear words, her anger was so intense that the top of her head was almost smoking.

Using the bar as a battlefield is too bad for me, there is no way to intercept the bastards behind the bar!
"Beautiful lady, I haven't asked your name yet..."

"It's none of your business what the customer's name is! You just sell your wine!"

There was a loophole in the physical interception, but the verbal intrusion into Ophelia was still tightly sealed.

"Miss has the temperament of a lady, I wonder which famous family she came from?"

Harrington was not discouraged by Ophelia's rebuke, and continued to inquire about Yuan Feiwu.

Ophelia almost laughed when she heard Harrington's question.

This child is definitely blind. It's okay for a big man to disguise himself as a woman, but he still has the temperament of a lady...

But after thinking about it, Yuan Feiwu usually has a calm smile on his face. He speaks, fights, cooks, and does everything in an orderly, gentle and elegant way. Using the word "every lady" to describe him is very appropriate.

A big man is praised as a lady, and he really doesn't know whether he should be happy or angry.

But Ophelia knew that Yuan Feiwu would never care about these things, he would just smile noncommittally.

"Don't talk nonsense, this wine is so-so, get a better one!"

Still did not forget to intercept Ophelia, she did not give an inch, and once again blocked Harrington's probe.

After trying more than ten kinds of wine back and forth like this, Harrington didn't get any information about Yuan Feiwu's details, and he didn't dare to make too many inappropriate physical actions, for fear of scaring this beautiful lady.

Every top quality wine was rejected by Ophelia, but Harrington didn't have any complaints about it, because the beautiful lady didn't express her joyful attitude either.This shows that his wine has not met the standard in her mind!

When it comes to wine, Harrington never says never!
"What do you think of this one? Let's not introduce it, let's try it first!"

Harrington carefully took out a gray wine bottle from the hidden compartment behind the bar, took an empty glass, and poured half a glass into it, with a bit of reluctance on his face.

In just a short time after opening the cork of the wine bottle and pouring the wine, the whole inner room is immediately filled with the aroma of orange fruit, which lasts for a long time and makes people feel refreshed and happy.

"Don't try it. It would be a waste if this glass of wine is drunk by someone like me who doesn't understand wine."

Yuan Feiwu's refusal actually made Harington appreciate her more, she is a very modest and discerning beauty!As she said, it would be a waste for someone who doesn't understand wine to drink this glass of wine!
"Moqin Wine, this bottle of wine is directly named after the winery. I won't say much about the brewing process, just the quantity. Only Moqin Winery can brew this kind of wine, and the annual output does not exceed 5 bottles !” Harrington introduced excitedly.

Yuan Feiwu smiled and didn't respond much, but Ophelia was frightened.

Her father usually whispered Moqin in her ear!What a rarity in the world, which bastard prince queued up and just bought the last bottle. If he can drink it, he will reduce his life by ten years. Ophelia can't remember the name of this wine.

She didn't even think about the wine that even the commander of the First Army couldn't get. No matter how she thought about it, it was impossible for her to be a girl.

As a result, I saw the legendary Moqin wine here!
Just because of the burst of strong fruity aroma, Ophelia knew that Moqin wine deserved its reputation!
"This bottle is good, I want this bottle!" Yuan Feiwu said.

"Ah! This...but..."

Harrington wanted to say but the bottle wasn't going to be sold.

Since you don't plan to sell it, why do you take it out?
What else can I do, take it out to show off!
But now that the other party wants to buy it, could it be that he refuses it?What a slap!
But it doesn't matter, Harrington's head turned very quickly, thinking that as long as the bid is higher, the other party will be able to retreat!

Wouldn't it be better to give another bottle of expensive wine as an apology later, so that you can keep the non-sale product and earn goodwill in the hearts of the beauties?

(End of this chapter)

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