Chapter 690

Bielun hesitated outside for a long time, but in the end he didn't go in to see what happened to Yuan Feiwu.

He still needs a period of psychological construction before he can face Yuan Feiwu, because the feeling of betrayal and disgust are constantly entangled with his previous emotions, which makes Bielun feel very uncomfortable. He doesn't know what expression to take when seeing Yuan Feiwu face.

So he called a few soldiers to watch the camp, and also sent a few experts to prevent Yuan Feiwu from escaping around the clock.

In addition, ask the soldiers to find food and send it in now as the delivery time, to see if Yuan Feiwu is injured or anything.

The fact that Yuan Feiwu is a fallen angel has spread throughout the Tianlong Army. After all, he didn't restrain himself at all just now. He flew back with wings flapping openly. The city is being defended, so how could the other officers and soldiers not be seen.

Those soldiers didn't know how to face the general they once respected very much, but they couldn't be as capricious as Bielun, who made them just younger brothers!
After they brought out the meal after a while, Bie Lun was worried about Yuan Feiwu's injury, so he asked them anxiously how Yuan Feiwu was doing and if he needed to call in medical staff.

"That... General Yuan, no, the prisoner doesn't seem to be injured. When we delivered the food, he was... he was... he was repairing the top of the tent, and he borrowed needles and thread from us. By the way, he also said that the tent is not He broke it, so he's not going to lose money..."

Those soldiers didn't know what expressions to use to explain this matter. After all, no matter what they said, they looked old and outmoded.

Alright, Belun turned his head and left.He's used to it, and as long as things get involved, it's always unpredictable.

The next few days were quite difficult for Belun and the others.

The mercenaries attacked the Fengguo Empire from the southwest. The interior of the Fengchu Empire was empty, and the mercenaries were in full swing. They took down the key border cities within three days.It's a pity that at this time, the news that Yuan Feiwu is a fallen angel has spread throughout the mainland, causing a lot of repercussions.Especially the Northway Empire and the Tost Empire involved, the military, government and civilian circles are all arguing.

Belun and the others never expected that just one of their deputy heads being exposed as a fallen angel would attract so much discussion!
All of a sudden, a lot of doubts rushed over, almost drowning Northway.

The Tianlong Army is on the front line, and except for occasional news of unrest among the masses from other places, it has basically not received much pressure.But they also knew from the news they got that Northway's top management must have been messed up.

Now Northway can be said to be in a big crisis. If he can't give an explanation to the people of the world and clean up his relationship with the fallen angels, including the people in his own territory, even the Bagal Empire, which has already surrendered, will be in trouble.

This is a principled issue that cannot be compromised and cannot be discussed. The Northway Empire must not be fooled casually, otherwise the people's hearts will not return, coupled with some people who want to provoke, wars will break out at any time.Even the mercenary regiments were affected, and the offensive stopped. They had to figure out whether they were fighting for the mercenary king, or a person who had an inexplicable relationship with the demons.If it is the latter, they would rather quit the mercenary group.

This is what Livia, Belun and others are worried about, and the great situation of the Northway Empire has been disrupted.

These are just headaches for the Northway executives, and they are enough to upset the Tianlong Army, because they can't completely ignore them!But what really troubles the Tianlong Army is still inside.

That's Yuan Feiwu!
They are already considered half prisoners, and they don't have the slightest self-knowledge!
The guy stretched out of the tent early the next morning, and greeted the guards outside very kindly.


Being baptized by such a clean and beautiful smile early in the morning, I feel refreshed all day long!
After having fun, the Sky Warrior realized that this person is no longer their deputy head!An extremely dangerous fallen angel!
Thinking of this, Sky Warrior called out to the other soldiers who also hadn't reacted, and hurriedly chased after them.

Seeing Yuan Feiwu walking slowly on the road, the sky samurai couldn't say anything tough, so he could only force his tone to be more aggressive, and asked him what he wanted to do.

"Walk around."

Well, this guy is really hanging around.

