Chapter 691 Reflection

"What about people?"

Jiawen saw that they all froze after accepting the order, so he could only ask aloud.

It was only then that Bielun and the others came to their senses. The purpose of Jiawen's coming here was not only to inform them of the decisions made by the higher-ups, but also to escort the prisoners away.

"Miss Jiawen, wait a moment, I'll go and bring the prisoner here!" Bielun let Jiawen rest in the tent, and walked towards Yuan Feiwu's tent with a few generals.

Now that the matter is so big, Bielun also attaches great importance to it, so he simply went to take the prisoner himself.

It's just that when they came to Yuan Feiwu's camp, they couldn't find anyone. After several inquiries, they found out that Yuan Feiwu went to the field again.

A few people hurried on their way, and soon found Yuan Feiwu who was doing farm work in the fields, and they all sighed subconsciously when they saw his leisurely look.

The protagonist at the center of the vortex doesn't have any sense of ownership at all, can you give me some tension?The next step is to send them to the palace prison, which is not a place where prisoners above the crime of treason are not eligible to enter. Not to mention how brutal and terrifying the interrogation is, but only in terms of the results, the lightest punishment for the prisoners inside is beheading for public display!No one came out alive after entering, and there were quite a few Manchus who copied and beheaded their own family members!He still has such a leisurely and contented appearance, which is really unbearable.

Do you really want to put Yuan Feiwu in such a terrible place?
Such a hesitation appeared in the hearts of several people.

"Grass, you can't even run away..." Adam even murmured softly.

Yes, they also thought about what to do if Yuan Feiwu escaped.He had thought of this possibility, but Bielun didn't say that he would deploy more defensive efforts. He knew in his heart that it would be easier if he were to be run away.What Livia told me is strict surveillance, the surveillance is very strict, every second is monitored, but there is nothing we can do if he takes the opportunity to escape, right?Fallen angels fly faster and can fight than ordinary practitioners, so it's not too much to be unable to defend.

It's a pity that this person doesn't seem to want to run at all.What a waste of a great opportunity given to him!

"Yuan Feiwu, from today onwards you will be handed over to the imperial guards, now you will come with us." Bielun walked over, and his usually loud voice sounded weak for some reason today.

"Okay, let's go."

Yuan Feiwu picked up a bucket he had brought and walked out of the field. On the way out, he didn't forget to continue watering the umbrella vegetables that were about to grow taller.

Suddenly, Belun saw the soldiers who were farming in the field. Slowly, one by one, they flew towards Yuan and stood at attention, saluted as a soldier, and their eyes were red.

These soldiers felt the deepest. Knowing that Yuan Feiwu was a fallen angel at the time, they couldn't accept it in their hearts, but watching Yuan Feiwu work in the field for several days, there was no change from the way they saw him before.

He doesn't have the airs of a general, and now he doesn't have the airs of a fallen angel. He is just a cute and hardworking big boy next door.

Yuan Feiwu is a fallen angel, but Yuan Feiwu is still that Yuan Feiwu.As long as it's still Yuan Feiwu, that's enough for them to respect.

Seeing this, the psychological construction of Bi Lun and the others collapsed in an instant. Obviously, Yuan Feiwu has never done anything to apologize to them, and even helped them reach their current heights. What is the difference between what they are doing now and revenge?
Adam couldn't help but wiped away tears and rushed up to grab Yuan Feiwu's shoulder, shouting with snot and tears: "Brother Wu, you are not a spy of the demon clan, right? I know you must have difficulties, you You didn't deliberately get close to me and set up a relationship with me, right? You didn't use Xiao Wu to deceive my feelings, did you?"

"I'm really not a spy of the demon clan... I didn't intend to have a relationship with you... Xiao Wu didn't say that I have feelings for you..." Yuan Feiwu's face was full of black lines, this person has a good brain , the only bad thing is that there is no self-knowledge and can't understand people's words.

It seems that he has been stalking him like a follower from the beginning to the end, right?

But that's all, Yuan Feiwu stuffed the bucket into his hand, and pointed behind him.

When Adam looked back, he was startled. What happened to the branches of this orange tree, it looked so postmodern!

Take a closer look, what kind of orange tree is it? It is the orange tree branch grafting that Yuan Feiwu taught him to use the stems of umbrella vegetables.Now those branches are growing happily, and the fruits are a little bigger.

