Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 68 The Instigator Was He, He Was Him, The Fallen Angel Lucifer!

Chapter 68 The Instigator Was He, He Was Him, The Fallen Angel Lucifer!

"But I don't know if I have enough money. I only have a level [-] demon core all over my body. Oh, and these."

While talking, Yuan Feiwu took out a yellow crystal the size of a ping-pong ball, which was the demon core of the Earth Bear he had hacked back then.Later, he took out more than a dozen coins and threw them on the bar counter, jingling and spinning them around.

Not enough!Of course not enough!Harrington roared wildly in his heart, what do you think of mergin!Is there a street stall on the street for ten rupees and three pieces?
Just now Harrington hadn't sorted out what kind of astronomical figure to report in his head. If the report was too much, it meant that he didn't want to sell it. If the report was too small, he was afraid that it would look like a beautiful woman with a daughter from some famous noble family who would just take money. buy it.Then this beauty doesn't know if she doesn't understand the value of Moqin wine, but she wants to buy Moqin wine after taking out all these things? !

Level [-] demon cores are still worth a fortune, and nuclei start to condense in the bodies of monsters above level [-]. The core crystals of level [-] monster beasts already possess the power of elements of a certain attribute.Nuclear crystals like the fourth-level demon cores that already possess some kind of elemental power can already be used to make staffs.

A four-level monster core can be exchanged for rupees, which is enough for an ordinary family of four to use for five years, about [-] rupees or so. You can also buy some relatively ordinary wine in Moqin Winery.

But the value is not too expensive, after all, the fourth-level monsters are not difficult to find in the deep mountains and wild forests.

Not to mention the dozen or so coins, the larger rupees are banknotes, and only the smallest rupees are made into coins.Usually, Harrington would not even put this kind of change in his pocket, and he would just give it to the servant directly if he finds it troublesome, or let the other party not have change.

Suddenly appearing on the bar now, Harrington felt a little strange for a while!
Had other people thrown out these things and said they wanted to buy gin, Harrington had long ago called the guards of the winery to come over and kick them out!

"Oh, it seems not enough."

Yuan Feiwu got the answer from Harrington's expression, restrained his smile a lot, and said embarrassingly.

"Enough, of course enough, just right! Our Moqin wine sells for this price!"

As soon as Harrington finished speaking, he immediately wanted to slap himself, what the hell did I say!Moqin TM is worth a level [-] demon core? !What the hell is that sentence just right!Is the price accurate to the meaning of those more than ten coins!


Yuan Feiwu said in surprise, showing a big smile, which made Harington's heart almost melt.

"Really! Take it!"

No matter how good the wine is, it is not worth the smile of a beautiful woman!Harrington immediately felt that the wine was worth it!

"Thank you, Mr. Harrington! Goodbye!"

Umm, you're welcome... Uh, see you soon?

Yuan Feiwu was very skilled in his movements. He took the Moqin from Harrington's hand, raised his hand and waved it casually twice as a farewell.When Harrington came back to his senses, everyone had already drifted out of the Moqin Winery. In front of Harrington, there was only a fourth-level demon core on the bar and more than a dozen cold coins.

The Moqin wine that Dad kept drinking was exchanged for these things by himself, and he didn't even know the name of the beautiful woman. Harington felt a chill from the soles of his feet to his forehead, and then chased him out.

"Moqin wine... so you can buy it?"

If Ophelia hadn't been dragged by Yuan Feiwu, she wouldn't have been able to react, and she was still sitting in front of the bar staring at Harrington.

"Not yet."

Not yet?Isn’t there two types of buying things, those who have bought them and those who have not? !

Yuan Feiwu smiled and didn't explain much. After walking out of Moqin Winery, he suddenly accelerated and dragged Ophelia to the middle and west of the street.

Yuan Feiwu had a clear purpose, and finally led Ophelia into a small alley where no one passed by.

"How did you bring this guy here?"

Recently, Ophelia has become very familiar with this disdainful tone, and when she looked up, sure enough, who else could it be if it wasn't Phil!

"It's too embarrassing. Don't do this in the future. Whose clothes belong to them, return them."

