Come to another world to be the devil

Chapter 70 Demon King, Get in the Car!

Chapter 70 Demon King, Get in the Car!

Ophelia quickly rushed back to her dormitory, locked the door firmly, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, she had never done tricks to deceive people before, and she was very nervous when doing it for the first time.

Fortunately, it was Adam Kun who lied to him, and he had no psychological pressure at all, let alone the psychological emotion of not being sorry.

Ophelia squeezed the long object wrapped in beautiful wrapping paper with her hands, but she couldn't figure out what was inside, but the things Adam carefully prepared must not be bad, so it wouldn't spoil the exquisiteness. The packaging, just give it to Athena intact at that time.

In the next few days, people who had all kinds of expectations for Her Royal Highness's birthday banquet always felt that the time passed very slowly these days.

Yuan Feiwu was still the same as usual, and didn't feel that the days had changed.

The first day or two when Lucifer came to Mortal Realm, Yuan Feiwu was a little worried. After a few days of communication, Yuan Feiwu made Lucifer's self-willed personality a little restrained. Finally, he didn't hear any news about Teacher Phil turning over the table one day and beating students or The bad news about Mr. Chen, even the second and second lines such as "you lowly humans" and "those dirty bastards in the heavens" are almost never said again, which is really rare.

Saturday arrived as scheduled, and the banquet started on time at [-]:[-] pm. Of course, each invited guest should try to arrive at a slightly earlier time, but not too early.

It was too early and there was no one there, and it seemed that I was in a hurry and embarrassed.Not to mention being late, it was a complete disrespectful behavior, and the object of the disrespect was Her Royal Highness, wouldn't it be tantamount to ruining one's own future.

Yuan Feiwu saw that it was almost time, and went downstairs with Phil.

Athena's birthday party was held in their family's private castle. Well, strictly speaking, the entire Northway Empire belongs to their family. It seems a bit inappropriate to describe it as a private castle.

The castle is not a short distance away from the Landis School of Magic. It must be too late to walk there, and it would be too impolite to run there. Usually, at this time, one would take a carriage.

There are many horse-drawn carriages rented together with grooms in the city, which are a bit like taxis on Earth, and they are very suitable for Yuan Feiwu to use at such times.

"Master Yuan Feiwu, the carriage subordinates are ready."

When there is no one around, Lucifer strictly abides by his etiquette.

"Thank you, Brother Lucifer."

Yuan Feiwu smiled at Lucifer, walked out of his dormitory lightly, and when he walked out of the compound and looked up, he was startled.

There are three extraordinarily luxurious carriages parked outside the door, allowing the carriages to drive into the Landis Academy of Magic. The identities of the owners of these carriages are definitely not simple.

"Mr. Phil, which one are you preparing?" Yuan Feiwu couldn't help laughing.

"It's too bad, the rent for the carriage has already been paid..." Phil also looked helpless.

While the two were talking to themselves, Ophelia jumped out of one of the carriages and stared angrily at Yuan Feiwu.

Yuan Feiwu feels innocent, it seems that he didn't offend her today, right?

"Didn't I tell you to choose the white suit, white white!" Ophelia stepped over and said angrily.

After Yuan Feiwu tried on the dress that day, Ophelia asked Yuan Feiwu what kind of dresses he used.Of course Yuan Feiwu doesn't care, just say one black and one white, Ophelia immediately named Yuan Feiwu must wear the white one.

Ophelia thinks so, she usually wears black school uniform when she sees Yuan Feiwu, so Athena should wear white on her birthday!
Black and white classic color scheme with black hair and white clothes!Just imagining it makes me crazy!

As a result, as soon as I arrived today, I was already very upset when I saw the carriages of two competitors waiting nearby. Now that Yuan Feiwu is not wearing a white dress, he is even more unhappy.

Ophelia cast a glance at Mr. Phil who followed Yuan around like a shadow all day long, knowing that this guy was the one who did the trick!
Now Mr. Phil is simply Yuan Feiwu’s queen make-up artist. Yuan Feiwu didn’t pay much attention to dressing at all. Fei Wu, Phil purposely made a black outfit Yuan Fei Wu!
Today's Yuan Feiwu dress fits very well. The style of the dress belongs to the dress specially provided for warriors. It has a decent shape and is not cumbersome.Yuan Feiwu also made some changes to his hairstyle, except for a ponytail tied at the back, the hair on the right side was tied into many thin braids, which were fixed with a few black hairpins.Wearing a drop earring on the right ear, the whole person looks completely different from the previous temperament.