"When watering, water it around the stem of the umbrella vegetable and pour it into the soil. Don't pour it on its head stupidly." Yuan Feiwu said, "After I leave, it will be returned to your hands. All life should be treated kindly, not to mention this is the life you re-given."

Yuan Feiwu patted his shoulder, turned and left.Belun and the others took a few beats to react, and quickly followed.

And Adam stood there blankly, he had completely forgotten about the orange tree he had grafted by himself, it turned out that Yuan Feiwu had been taking care of it all along, living so nourishingly.

A person who teaches himself that inheritance is also a meaning of life, he does not believe that he is an evil person, and he can no longer force himself to hate the other party.

He didn't react until he realized that his tears and snot could almost wet the ground here. At this time, it was dark, and he rushed towards the conference hall.

It was only in the past that I discovered that the Nima conference hall was surrounded by a large number of people, and Bielun and a few generals were yelled outside and burned out.

"What crime did General Yuan commit? Why did you take him away!" "Fallen angels are fallen angels. They bit you and cut you off? Jealous of their handsome parents, shameless you!" "Don't even think about it , Without General Yuan, you would all starve to death, you bastards who will repay you for your kindness!"

When Adam walked in and listened, he didn't know well, who could be scolding so fiercely, those old people in the city!Aunt Dage took her head and pointed at Bielun and the others with her fingers, scolding so fiercely.

These guys really can't do anything about it. Now they are teachers of benevolence and righteousness, and their reputation for being kind to the people spreads to every corner of Star Luo Continent. Wouldn't it be a slap in the face to be rough at this time?But Yuan Feiwu is the only one who can hold down this group of old people... So they can only try to appease the crowd.

But at this time, Adam watched the old people poke their noses and scold them, which was quite exciting, and it was worth reflecting on.Look what they did to Yuan Feiwu?So what about the fallen angels? Is the previous kindness going to be written off?They are really not as good as these old people...

"Everyone be quiet, General Yuan will be guarded by me!"

With a roar, Adam came to the front of the meeting hall with a jump and some tumbling, such a handsome appearance made the common people quiet down a bit.

"Who am I talking about? It turns out it's a mean red-haired boy! You only came out to speak out when everyone was taken away. Did you make a mistake?"

Aunt Dage was of course the first to demolish him.After saying this, everyone will accuse him one after another. He is only talking big here after he was arrested. Why didn't he save people when he was there?

"Captain Belun, where's Brother Wu? Was he taken away?"

Adam didn't know that he had been crying for so long!
Nima, he never cried so sad when he couldn't find Xiao Wu!
"Take it away! You don't want to make trouble anymore, first persuade them to leave. At least you still have a name with them, so you should still be able to talk, right? We just call them beasts, how desolate." When Lun saw Adam coming over, he immediately took away a lot of firepower, and he felt a little relieved.

As a high-ranking leader of the Tianlong Group Army, he has been scolded here for almost half an hour, what a grievance!

Adam was depressed, "Mean red-haired boy" can this be called a name?Is what Bielun said a compliment?
"Okay!" Adam turned around and gave a military salute to the crowd behind him, "Don't worry, everyone, I promise everyone, I will go back and write a letter immediately and send it to my father. He is the commander of the First Army of Northway. General Yuan intercede! General Yuan will be fine!"

"Huh? I didn't expect this mean red hair to be the son of the head of the First Army? You said there must be an inside story, otherwise how could he be qualified to fight with General Yuan based on his sloppy appearance." "No matter what he has The waste material can be considered useful now, I heard that the army commander at Northway is very important, and he should be able to save General Yuan, right?" "Then you go and go, if you can't save it, let's see how I deal with you!"

The people talked a lot, although their words pierced Adam's heart like sharp arrows, but the people slowly dispersed.

"Well, I'll also go back and edit a book to intercede with Fei Wu. What's wrong with the fallen angel? It hasn't been so long with us! I believe he must have some difficulties!" Bielun took off his helmet After getting down, he hurried back to his camp.

The other generals looked at each other in blank dismay, and all went back to their tents except those who were on duty.The head of the group has written it all, let's write it yourself, talk is better than nothing!

(End of this chapter)

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