Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 69 The Most Efficient Way to Prepare Gifts for Ophelia

Chapter 69 The Most Efficient Way to Prepare Gifts for Ophelia

"Miss Ophelia, what are you doing here?"

Yuan Feiwu's make-up has been removed, and her clothes have been put back into her shorts. If it wasn't for the pink butterfly headband on her head, Ophelia almost thought she had just had a daydream about the rippling spring.

Conflicting with whether to remind Yuan Feiwu to take off the headband, Yuan Feiwu asked questions first.

"Buy a present, Her Royal Highness's birthday present."

The purpose of Ophelia's coming out is nothing to hide.

"What a coincidence!"

Ophelia waited for Yuan Feiwu to say something after the "what a coincidence", but found that Yuan Feiwu didn't intend to say anything further, turned around and discussed with Phil what would be more appropriate to put the gin, and then left.

Phil followed Yuan Feiwu step by step, and seemed to offer a good proposal. The two looked at each other tacitly, and continued to chat.

Ophelia followed the two silently, and experienced a sensory feast of Yuan Feiwu in women's clothing. Her mind was like a puddle of paste, and she basically stopped thinking. All that appeared in her mind was the face of Yuan Feiwu just now. , the whole person is in the stage of walking dead.

"Miss Ophelia, you have to work hard!"

Yuan Feiwu suddenly stopped, and Ophelia also stopped in a daze, and then heard Yuan Feiwu say this to herself.

"Come on? What fuel?"

"Birthday gift! Don't you still want to buy a gift?"

Uh...yes!Haven't bought a gift yet!They are returning to school in triumph, and I am foolish to follow them!

"Let's go back to school to get the packaging of gin, goodbye!"

Yuan Feiwu waved at Ophelia, and left without looking back.

Seeing the scene of the two leaving, Ofelia couldn't say the second part of inviting Yuan Feiwu to accompany her to pick out gifts... There was a feeling of being isolated.

What, what's the point of having an extra teacher, Phil, following along!Miss Ben doesn't want you to accompany me at all, okay?cut!

Until the afterglow of the setting sun shone on Ophelia's face, Ophelia, who had been wandering around for several hours, found nothing in the end, and returned to school with a sigh.

You can't go to Athena's birthday party empty-handed, right?
Although Athena would not mind, but at that time, she would symbolize the identity of the head of the First Army, and she would lose face to the entire family of the head of the First Army. She would not take the blame for this.

Anxious, Ophelia suddenly had a flash of inspiration, changed her route and ran towards the male senior dormitory.

After finding the target building, Ophelia turned into the yard without saying a word, kicked open the gate on the first floor, and ran directly to the third floor.

The door on the third floor didn't need to be opened by Ophelia, it was half covered. Ophelia pushed the door and entered, and a smell of mold, alcohol and sweat came in, making Ophelia cough and tearful , I almost thought I had stumbled into a waste incineration plant by mistake.

In the high-end dormitories, most students will choose to live on the third floor, because the balcony on the third floor has a wide view and can see farther scenery, and the air is relatively fresh.

The high-end dormitory that Ophelia came to is no exception. The only living person living in the dormitory is lying on the living room floor on the third floor with unkempt hair and face. Know how many days' vomit was mixed together.

As soon as Ophelia saw this battle, she immediately regretted coming here, and quickly turned around to run away, but the figure had already spotted someone coming in, and immediately rushed up like an arrow, knocking the living room door where Ophelia wanted to escape. blockage.

"Why! You tell me why!"

"Tell you why the hell!!!! Get the hell out of here, your hands are full of vomit!!!"

The man reached out to grab Ophelia's collar, but Ophelia reacted faster, and kicked the man's leg, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Tell me why, why he is a man... woo woo woo... I, Adam Kun, have been in love for many years but have never experienced the taste of love. I never thought that the person I fell in love with at first sight would be a man..."

The originally handsome Adam now had a sloppy beard and a haggard face. He fell on the ground and didn't get up. He hugged Ophelia's feet and cried bitterly. No matter how much Ophelia kicked them, he couldn't get them open. They were stickier than brown sugar .

Ophelia was not at peace, she made a huge mistake and forgot to supervise her lecherous brother, and sure enough, this guy went to investigate Yuan Feiwu privately.