Yuan Feiwu's side was very neat, he had already taken off the women's clothes and pants in a few words, and he was wearing the shorts and T-shirt he often wore inside, and threw the women's clothes back to Phil casually.

"No need to return it, I bought it and decided to give it to you..."


Yuan Feiwu didn't hesitate at all.

"This... this... what's going on here?" Ophelia finally couldn't help asking, and now the curious bug in her stomach was about to bite her to death.

"Athena's birthday present." Yuan Feiwu smiled wryly

Ophelia turned her eyes to Yuan Feiwu, Yuan Feiwu wiped her face with her hands, as if she wanted to wipe off something on her face.

"Student Yuan Feiwu, let me do it." Phil took out a cosmetic box from nowhere, and used the contents in it to professionally remove Yuan Feiwu's makeup, "Actually, I didn't add anything. Superb, no need to apply lipstick at all. Just a thin layer of blush and a little bit of charming eyeliner are enough to be attractive..."

The current picture is really like a star on the earth and his makeup artist, big brother, you are a majestic fallen angel Lucifer, you look like a professional makeup artist, Yuan Feiwu doesn't know where to start complaining.

Next, Yuan Feiwu told Ophelia about his experience while being removed by Phil.

Because of the problem of buying gifts, Yuan Feiwu discussed it with Mr. Feier, but Mr. Feier confidently reassured Yuan Feiwu and put it on him.

At noon, I took Yuan Feiwu out for a stroll, and without any nonsense, I directly dressed Yuan Feiwu as a girl.

After dressing up, he explained very seriously that he was not allowed to disclose any information about himself, and that the other party was not allowed to give too good a response to anything he introduced. He didn't make a decision to buy until he saw what the other party took out with a constipated appearance.There is no need to bargain, the other party will definitely sell.Don't linger after getting something in your hands, and leave immediately without looking back. After leaving, you have to shake off the trailing tail before coming back.

Yuan Feiwu now had to admire Lucifer as a prophet. The development of the incident almost confirmed Lucifer's words, and he finally bought a good thing.

"Although I have wronged you, this is the most perfect solution, there is no one..." Phil gently fluttered towards Yuan to comfort him, with a wicked smile on his lips.

"Crime! Mr. Phil, you are committing a crime! He is so easy to be taken advantage of. Fortunately, I joined in the middle and protected Yuan Feiwu. Otherwise, if something happens to Yuan Feiwu, I won't let you go even if you are the teacher." Pass you!"

After hearing Yuan Feiwu's cries, Ophelia immediately turned the artillery to bombard Phil. She couldn't even believe that as a teacher, she could be so nonsense!
"He's not as fragile as you imagined, and he can live well without you." Phil said the truth without showing any sympathy, "Do you think anyone can take advantage of him? Joke , There is a big difference in how he treats those who value him and those who don't! Otherwise, do you think other people can hold his hand for a long time like you? You are the most special one."

Uh... How did Mr. Phil see that he was secretly holding Yuan Feiwu's hand and not letting go? !
No, the focus is wrong.

To Yuan Feiwu, is he the most special one? !

Ophelia felt a sweet feeling inexplicably in her heart.

Regardless of what Phil said was true or not, these words changed Ophelia's view of Phil a little. Although this teacher had some inexplicable intentions towards Yuan Feiwu, he was actually quite good at talking!
"Okay... well, let's say I have a low opinion of Qingyuan Feiwu. However, how did you choose the precious Moqin wine from Zhongmoqin Winery? You have a good eye!"

"What kind of wine? I just saw that this store has a young owner, so I chose this one." Phil said without thinking.

Phil concentrated on removing the makeup on Yuan Feiwu's face, nodded with satisfaction seeing this flawless face, and began to think about the possibility of other looks.

What the hell!After a long time, it turns out that choosing a gift for Athena is not an independent choice, but a matter of fate!

I'm afraid the main purpose is to satisfy his perverted hobby of watching Yuan Feiwu dress up as a woman! ! !

The three of Phil, Director Jin, and Athena must never meet, they will definitely form a perverted alliance club!
(End of this chapter)

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