Evil charm cool handsome!

Ophelia is convinced that Yuan Feiwu appears at the banquet this time, absolutely no one will misunderstand him as a woman!
But she obviously prefers the gentle and pleasant Yuan Feiwu!Yuan Feiwu like this made her feel very strange!
"Sorry, Mr. Phil said the white set was dirty, so I can only choose the black set." Yuan Feiwu smiled and said.

When Lucifer was dressing up Yuan Feiwu, he said that Yuan Feiwu's appearance was not enough to be a demon king, and he needed to look more like a demon king when attending an important occasion today!Yuan Feiwu didn't understand what it meant to be not enough to be a demon king, but as long as it wasn't too much, Lucifer could do whatever he wanted. In the past two days, he had collected a lot of books on hairstyles, clothing, etc. for retreat and research. If he didn't let him do it, he might get sick.

That sweet smile didn't change.

Seeing this smile, Ophelia felt like Yuan Feiwu had returned.

"Get in the car, I'll take you there."

Ophelia looked at the sky at 45 degrees, and said in a very casual tone.

After a while, Yuan Feiwu didn't respond at all, Ophelia couldn't help but glance ahead, I'll go, Yuan Feiwu is gone!
Not far away, Leicester was leading Yuan Feiwu into his carriage!
A true fan like Lester doesn't care if Yuan Feiwu's outfit today is more masculine or feminine!
"Lester, leave Miss Ben alone!"

Ophelia immediately seemed to have found a point to vent her anger, and rushed over to fight Lester.

The people in the other carriage finally couldn't sit still, and a tall and thin old man stepped down and shouted at the two of them.

"Don't hit, don't hit, it's the princess's birthday, so be safe!"

"Yes! Principal Douglas!"

After Douglas spoke, the two of them dared not compete. They returned to their carriages, and their gazes were all on Yuan Feiwu.

"It's very difficult for you to make classmate Yuan Feiwu like this. How about this, Yuan Feiwu and Mr. Phil take our carriage, there are just two seats left in our carriage."

Douglas chuckled. He didn't expect Yuan Feiwu to be more popular than he imagined. If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have come here to pick up people.These two little fellows were arguing non-stop, and if they didn't make up their own minds, they might really have a fight.

"Okay." Yuan Feiwu naturally didn't care.

"Hey! That... I'm worried that Principal Douglas, your carriage is too crowded!"

Ophelia blurted out these words, and was immediately ashamed.Douglas's carriage is not luxurious, but it is solid enough. There are four seats inside, but it won't be crowded for five or six people.

The meaning of what I said, doesn't it seem like I'm trying to find an excuse to sit with Yuan Feiwu!
"Oops, I almost forgot who is going to pick up for a while! Mr. Phil, you go with us, Yuan Feiwu, you should take Ophelia's car, who are we going to pick up!" Douglas suddenly said .

that whoever?Which who?The other passenger in the car, Livia, didn't understand for a long time.

"Huh?" Ophelia didn't expect Douglas to wink at herself quietly.

Is this...Douglas is helping himself?

"Principal Douglas, it might not be appropriate for Yuan Feiwu to be alone with Ophelia..." Livia said worriedly as she poked her head out of the carriage.

"it's okay no problem……"

Douglas was not polite to his chief disciple, and pushed Livia's head back from the car window with his hand, almost making Ophelia burst out laughing.

Dare to press Livia Magister's head so impolitely, I am afraid that Douglas is the only one in this world.

"Fair, get in the car quickly! That Leicester, get in the car and lead the way, our carriage doesn't know the way!"

"Cut." Phil slightly despised Douglas, this old guy really likes to meddle in his own business.

Seeing Phil being pulled into the car by Douglas, Ophelia was stunned.

With the help of Douglas, she won?
Has she finally made it back? !
"Let's go too."

All the carriages are about to leave, can Yuan Feiwu make other choices?He simply opened the car door first, helped Ophelia into the car in a gentlemanly manner, and then got into the car and set off together.

(End of this chapter)

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