It's actually not a big problem to find out the identity after investigation, but the problem is that Yuan Feiwu was in his dormitory with her lonely man and widow that night, and the gossip husband told him at home that he should not be annoyed to death by his family members!
"Have you told your family about this? Have you? Have you? I asked you if you have!"

Ophelia kicked several times, and Adam, who was crying so loudly, didn't know how many times he had a concussion before he answered with a semblance of vigor.



Ophelia let out a long breath, and it was fine not to say anything.

But we can't let this guy have a chance to talk in the future!

Quit your mouth!

Ophelia shook her head. After all, she was still her own brother, so she would be mentally handicapped...

"Princess's birthday, are you ready for your gift? Haven't you been thinking about Athena for a long time, and this time is a good time to make a move."

Ofelia rubbed her head, almost forgot the purpose of this trip, she had better find out the information she wanted before killing her.

"Hahaha... So what if you have it, so what if you don't have it? I'm already a useless person who has lost love, so let me live in those beautiful memories..."

Before he could finish listening to Adam's emotional statement, Ophelia gave him another kick.

Fuck me, this guy is really crazy, he speaks poems and answers irrelevant questions!
Adam once revealed to her that he wanted to pursue Athena.But it's not because of Princess Athena's status, it's purely because Athena is beautiful.It is said that the birthday gift was prepared half a year in advance, and Adam has always spared no effort in the career of dating girls.Ophelia really couldn't think of what gift to give, so she wanted to come over to see what her brother's gift was, as a reference or to take it away directly.

Anyway, they are all brothers, what is yours and mine?
But now in Adam's state, there is no way to communicate.

How to do?
Ophelia had a flash of inspiration again, and thought of a way to get the best of both worlds, which not only solved the source of the silence, but also got the gift she wanted.

"The one you met back then is called Yuan Xiaowu. I introduced it to you. She has a twin brother who looks almost identical, named Yuan Feiwu. Did you find out that Yuan Feiwu?" Ofili Ya asked.

"Yes, yes, Yuan Feiwu, man..."

"Yuan Xiaowu is a girl, his twin sister, do you understand? So don't gossip with Dad and them, saying that I take boys back to the dormitory, they are girls!"

"Female? Impossible, there is only one black hair in the entire Landis Academy of Magic..."

"Do you think you are stupid? Who told you that his sister is a student of Landis Academy of Magic? From this perspective, of course you only found a brother who is very similar to her!"

"I'm going, is there such a thing? I took a peek at Yuan Feiwu, and it was exactly the same as when I saw that person back then! I thought it was him! It seems that I have to investigate again from a different angle!"

It's him, it's him, you read it right, it's him, Ophelia thought.

"It's your sister! No, it's your father! If you dare to investigate them again, I'll smash your head!" Ophelia kicked Adam's head and feet again, but she knew that such a threat would be harmful to this man. A stallion with only women in its head is useless, so I can only continue to talk nonsense, "Yuan Xiaowu lives alone and doesn't interact with others, you can't find out. She is very timid and afraid of others. You have already scared people last time." , when she hears your name now, she trembles all over, turns blue and foams at the mouth. I think you need to proceed step by step. For example, let me talk to her well to reduce her resistance to you. When the time is right, I will arrange for you to meet again."

"Is what you said true!"

Adam looked at Ophelia in disbelief. Even though he drank too much and ruined his brain, he never thought that his sister would be willing to help him!Since she was a child, Ophelia hated his brother very much. It would be nice to be able to say a word, let alone help!

"I'll do my best... Well, what gift are you going to give the princess? Let me see if it works, don't embarrass our Kun family."

"It's in the closet in my room... I was too sad to tear up the invitation a few days ago, why don't you give it to Athena for me! I need to spend time preparing another gift for the upcoming reunion with Yuan Xiaowu prepare for!"

Adam touched his face to regain his energy, wiped his snot and tears all over the floor, and then rushed into the bathroom to take a shower.

Love your wool!As long as you are here, there is no possibility for you to meet again!
Ophelia quickly rushed into Adam's room, grabbed the delicately packaged things in the closet and ran away, wishing she could escape from this purgatory on earth a second earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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