Later, when I saw someone working in the farmland, I simply rolled up my sleeves and went in to help. This busy work lasted a whole day.

Hearing the soldiers' reply, Belun couldn't laugh or cry, so you just let the prisoners run around? What kind of guards are these?What kind of prisoner is this if he has nothing to do and runs to farm?Do you have any self-knowledge?Also, brother, if you have time to farm, why not advise the Tianlong Army on what to do next!
No, maybe it was his conspiracy to lead himself into such a misunderstanding?He can no longer let a fallen angel guide their army!

Belun also convened an emergency meeting specifically for this matter, and all the senior generals came together to study Yuan Feiwu's behavior, whether he deliberately pretended to be fine and then engaged in some kind of conspiracy.

Everyone thought about it for a long time, but of course they couldn't think of a reason.

"Damn it, I didn't expect us to be fooled by a fallen angel for so long!" A general saw that he was in a stalemate, so he said angrily.

"Let me be fair. General Yuan doesn't seem to have played with us, has he? His equipment research and development, his advice, and his repeated achievements. I didn't find that he did any bad things to us. On the contrary, all his achievements are related to him. Related. I don't think we should be so extreme, even if he is a fallen angel." General Rosti can be said to be the one who admires Yuan Feiwu the most, so he couldn't help but speak at this time.

When Rosti spoke, everyone fell silent.

The generals and Rosti have similar temperaments, Rosti can admire Yuan Feiwu so much, how much worse can the others be?Everyone knows what he meant, otherwise how could they give a fallen angel so many privileges, live in a tent, eat and drink, and move freely?It's not bad if you don't kill it with a knife!

It's because he still doesn't want to be his enemy!

"Not now, doesn't mean it doesn't exist, maybe it's just that we didn't see it!" Adam said.

Adam's words caused everyone to nod frequently, they just needed such a point of view to numb themselves, otherwise it would not be a good idea to keep thinking about Yuan Wuwu in their hearts.

As a result, a high-level meeting eventually turned into a brainwashing meeting, and finally broke up unhappy.Everyone was depressed, and felt that a big rock was weighing heavily on their hearts.

Two days later, the Tianlong Army welcomed another distinguished guest from the palace.

They had only met this distinguished guest not long ago, and it was Jiawen who brought the decision of Northway's top management.

For this Jiawen, everyone in the Tianlong Army is quite speechless.

When Belun had an extraordinary relationship with Yuan Feiwu, and she was the first to rush to rescue Yuan Feiwu when Yuan Feiwu was besieged by the masters of the Fengshou Empire, it also proved that this extraordinary relationship was reliable.But after being rescued, Yuan Feiwu was strictly guarded by them, and she ignored it again, leaving early and saying that she would go back to return to her life, and she couldn't see what she meant about Xin Yuanfeiwu.

Coming to the Tianlong Army again this time was already a national decision, but he acted like a businessman and never asked about Yuan Feiwu's situation.

Does that mean you want to distance yourself from Yuan Feiwu?It's too much to find out that someone is a fallen angel and have to separate the relationship so as not to cause trouble for the upper body!
They haven't thought about how they have given themselves psychological training these days, and they are not qualified to criticize others.

"'Sinner Yuan Feiwu concealed his identity as a fallen angel and mixed into the Tianlong Army, perhaps with a huge conspiracy of the demons. Now that his identity as a fallen angel has been confirmed, Nuo Siwei will be cautious and arrest him for strict interrogation. Nuo Everything about Sway has nothing to do with the demons. When Yuan Feiwu is interrogated and the truth comes out, the conspiracy of the demons will definitely be made public!' Everyone, the above is the news announced by the Northway Empire. Please be clear. And I I came here to take Yuan Feiwu back to the palace prison for interrogation."

Jiawen's voice was like the sound of heaven, and everyone was mesmerized by it.But after hearing the content clearly, they couldn't be happier.

Obviously, the Nuo Siwei Empire also wants to distance itself from Yuan Feiwu.

This is also no way, right?But it sounds really unpleasant.

(End of this chapter)

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